No one but a Broom.

Scarlet Frost

Tuscan Charms Beater • Gryffindor Alumni
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Chestnut Wand 14" Sturdy with Boomslang Venom
Scarlet was sitting on the edge of the grandstand, her legs hanging off the edge and her broom standing next to her, the air was crisp with the cool snap rolling in and the seasons changed, she shivered slightly, her ears tucked into her warm beanie to try help with the chill. The Gryffindor had some free time for once, she wasn't practicing or getting into trouble, she was caught up with all her studying and her mother was away at a training session with the charmers.
She rubbed her pale hands together trying to stop her fingertips from changing to red the same colour as the house she belonged to.
Scarlet wasn't sure if she wanted to fly or what to do, her life revolved around the sport and without any set plans she was lost. She looked over to her broom which she would consider her only friend if that was even possible and sighed 'Anything you want to do today?' she joked with herself.

"Are you talking to me?"

A voice came from behind her, as he popped out into view. He had been watching her from a couple bench seats above. Watching and waiting for the moment she would take off like any adrenaline junkie like himself. That moment never came, he almost grew bored and stood to do exactly what he had been waiting for. She spoke, Syrus question the lonely girl.

"Fly, what else is there to do besides that?"
He smiles wildly, his famous toothless smile appearing on his face. To most, what he probably did was creepy, he would say so himself. But what better way to get better at flying? Syrus mounted his broomstick, balancing leveled on both feet.
A voice came from behind her and she was startled, she turned around to see who was speaking to her and kicked on leg back over the edge so she could keep her balance. 'Oh, Uh, No, Myself' she said to the boy who had appeared to have been sitting near her for a while without her noticing.

The Boy seemed to encourage her to fly and she smirked 'There's not a moment in the day where i'm not flying, planning to fly or have just flown.' she half murmured to herself, the idea seemed trivial, she was at the pitch, broom ready but not flying, for once she had no team or no one to fly with and from watching other kids fly around with their friends she almost yearned for that companionship, Scarlet picked up her broom from it's position next to her 'I was talking to my Broom actually' she added, digging herself deeper in the hole she had already dug.
Syrus suspects she hadn't touched her broom in days. Maybe weeks even. Though he pretends that he knows everything about flying, when he probably no where at her level of expertise. Not everyone needed to know that in fact he a muggel born wizard.

"Your broom?" He says as he attempt to levitate in midair. The cub clutch his broom with both hands, then with one. To show off, is a subconscious mind set. He tried balancing with a hand. Keyword, tried.

"Yeah, what it'd say?" Syrus snickers. At least she own a broom! He would be dead if he brought one home. "How long have you had it? Looks better than this sh--THING, that I'm using." The thing wobble after he said those words. Syrus went back to clutching with both hands.
The Boy questioned her actions, talking to a broom wasn't common and she wasn't sure why she expected him to accept that as normal 'Yeah, I was asking it what it wanted to do today...' she said half blushing at the situation she had caught herself in. Talking to her broom like a crazy person.

Asking what the broom said she lifted it up again and looked at the shaft 'Not Much actually, I think it got a little shy when it noticed we had an audience' she said with a hint of sarcasm, she hoped the boy didn't think she was serious, she looked at the broom then back to the boy 'I was only kidding, it didn't talk' she added trying to save her shame but realizing after the words had left her lips that by saying what she did she was just sounding more and more crazy.
'So, Uh...' she said changing the subject as quickly as she could, but the boy beat her too it with another question about her Broom comparing it to his own 'This one is probably a year old, Mum and I haven't made any brooms in a while' she said remembering the times her mother and her spent in the broom shed at their house designing new brooms together, carving the shaft. The boy himself seemed pretty unsatisfied with his own broom she held out the one in her hands 'I can get one of my old ones if you want? I can ask mum to send it to me, it's currently just in the shed at home?' she asked
Syrus brows arched, a mixture confusing and amusement read his face. Weird. She a weird one. Weirder than him? What's consider normal these days, he had no room to judge! His family thought of him as hyper bomb. Always messing up, and screwing around with everything. Literally. Aging has slowed him down, in some area of his brain. His mom very thankful for that.

"Are you fo-SERIOUS?!" Words came out, some a little shouting. The boy examine the girl's broom, which he thought was pretty cool. A broom maker?! Someone's mom, crafty in the art of broom making?! Kid felt like he met a superhero just now. It's quite easy to believe such a thing exist. He thinks anything possible in the world of magic.

"Dammit. If my mom didn't freak out, I would've taken it. I mean, guess I could ride it?" He still didn't take the broom though. He wanted to see HER, ride it. Syrus smiles over the blushing girl. A girl being nice to him?! Weird. "I totally would freaking ride it, but why not fly with with me?! I could use some guidance!"

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