No one on the corner got swagga' like us :P

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Ashlynn Lee

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Okay, so here's Ashlynn Haewon Lee. Or you could just call her Ash. She's Korean, 11, Muggle-born, and plans to either be an artist or singer when she grows up.
She needs some frans! She makes friends easily, and she's a very good friend herself. When people first meet her, she puts up a kinda skeptical front, but that goes away pretty quickly. She has a good sense of humor, somewhat sarcastic, but she loves to laugh and smile.
She doesn't have many enemies since she's rather patient, but if she cracks, you can be 90% sure she won't forgive. Enemies are generally enemies for life.
Lovers...well she's a bit too young at the time, but she's up for future ones. She tends to see everyone as friends and nothing more, so she'd have to know the person really well for her to like him.

Personality (straight from development):
"Ashlynn is usually very chill. She’s down-to-earth and realistic about things. She usually doesn’t try very hard at life and prefers to just have fun with whatever comes her way, but when she feels like it, she can be very strong and determined and confident in her abilities although not to the point of stupidity. She loves laughing and being happy, and she also loves to see others laugh. People who know her often call her a little ray of sunshine. Laughter is like medicine to her. For her young age, Ashlynn is rather thoughtful although she tends not to show her more “intelligent and deep” side. She’s quite straightforward with things and can be blunt, which has ended up hurting other people. She almost never means for her words to be hurtful though. However, there are those exceptions when she hates certain people. Ashlynn can be very mean when she wants; she’s usually patient and tolerant, but once she cracks, she usually holds grudges and is unforgiving. Those who she loves, she is very loyal to and they know they can trust her with anything."

Here's her development thread if you wanna know more:

I have Faxen that you can be friends with. She has endless entergy and never tires. She's a bit impatient and some would say careless though its more like she has no fear. She is very musical, already she plays Piano and Guitar since it isn't hard for her to pick up an instrument. She is the fourth of five children. Her mother owns Ollivanders as well as Natural Magic. I already created a bio on her if you want to look at it for more information!
"I'll be the captain!!" Was in the wrong costume (pirate costume). "Yarrr!" Wait.. this isn't pirate of the Caribbean?

~Ran to the backstage and changes the costume~

Enters with a charming smile... {sorry I gotta do this, it's funn :p}

*Jumping* Pick me pick me!!
A friend that had known her for a very long time, a best friend since he was little... Collin's a nice 11 years old boy who has a Korean step-mother. However, he is Chinese and practically grew up in America but had been living in asia for several years. He had enjoyed art very much, and he love reading books. He spent much of his time in his private library to read romance book or other classics, or random.

To know further about Collin, click on this link ====>At your own risk!!

(P.S To make it official:p)
Faxen: Sounds good! Ash is also really into music, even though she's more of the vocal type, so maybe they could practice that together? Ash is also a little "crazy" and hyper. They sound pretty similar actually! Since she seems to know some stuff about Hogwarts, perhaps she might be able to inform Ash about it since she knows pretty much zero, except that people learn magic there ;P

Collin: LOL hi! So I read over Collin’s bio and since both their parents are divorced, there’s another thing they have in common! XP They would definitely understand each other. After seeing each other after a whole bunch of years, they’re probably going to try to spend more time with each other, but Ash would always be clueless XD
Cherie should meet Ashlynn, too!

She's pretty much like her brother (though she would never admit it). She likes to flirt and stuff like that. She's used to being popular and a "Queen Bee". She likes to annoy her twin brother (of course!) but only enjoys art. She doesn't like reading like her brother. She's talkative and nice but can be a little snobby at times. How does it sound?
Cherie: Ah! Collin’s sister! Since Collin and Ash are childhood friends, Ash is most likely going to have met Cherie too. They’d probably be good friends; maybe all three of them could’ve been playmates when they were younger. And then Ash sees Cherie again and maybe is surprised that she’s become so flirtatious and stuff. But of course, she’d be glad to see her again.
That would work out nicely! Faxen can sing too she is just slightly shy about it in front of people. It sounds like they will get along though! Would you like to have an rp?
*gives Collin an odd look* I don't know that guy. Don't ask me who he is.
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