Closed New Year’s Eve.

Linden Kinnek

His Snowflake ❄️ Magizoologist 🦡
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
🏳️‍🌈Cas, 🏳️‍🌈Gay🏳️‍🌈
Curly 12.5" Flexible Chestnut with Mermaid Scale Core
23 (05/2039)
It had been a busy Christmas linden felt that he had hardly stopped for the last week. From the Christmas family visits to school holiday business at the sanctuary especially as they were short staffed and one of his charges had recently had a clutch he felt like he hard hardly been home. But now it was his turn to have a few days off. He had been up before and out early so he could do his done the morning round and get things set up for who was covering him the next few days. Because he wanted to make sure he was back home in time to spend the last lunch and afternoon and evening of the year with Cas and only Cas.

He stopped at the shops on the way home. Picking up some bread and cheeses and fancy condiments from the local deli before stopping at the florist on the way out and buying a big bunch of flowers as the lady wrapped them safely she looked at him ”someone is going to be a lucky lady” she said conspiratorially. linden smiled and shook his head with a fiancé like mine. I’m the lucky one he replied fairly sure the she couldnt hear the single e in the word.

A couple of minutes later linden was opening the front door and greeted by the glitter of Christmas decorations. It seemed that after their first Christmas Casper's love for decorating had not deminsjed. In fact he was pretty sure each year there were more. ”hello Cas. Happy New Year’s Eve he called as he took his boots of and made his way inside.
Casper was just about as much of a homebody as he'd always thought he would be. He couldn't help it- he'd always been the sort to nest, and now that he'd gotten a flat of his own (especially now that Linden was living with him) he tried to stay in it as much as possible. How could he not? He had an amazing view of the sky, everything was set up the way he liked it, and usually Linden was pretty good about making sure he didn't forget the important things like eating.

Today, he was busy redecorating- new years and christmas were, after all, two very different holidays that needed to be treated with respect. He was eager for the new year, looking forward to all that they had planned. He was busy using his wand to hang new fairy lights, focusing on trimming the ceiling with them, when he heard Linden speak. He hummed, a little distracted. "Hey," He greeted back, moving slowly. "You too," He called back, still soundly distracted.
Linden heard caspers reply come through the flat. distracted. which he tried to convince himself was a good thing. he was busy doing something, and not moping about having to spend most of the week alone. he walked through the kitchen putting the food on the counter and stood at the threshold of the main room. He saw cas standing with his wand out pointing at the ceiling fairy lights floating themselves up there. he watched him for a second, seeing how fixated he was on his undecorating as he undid his shoelaces and and took his boots off. Lin then picked the flowers back up and walked over to him. "Hey Buttercup, are you taking the decorations down already?" he asked giving him a kiss on the cheek. He know how much effort Cas put into decorating for christmas and he would have thought he would at least leave them up a few more days. "I'm sorry I've been busy this week. I'll make it up to you i promise." he said "Starting with these and some lunch" he said holing out the flowers.
Casper faltered a little when Linden approached and kissed his cheek, giving a bit of a giggle and quickly finishing up what he was doing. "No, I'm trading out the light blue lights for some soft white," He countered. As he finished, he turned to Linden with a shy smile. "It's okay, I understand. You didn't need to do that," He took the flowers, taking a moment to enjoy their sweet scent. "Though they are beautiful." He moved to the kitchen. "Whats for lunch?" He asked, taking out a vase and getting the flowers set up on the table.
Linden nodded as CAs said he was changing the colours of the lights like it was the most obvious thing in the world. of course he said stifling a grin at the way CAs was blushing. as he looked up and noticed some of the other decorations had changed too.
He smiled at caspers reaction. I know. But with Allison’s wedding and Christmas and working extra we have had hardly any time together just us recently. Even our annerversay we were all in wedding mode, which would be okay if it was our wedding he said. ”and now I have a few days off I want to make up for it. he said. Following CAs I to the kitchen and watching him put the flowers in a vase.
In answer to Caspers question Lin took the bag he had been carrying and started to pull out things I figured we could have like a grazing table. Crackers dips cheese bread salmon, those fancy cold roasted vegetables that we like from the deli. What were they called again? he said producing each item as he said their name. then after we can do whatever you want to do for the afternoon. The only criteria is that we have to do it together he said. Letting CAs pick. He was up for anything. Chilling just cuddling on the sofa, going for a walk, more wedding planning, he would even just sit talk and let cas paint if that is what CAs wanted.
Cas chuckled. "We have been pretty busy, haven't we?" He agreed, turning to Linden as he laid out a whole spread on the table. "Oh, wow, you weren't kidding," He came in closer, his stomach growling. He chuckled. "What, no wedding planning?" He teased, snagging a bite of cheese and pulling out a few plates. "I thinkkk..." He mused. "We should put in something fun but mindless, devour this food, then go from there?" He offered with an easy smile, reaching out to steal Lindens hand. "With plenty of cuddling, of course,"
Linden smiled at Caspers reaction. He opened the crackers and dipped one into the dip. Realise g how hungry he was too.
He chuckled at Caspers questioning about wedding planning if that is what you want to do then we can absolutely do some more planning. Now we have thence booked we can actually work on deciding on how we want everything work.” he said. They had had a lot of ideas and CAs had taken over most of the planning. He certainly had the artful hand needed to make it look spectacular though most of the big decisions were made together. But now the venue was booked they could work on what they actually wanted it to be like.
He felt Caspers hand find his he changed the grip so that their fingers were interlaced and gave it a squeeze of course. All of the cuddling. You want. he said.
-godmods approved-

Cas chuckled and pulled Linden with him over to the living room so they could fall onto the couch, dinner moving to sit on the coffee table. Cas sat up but didn't release Lindens hand. "Well, you know I have a lot of ideas," He laughed. "But I suppose, the biggest and first thought was getting married in the woods on the farm?" He suggested, munching on dinner.
Linden let CAs pull them through the apartment until they landed sprawled on the sofa laughing. Lin put an arm around Cas and leaned in to kiss him lightly.
He moved back slightly as CAs started to speak. No doing with what he had to say. yes I know. That is why you are the creative one he said. Before nodding again I thought we had already decided that months ago. Yes it will be beautiful with fairy lights and flowers. Which ones were you choosing between again? he said. Trying to remember which idea he was running with.
Casper chuckled. "And you know I'll repeat it ten more times before the wedding arrives," He teased, picking up his drink. "I was debating between straight up roses or wildflowers, but I think I've decided that we don't have to choose- I've got some ideas for this adorable mix of the two that I think would look soooo much better than either of them alone," He chattered idly. "And I'm thinking of a simple white tiered cake, maybe with some lacing or some vines patterning, but with frosting flowers all up the side of it, like climbing the cake in a gorgeous curve of petals," He tried to explain, using his hands to gesture as he thought over it.
Linden watched Cas talking about the wedding. He loved seeing Cas get excited about things like this. His eyes getting wider as he gesticulated. Truth be told he was listening about flowers and cake but he was enjoying just listening to Cas more. it sounds wonderful. The cake sounds like it will fit us perfectly. And we have an appointment next month to test a few and decide on the kind of cake he said. He wasn’t sure what kind of cake he wanted. But was looking forward to trying a selection. ”we need to get dressed for the sisters. But I am reluctant to get at least ivys until closer as she keeps growing. Were you wanting basil and miran in the wedding party or were we just sticking to the girls? And have you heard anything from Tara? he asked. He was slightly concerned about their middle sister. After she had gone into the wilderness with Stan and hadn’t reappeared. He was half expecting her to appear one day with a baby or something.
Casper was leaning back against Linden, munching on dinner and sipping on his drink. "If we have too many of them in the party, then who'll be in the seats?" He teased. "I think... we should have Willow on your side, Ivy is the flower girl, and... Basil on my side, so Miran can sit with mom and help with Georgie, and Tara is just off doing something or the other with Stan. She's too stubborn, she'll be back eventually," He chuckled. "So we better get tapes or something of the wedding in case she's not back in time." He suggested.
Linden felt CAs lean against him and shifted slightly so that they could both be more comfortable as he wrapped his arms around him and rested his chin on his shoulder. He could hear Cas chewing. we have more family than siblings, and friends and collegues he said. Though he realised he had always been more social than his fiancé. While most of the people from school had been mutual friends. A lot of his colleagues were friends where as working alone meant Cas didn't have that social network. It reminded him that he and Felur were going to try to get Cas and Lars to meet up. "So basil willow and ivy. In the party. Be warned, Ivy made me promise that she would be a groom's maid, so don’t say flower girl while she is in earshot" he warned What really was the difference between a flower girl and a groomsmaid anyway. "What about Masie. Should she do something?" he said. It sort of felt unbalanced with him getting two siblings and her . What really was the difference between a flower girl and a groomsmaid anyway.
"I am sure we will get folm and pictures and it will just be weird without her there" he complained nuzzling against Cas. "Especially after all her scheming to get us together in the first place" he said
Cas considered the statement, chewing on his lip. "Well, what about Dash?" He asked. "We have Ivy stand with you, and I can have Asher up with me, and we could see if Dash would like to be the flower girl instead?" He suggested, before a wicked little grin took his face. "Ash can walk with Ivy up the aisle. And we can make Basil and Willow walk together," He turned more to Linden, putting his legs over the mans lap.

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