
Rama Mowry

erica's mommy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
bi (syrus)
Knotted 11 Inch Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
6/2030 (25)
Hi everyone.

I was going to originally name this "A New Life Ahead", but I thought it was corny, and I try to not be corny. For those who don't know me,my name is Lovi. I left a little while back because my grandmother had a stroke, and I could not sit at my desktop at home because it gave me anxiety. But, since I am going off to college in August, I will be getting a laptop. I will also have access to campus computers. :party: It's going to be a new start for me as semi-fully fledged citizen of my country, the US. I still have anxiety, but it's manageable, as some things never fully go away. I hope you guys will accept me back and allow me to flaunt my new writing skills/crazy plot ideas.

And an update on my grandmother from last time, she had another stroke several months ago, and she recently lost her brother who was left in a bad condition from a stroke. She has recovered very well from both of her strokes, and our dog keeps a very good eye on her. I don't mean to end on a bad note, but life happens, and we have to work through it.

Welcome back Lovi! :hug:
Congratulations on getting into College, that's awesome!

It is good to have you back with us!
Lovi!! Welcome back! :hug: it's great to see you. I'm glad your grandma has recovered well. I totally understand anxiety so feel free to shoot me a PM if ever/whenever you need! Also we should plot crazies together some time :party: :claire:
Lovi!! I'm so glad to see you back and ready to join us! :)

Sorry to hear about the loss in your family. That's never easy to deal with. I'm glad that your grandmother is doing ok though.
So many returning faces!
Glad to have you back Lovi! Good luck with school!
So nice to have you back with us! PM us if you need anything :hug:
I'll been waiting for this since you messaged me. I'm so glad to see you back, dear. :hug: :wub: If you ever need to chat, you know where I am.
Welcome back! :hug:
Welcome back Lovi - you know where to find me and i'm always here for a talk doll! I'm so proud of you and everything you've done!! :hug:


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