Closed No Excuses, Just Regrets

Eloise Aster

back in town ✨ slightly more assertive
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
11/2046 (15)
Eloise had never made many friends during her first few years at Hogwarts which meant there probably weren't many tears shed when she didn't step off the train back at school last year. She was confident anyone hardly batted an eye. Maybe they hadn't even noticed she had been gone. There had only been two people she had felt guilty towards after she had disappeared and made no attempt to contact them. June had been one of them, but judging from their reunion on the train she hadn't been particularly heartbroken by Eloise's year of absence. Or maybe that was just June. Maybe she had actually missed her but couldn't quite show it. Either way, that reunion had gone smoothly which meant she at least still had one friend here at school. And then there was Santiago. Eloise had seen him across the room during the sorting ceremony but hadn't gotten a chance to actually talk to him yet so she had decided to take action and send him a note asking him to meet her. She had picked a spot they had hung out at before in the hopes that it would make things a little easier and yet she couldn't help the nervous feeling that this wasn't going to be as easy as it had been with June. If he even decided to come. There was always a chance he wouldn't. She'd just have to wait and see. Sitting down on one of the chairs Eloise let out a deep breath, staring at the door while the knot in her stomach grew tighter and tighter.

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