--- new york i love you, but you're bringing me down

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OOC First Name

born in new york, ace was raised learning about two cultures, that of his new york born mother and his father's great greek heritage. in the closing weeks of his parents marriage achelous found great use in his fourteenth birthday present, his camera. when his parents would verbally abuse each other he would find himself leaving the apartment onto the street and capture almost every possible image that he could. his hobby grew into a love in a short space of time and eventually that was all he ever did with his days especially when his father returned back to greece and his mother was left depressive and abandoned. the use of his creativity was a way to block out and eventually get over the separation of his parents. each year he was flown back and forth from new york to greece, he tried both his best to live both lifestyles but found that his heart lay in NYC. it was where he was born, it was where he discovered his talent and it would be where he remained. when achelous struck 18, his mother died after suffering endlessly from lung cancer which left him heartbroken and more lonely than ever. he was left the apartment and almost everything his mother owned and now just turning 21 he has built himself a new life of partying, snapping pictures and generally being a free spirit. yet this carefree lifestyle doesn't come without it's drama, romance and friendship, this is where all you dudes come in!

so yeah, this is just your regular plot ad, i'll be needing friends, enemies, romances and anything else you can possibly think of! i really really want to just have a bit of fun with this character and though i haven't even nearly finished developing him, i really think he's a fun chap and he'll be super fun to rp with...on both sides. so if you can help me out, please please please do!</FONT>

em this is just a plot idea i had when i was just thinking about his history and all that jazz and i think it would be rather deadly to do! but it won't be deadly with out your help so check it out;


well 'ann' and achelous have been friends for years, [she could idk live across the street from him?] but yeah they were like extreme BFFLs!! do you get my drift? and they dated briefly for a couple of weeks/a month in their young teens but decided that it wasn't working out. they stayed as close as ever and became if not closer however what 'ann' doesn't know is that achelous is still madly in love with her. like madly in love. he doesn't tell her this of course and painfully hangs out with her just as friends because he knows she doesn't feel the same way. yes, achelous has fooled around with other girls from clubs and whatnot but it never became anything serious because of his love for 'ann'.


well 'jim' would be the best guy friend and together, himself, ace and 'ann' make a trio of BFFL's. jim would kinda be the party animal of the group and would be their connection to the indie/artsy social scene that they're all a part of. 'jim' and achelous are inseperable and he would be in the know about ace's undying love for their best friend and is kinda all, "they're are more fish in the sea man!" 'jim' would have that bond with ace that most people are jealous of, they are like brothers moreso than anything and will always stay that way. and usually 'jim' the party animal gives him advice and forces achelous to listen to it, but when it involves 'ann', giving advice is a lost cause.

the plot is pretty basic and undeveloped but i didn't want to go ahead developing it by myself, wheres the fun in that?! if you're interested and if you have a character that would suit any of those two let me know or if you want to, making a new character is fine but again let me know before you do anything! i might add there are a few requirements if you are interested in offering an existing character

1. they would have to have lived/are living in new york presently.
2. their age should range from 20-25.
3. preferably they should be a muggle, but maybe we can work something out if not.
4. most importantly, they should be awesome.

<FONT font="Garamond">AND THAT'S ALL FOLKS!
if you are interested in anyway, in any aspect of achelous please please post. i'm really up for anything at all!
thankz guyz! now lets get plotting!
This sounds really fun, I can create ' Ann' :) Caysi's sister Alex, 23, she lives in NYC but she's not a muggle. But she is awesome.. :)
Eric could be 'jim' he is wild and loves to party and the indie /art scence is where he reins supreme, however he is not a muggle or even straight. He is a manly man dont get me wrong, he loves everything a straight guy does lol :woot: . His mom was transfered to a big magical hospital in new york and Eric is deeply connected to the muggle world and so they could have been child hood friends.

Okay this is great! :wub: Thank you guys for your offers, I will certainly think them over but I am still going to keep this open, just to see what other roleplayers think because this isn't a 'first come, first serve' type of thing ^_^ Thank you though! :hug:
I have been planning this character for a wee while now, but I have finally got my A into G and made her. Her name is Grace Alby Winters and she is in her early 20's and a muggle. She lives in NY and is currently unemployed but has dabbled in photography and a small bit of modelling. She is a free spirit and I would say a mix of bohemian/indie and loves laying in the grass and playing guitar more than anything. If you need anymore information, let me know ^_^
i'm going to put my hand up for creating 'jim' and i will happily fill all the requirements as well.
it'd be such a change to play a kind of 'no-rules' character (and so much fun too!)
and i can do indie, i'm pretty sure i can do indie. haha. this is the whole photography, music
fesitvals, guitar-playing, cool-glasses wearing scene, yeah? cause that would be mega fun.
One wee thing first...if Ace is a muggle then his blood type wouldn't be muggle born, it would be muggle =)) Sorry that was bugging me slightly.

OK so people have already offered for the ann/jim plot so I won't put my name up for that one, even though it sounds really interesting. Although I can offer up Alastair Hall as a friend. He is NY born but now lives in NZ but he would travel between the two homes to visit his family and whatnot. Alastair is a free lance photographer and is starting to get a few big jobs for magazine photoshoots etc. He may be a little more reserved than Ace as he isn't one for partying/drinking a lot but he is generally a dead-on guy and up for a laugh. He is a 20-ish, muggleborn so while he isn't a muggle it might have been easy for them to interact when they were younger. Also if you're looking for some side-love interests I could easily make one of Alastairs sisters who are all muggles, I haven't really thought any of them out but I'm always up for making new charries :lol:
I have Katheryn Kingsley.

Kat is currently a 7th year Hufflepuff but she is 18. Next August she turns 19. Kat is currently dating Jake Holland though that is not her final. He is going to break her heart. Kat will be moving to New York when she graduates to be on broadway. She has always studied ballet as well as a few other types of dance and she has a beautiful singing voice. Her father is a muggle and she was raised in the muggle world. Her sister, Kiera was a gold medalist in the Olympics in 2024. She could be a friend or future girlfriend, maybe a final.​
Patricia Styx said:
One wee thing first...if Ace is a muggle then his blood type wouldn't be muggle born, it would be muggle =)) Sorry that was bugging me slightly.
Sssssssssh, it was late....and I was tired :r xD What a fail :p Thank you so much for pointing that out :hug:

Okay with a fair bit of thought, I think I will go with Brittany and Emma, solely because I think their characters would suit the idea and the actual characters that I had in mind ^_^ . Thank you Brandon and Caysi for your offers :hug: , maybe we can work something out with friends or in Caysi's case, a romance?

Alaistar sounds perfect as a friend! :woot: I'm sure they'd get on like a house on fire especially with the similar interest in photography. So yeah, I'm definitely on for that friendship!

Yeah that sounds interesting, perhaps they can have some sort of relationship, although I think 'Ann' would be Achelous' final. But they could date briefly? That'd be great! :cool: What do you think?
*waves to "Jim" *
So do you want to start a topic? ^_^
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