Nick's Out for A Week

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
I'm leaving tomorrow (Friday, August the 6th) for one week with no internet.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday I will be with my church youth group for our youth retreat on Lake Huron.
Then I return home Sunday and may have a few hours of internet before I leave again and spend the rest of the week (to Friday) at my Grandpa's cabin.

What does this mean for you?

1) Most submitted applications should be replied to tonight. Any after a certain point, however, will have an estimated two week wait time for processing. (Complaining, note, puts you at the end of the queue. :) )
2) Any personal messages sent to my inbox will have no reply. If you sent me a message before today and haven't seen a reply, I'm sorry - there are several I've been mulling over the past few days, and they'll now have to wait until my return.
3) Everything else should function more or less normally. Staff have been given information to let things continue on smoothly in my absence.

Thank you all for your understanding. :) I've been in need of a bit of a break from the internet, and my frank inability to connect in the coming week will offer a splendid opportunity to rest, relax, and rejuvinate. The past several months here have taken their toll on me. I still :wub: you lot and HNZ, but I'm looking forward to the break. (Admittedly, though, I'm a little worried too.)

So behave yourselves and stuff, so when I come back it'll be more easy sailings. ;)

Thanks again,

Have lots of fun Nick. You deserve it. :hug:
Brake out the drinks. I keed, have a good time Nicky!
Have Fun during your break ^_^
You absolutely deserve the break ^_^
I hope you enjoy it Nick!
Be afraid. Very afraid. But have fun too :p


HE'S GONE!! PARTY!!! :woot:
*turns around to see Nick staring incredulously*
:unsure: I...I mean...we'll miss you? :doh:

jk. ;)
I have already told you this on IM, but have fun!!! Enjoy your time off!!

So :shifty: anyone want to mess with Nick's account? :p
Ever since what he did to me I've been wanting to do that OH so badly :shifty: xD

Have fun Nick :hug: You deserve the break ;) :wub:
Lily Drage said:
So :shifty: anyone want to mess with Nick's account? :p
Patricia left us for too long and deserved what she got.

Also: I'm back for a few minutes today.
Leaving again in like 20 or so.
Patricia Styx said:
How did I deserve that? xD
You did.
Now shush and get back to work. *cracks whip*
Said this like, three times, but saying it again. Have a fabulous time! :wub:
I have returned. =]
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