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Kalif Styx

retired † patriarch
OOC First Name
It was not long after the Yule Ball, and once the professors were back at school, Professor Kalif Styx had a little mission. His relationship with the Transfiguration professor remained steady for the past two years. Kalif decided that it was time that he would share a little information with her. He certainly knew how to keep his thoughts private. He was not the only one that knew Legilimens in the relationship, but he was the only one that knew Occlumency. He could keep her out if he wanted to, which he subconsciously would as a precaution. Kalif noticed that office door was cracked open, and a figure moving within. Perhaps he was unannounced. It was unusual for him not to send a note first, however. His gloved hand slowly opened the door, where he stepped in and closed it behind him. "Good evening, Jacqueline." This was also the only professor that he would call by her first name, for obvious reasons.
Jacqueline Burke was in her office attaching her vanishing shelf from Cyndi to her wall and doing a bit of light redecorating. She had spent the majority of her break with her family or with Kalif. Things were getting serious between the two professors, more so than she thought either one of them would admit aloud. Of course, Jacqueline knew better than to presume how Kalif was feeling. At the sound of the familiar voice, Jacqueline turned around with a smile on her lips. She was happy to see him even if the visit was unexpected. "Oh, hello, my dear. What are you doing all the way up here so late at night?" she said, lightly teasing him.
Kalif nodded a bit when she greeted him, no longer really flinching at the admirational term. When things started out, anything like that made him flinch, cringe or roll his eyes. After four months, he was used to it. “I thought that it might be time to let you know a little more about what I think about us. I’ve never allowed anyone to use Legilimency on me willingly.” Kalif gave a light shrug of his shoulders. “You know how my family is with privacy or admitting anything.” His father was a sheer example of how he was raised. His father loved only one but even that was temporary. Now, his father frowns on anything to do with that sort of emotion, deeming it a weakness.
Jacqueline stopped what she was doing, feeling slightly shocked at the words that came out of Kalif's mouth. Having been in a relationship with the man for over two years now, she felt like she knew him very well despite the fact that he was not particularly open with his emotions. Jacqueline was surprised that he would allow her to read his mind. She had never tried before, partly because she respected his privacy and partly because she knew his occlumency skills would prevent it. It intrigued her that there was something so intimate that he couldn't bring himself to tell her. Jacqueline smiled. "How exciting." she murmured. "Are you ready?" she asked, not wanting to pry before he wanted her to.
Jacqueline appeared to be somewhat shocked over the mention. It was a little off the chart anyway, especially with him and how he kept so many secrets. Not from her exclusively but everyone in general. Kalif sighed and lowered his mental defenses. It would not be hard to block her from trying to dig too deeply, but he already had in mind what he wanted her to know. “I am ready.” His past as a Death Eater was not too much of a secret, even now his father and aunt finally abandoned the Dark Lord due to his blood status. He did keep one thing he had in mind buried deeply, and if she pried too much, he’d have to block her. Kalif was not sure if they were ready for that yet.
Jacqueline nodded her head at him as he said he was ready. She was very skilled in Legilimency, and it was effortless for her to pry into his mind once his defenses were down. It didn't take her long to find exactly what he wished to tell her. A smile crossed her lips as she stepped closer to Kalif, putting her hand to his face. She didn't need to read his mind to know what he had wanted to tell her. Still, it was nice to hear it, and she wouldn't mind hearing it more often. "I know you do, Kalif. I love you, too." Jacqueline told him with a coy smile.
Kalif could almost feel it, and wanted to throw that shield back up but instead, willfully kept it down. Once she smiled and touched his face, Kalif felt a lot more relaxed. Kalif nodded briefly when she said the words. He had a good hunch that she did and now he knew for a fact. He leaned back in the chair and stated, “I don’t voice my emotions unless it is irritation. But, at least you know without a certain. What happens from here, I’m not entirely sure except going to the dances at the school, and what we have been doing.”

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