Open No Plans

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Jordan Harris

Musician- Energetic- Friendly- Cuddly
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
21 (12/7/2041)
Jordie had no real plans for the dance. He supposed he should, but after skipping out on the Hufflepuff victory party he knew he couldn't just stay in his room. He went down to the dance, listening to the headmistress speak before walking over to the snacks table. If he was being honest, he wanted to dance. He loved dancing. But he was sure that no one would want to dance with him. He should have asked Weston or Isaiah or anyone really to come with him, but he hadn't thought of it before coming here. He picked a few cookies and sat down at an open table, watching the dance floor longingly. He hoped Kiara was having fun with her date.
Elara was a little sad she didn't have an "official" group or dates for the dance, but she hoped to spot Maggi or Salem around so they could hang out together. Not truly interested in dating yet, she thought it was kind of silly how much pressure the older students seemed to put on these things. Did she think a certain Gryffindor boy was cute? Sure, but that didn't mean she wanted to do anything about it. She walked in, struggling to adjust to her high heels and quickly found an empty seat at a nearby table. Plopping down, she took the pressure off her feet and noticed one of her classmates sitting at the same spot. "Oh, were you saving this for somebody?" she asked, hoping he said no so she wouldn't have to stand so soon. Seven flights of stairs in heels is no fun.
Isaiah hadn't thought he'd be super stoked for the valentine's dance, yet here he was keen to get there. He didn't exactly know why so he figured the most logical thing to do was to blame it on the rose deliveries. All of that happy energy would surely have the power to get him excited. Plus he knew he'd be able to hang out with some of his friends, he just needed to find them first. As he entered the hall Zay looked around, distracted by the house-elves and their costumes for a second before noticing Jordie and El. Grabbing a cookie from the snack table on his way over he let himself fall down onto one of the empty seats at the table, grinning at his friends. "I see I've found the fun table."
Jordie looked up as a girl came over, and smiled easily. "Hi Elara! No, please sit," he waved his hand at the chair, looking at her outfit. "I love the dress. Those shoes are killer," he complimented her, looking up when he saw someone else sitting with him. He smiled widely, his eyes lighting up. "Hey, Zay!" Jordie offered out a closed fist for a bump, laughing lightly.
Elara grinned when Jordan complimented her and felt the sudden urge to take off her shoes. "Thanks! It was my sister Etka's dress. She's really short so I can wear grown-up looking things she doesn't want anymore. I like your outfit as well!" Holding her legs slightly above the ground, she grinned even harder when Zay joined them. "It's a full on party over here," she said, giving a little dance in her chair. "I didn't see where they had cookies," she said suddenly, looking around where Zay may have gotten his snack.
Isaiah was quite pleased he had managed to spot not one but two of his friends so quickly. Bonus points for them sitting at the same table, which had meant he had been able to just casually drop down and join them. "Sup dude." He gave a little nod of his head, grinning when Jordie held out his fist for him to bump which he happily did. "You know there's an actual dancefloor for that right?" Zay joked when Elara did a little dance whilst she was sitting on a chair. He wasn't sure why his friends were even sitting and while he was cool with it for now it probably wouldn't take long for him to get bored of it and drag them over to the dancefloor. "Snack tables." He replied with a small shrug when Elara mentioned the cookie. He mindlessly broke it in half and held one of the pieces out for her to take, before looking up at Jordie. "I mean I'd give you a piece too, bro, but looks like you're already set." Zay grinned, nodding at Jordie's cookies. Had he broken his own cookie in two before realizing he probably should've broken it in three? Yes, he did. Was he therefore relieved to notice Jordie already had some cookies of his own? Even more so. Although he likely would've just handed his own piece over to his friend if he didn't already have his own.
Jordie chuckled, already pleased thinking that Isaiah would most likely want to dance with him. Maybe they could drag Elara along too? He smiled as Zay spoke, shaking his head and sliding another cookie to both of them. "I'm good. I can share too," he told his friend, winking playfully and laughing.
Elara's eyes widened when both of her friends started sharing their cookies with her and quickly bit into the half Zay had shared. "These are really good," she said, mouthful of crumbs. While they were pretty well fed at the castle, she always appreciated any extra goodies at these events. "Are you here with anyone," she asked the boys curiously, thinking they could group up for the night if they were all going stag.
Isaiah grinned when Jordie slid both of them another cookie, not having doubted for a second that was exactly what his friend would do. He happily took it though. Starting off with one cookie, moving on to just half a cookie but ending up with one and a half sounded like a pretty solid deal. "Rule number one, always head for the snacks first." Zay laughed, always a little worried that if he didn't do exactly that he'd either forget or all of the good snacks would be gone. Both seemed incredibly unlikely, but still he figured there was no harm in passing the snack table first at any of these dances. "Nah." He shook his head at Elara's question before taking another bite of his cookie as he waited for Jordie to answer. "You guys wanna go dance?" He asked after stuffing the rest of the cookie into his mouth, not too keen on sitting around for the rest of the evening.
Jordie chuckled at Zays comment, eating his own cookie. He finished it and shook his head at Elara's question. "Nope! No plan, no date, no clue," he laughed lightly. "But I ran into two cool cats so I am definitely alright," he teased, winking playfully at both of them. His eyes lit. up. when Isaiah asked if they wanted to dance. He was on his feet in an instant, holding out both hands. "You know me so well," he laughed delightedly, looking to Elara. "If you don't want to dance in those heels, I will absolutely trade you shoes," he told her, offering up his sneakers.
Elara was glad the two boys were free to hang out with her and quickly scarfed down the cookie when they wanted to dance. "You can have your turn with the heels later - I want to show them off right now," she giggled, unsure if Jordan would actually wear them, but either way, he was welcome to once her feet became tired again. Taking the Hufflepuff's hand, she quickly rushed to the dance floor, hoping the two would follow, and starting spinning a fast paced song that was playing.
Isaiah let out a laugh when Jordie called them 'cool cats', which sounded anything but cool in his own head. He grinned when he seemed excited about dancing though, glad his friends weren't planning on sitting around for the rest of the night. Zay had to admit he hadn't even noticed Elara's shoes untill Jordie mentioned them. "Dude, those look like you could kill someone with them." He exclaimed as he managed to grab Jordie's hand just in time for Elara to drag them both of onto the dancefloor. Once there he started to show off his best dance moves, which were all obviously extremely terrible.
Natalia didn't really know why she bothered dressing up for these events anymore. She had tried her best to look presentable, the way her mother would want her to be. But she was in for another night of just standing by the sidelines by herself, being ignored. The girl became aware of a group of kids in her year, laughing and talking and being loud together. She scowled as she heard them talk about dancing, then shot them a dirty look as she saw they headed towards the dance floor. She crossed her arms in front of herself, feeling frustrated.

You guys don't have to react to Natalia I just wanted to post as her :p
((Now now Daph you didn't think Jordie wouldn't notice his bestest friend did you? ;) ))

Jordie laughed brightly, holding both their hands in his. There was a slight movement in the corner of his eye and he turned, spotting Natalia against the wall. He gasped dramatically and stopped, pulling back on his hands to slow the others. "Guys, guys, wait!" He chattered, looking more to Natalia. "Nat is over there by herself! Zay!" Jordie protested, turning to look at his friend with pleading eyes, just knowing that Isaiah would understand.
Elara eyed Zay and then gasped as an idea popped inside her chaotic little head. "Maybe I could keep my wand in them!" she said, looking down at her shoes before quickly losing Jordie's hand and seeing one of their classmates nearby. She had tried to speak to the Slytherin before, but the girl had been rather standoffish, and all Elara had really wanted to do was help. "She can come dance with us?" she suggested to the group, unclear if the boys were close with Natalia.
Isaiah looked at Elara a little surprised when she mentioned keeping her wand in her shoes, looking down to try and figure out how that would even work. He looked back up when he heard Jordie gasp, curious about whatever it was his friend had spotted. "Who's Na-" Zay started confused, not bothering to finish his sentence when he noticed who Jordie and Elara were now looking at. "Uh, I don't know, dude. I don't think she likes me very much." He started, but when Jordie turned to face him and El chimed in as well he already knew there was no way this wasn't happening. Even if he thought Natalia wasn't a lot of fun he knew it was the nice thing to do though. If he'd ever be standing to the side on his own he'd probably be glad if someone invited them over, so perhaps somewhere deep inside she would to. Although he highly doubted it. "Alrighty. Mission 'get grumpy to have fun' is a go." Zay laughed, nodding at El in agreement before motioning for Jordie to lead the way.
Natalia froze when she thought she saw the group looking at her. Had they seen her staring? She felt her cheeks turn pink and she quickly turned her head away, pretending a nearby decoration was very interesting. She then glanced at her classmates out of the corner of her eye, hoping they had gone on with whatever they had been doing.
Jordie's eyes lit up as the others agreed. He turned and hurried over, skipping over to Natalia. "Nat, Nat! Do you wanna come dance with us?" He asked, practically bouncing and offering out both of his hands to the other girl. "Come on, it will be fun!"
Elara could see Zay was somewhat unsure about interacting with Natalia, but Jordie seemed convinced it was going to happen. Elara walked over to Natalia with Jordie and gave her a warm smile. "We can get cookies," she added, thinking maybe the girl was food motivated. Unsure, she gave a shrug at Zay but kept smiling. She wouldn't want anyone to spend the dance alone.
Isaiah casually strolled after his friends as they made their way over to Natalia, trying to suppress his laughter at Jordie's excitement and the fact that he called her Nat. He nodded along when Jordie asked if she wanted to come dance with them and El added they could also get cookies. "It'll probably be more fun than hanging out alone." Zay added to what his friends had already said with a small smile. "Unless you like hanging out alone.. which is cool as well, I guess." He shrugged, also not wanting to pressure her into hanging out with them if she didn't want to.
Natalia bit back a groan when she saw Jordan skip over to her. There went her hopes of them ignoring her. She was embarrassed that they had probably caught her staring at them, and tilted her chin up slightly, attempting to look down her nose at all three of them. "No." She told Jordan. "I don't want to dance with you. I don't want cookies either." She said, crossing her arms. "I'm just waiting for my friends." She lied, regretting it immediately. Most people had probably seen her spend most of her time by herself by now and would know that to be a lie.
Jordie pouted as Natalia turned them down, his shoulders dropping a little. "Aw, come on, please Nat?" He asked, tilting his head and giving her his best puppy dog eyes. "Just one dance. Pretty please?" He asked again, though he was prepared to leave again if she continued to turn them down.
Nate hated these dances. Valentines especially. Why didn't he have a girlfriend to go with yet? He'd been popular at his old school, and dated plenty of girls then. Even if they usually broke up by the end of the day, and all he'd ever had was a kiss on the cheek, it still counted. Most magical girls were weird and too likely to hex him. He brooded around the edge of the hall, thinking about how much better his muggle school discos had been. There were way more lights, and real music pumping through the speakers. Songs he actually knew and could dance to with his friends. He missed his friends. It sucked being without them. He'd noticed Natalia nearby, just as by herself as he was, but as he considered going over to her (mostly to tell her how much better muggle parties were), she was joined by some of their classmates. He frowned. Even she had friends now? He rolled his eyes, about to walk away before he realised that she didn't look too happy to see them. Maybe they weren't her friends after all. "Natalia!" He called out, waving a hand to give her an opportunity to escape and maybe hang out with him instead.​
Elara wasn't surprised when Natalia seemed disinterested in their offer to dance and looked back at Zay with a shrug. He seemed to be more on her side of just accepting the circumstances and moving on, but things quickly changed when another one of their classmates that she was rather unfamiliar with made his way towards their group. "We shouldn't have to force somebody to join us, Jordan. Sorry to bother you, Natalia," she said, giving her a soft smile.
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