Newbie Here !!


New Member
OOC First Name
Hello Wizards !! .. I am new here :) .. I hope you can help me =) THANKS !
Welcome to Hogwarts New Zealand!

So I guess as the first reply, I suggest that you read the site documentation for you to get loads of information about the site. There are a lot of things there that will surely be useful for the future events. Also, you can contact the Global Moderators and Administrators if you have any questions about the board. They are friendly, I assure you.

Sorry if I'm rushing this but, see you around the board. :hug:
Hi Ryan, welcome to the board! :)
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I hope you enjoy your time on HNZ. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send me a PM and I'll be happy to help. ^_^
See you around!
Hey Ryan welcome to the board =)
Hey Ryan!
Welcome to HNZ
Feel Free to drop by the Graphics Area for all your Graphical Needs!
Have fun and i hope to see you around!

Hi Ryan!
I hope you enjoy the site.
If you have any questions, feel free to send me a PM :)

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