Noah needs some budies

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Noah Scott

Well-Known Member
Well this is Noah, you will rarely find him with out his nose in a book, unless of course hes playing his guitar :p. I'm looking for a few friends for Noah to hang with, and a girlfriend, because he loves being in love. Noah is friendly and outgoing so making friends with him wouldn't be a hard thing to do. He goes to HS so people who go there would be awesome, but it really doesn't matter that much. As for a girlfriend hes the kind of guy who will take whatever hecan get, even if shes the spawn of satan herself, I actually think that would be kinda funny.
I can offer Willow as a friend seeing as she used to go to HS. I don't know about a girlfriend seeing as she is a bit of a potty mouth and a hot head.
I have a 14th year old girl, who is a bit pissed as she didn't got accepted at HNZ, so, she's going to transfer at HS. She's sweet, kind, caring and loving to everyone except to those who are bad and she's intelligent too.
I have Emiko here. She is sweet, kind and loves ice-cream (just thought I'd throw that in there). She could be what-ever you would prefer her to be, she goes to Beauxbatons, and she has a younger twin, who is abit too over protective, so, that would be a bit of a challenge.
Ana - Sounds good, I think they could be good friends ^_^. Would you like to start the rp or should I?
Meiling - She sounds perfect for Noah, would you like to start the rp or should I?
Emiko - I think they could be friends :]. Would you like to start the rp or should I?
Lily could be a friend. Or girlfriend if you want. She's turning 14 in September.

Lily likes to act, climb, and read. She is adventurous and isn't afraid to stand up for what is right. She's a Hufflepuff Third Year at HS.
I have Aiden Titus- an HS fifth year Gryffindor who enjoys Quidditch and who trouble always seems to find.
I could do with getting him some friends at HS.. or even enemies. I'm up for whatever :D
For some reason I read Noah's age as 14. :doh: Sorry. I can see why she's too young.

And mentor would be better, maybe to get her more in to reading? Because right now she prefers climbing and acting.
Aiden - Sounds awesome, I think maybe they could be friends/annoyances. Like there so different that sometimes there friends and others... Yeah I know, I make no sense sometimes :tut: .

Lily - Okay, maybe we could say Noah is tutoring Lily or something?
I have Lola Mason who is a 5th year Ravenclaw at HNZ. She's a total bookworm and she actually plays the guitar and sings (though that isn't a talent that anyone, but her family knows about). She's slowly starting to come out of her shell just a little bit, but is still for the most part a very shy. They could perhaps be pen-pals or something of the sort if you wish. I'm open for her being a girlfriend, friend, whatever you'd like. Just let me know :D
Can you please start it?
(It's Aiden Titus)
Would you like to RP? I can start something, if you like :) Especially as it's a new school year :D
Hey its Emiko/Kaoru sorry I took awhile, but if you still wanna rp, Im good for it :)
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