New Pictures!

I want this bed xD

Aww. Isn't this so cute? <3

Professor Aurora Merrythought said:
Aww. Isn't this so cute? <3

I hate cats but that is cute ^_^
ok as I'm not likely to post anymore pics of me, here's the one that I posted in GD early, early today.
Savour coz there won't be another :p

my sister is one of these "I am not going to use digital cameras" type of people and then it takes her absolutely forever to process any of her films. She gets a ton of them done probably about twice a year, she's unreal. Anyhow she came across some rolls of film the other day and took them in to get done. They ended up being of the family Christmas party 2007. I am always taking the pics so this one is strange in that I'm actually in it. The one with the black dress is me.. and yes I've had a few drinks :oy: :p I'm also wearing fake tan - usually alot paler than that! :r:


Where is train?
OK my friend put some random cr@p on my USB the other including pictures of a simpons airplane which I won't post, just thought I'd let you know :p But here are two I thought were funny


Me and Melissa (one of the bridesmaids)


Bailey (Sarah's daughter/my goddaughter/flower girl)


Me and Sarah (my bestie/the bride)


Me on the balcony at the hotel

Cool pics, Kat. ^_^
Wedding was awesomesauce, I presume?


Remember children: Don't download communism!
Nicolas King said:
Cool pics, Kat. ^_^
Wedding was awesomesauce, I presume?


Remember children: Don't download communism!
Thanks Nickypoops!! :D
The wedding was absolutely beautiful...bawled my eyes out!! =))

Wait so downloading MP3s is downloading communism?
What about Photoshop and movies?
Is that downloading communism?
crikey I didn't realise I was the biggest communist since Lenin :ph43r:
wow!! just as well I'm Irish then and not American :lol:

Kat the pics are brilliant - the bride is stunning, the flower girl adorable and you are only beautiful.
I love your dress - that colour is so sweet, SJP wore the same type of colour at the Oscars supposedly called 'barely mint'
loved that - so have been trying to get a dress that colour myself - so jealous. ;)
Aw, Kat! You looked beautiful! ^_^
Awww thanks guys ^_^
Linda I'm glad my dress was that color green because it offset the redness from my sunburn that I got when we arrived on Friday :doh:
The dress is just way too cute!

And Linda! You are too cute!! Finally getting to see a pic of you is fun! Love your hair!!!!
just saw the starfish myself - brilliant
I love the mens suits - beach wedding how romantic :wub:

if you tried that here in Ireland you'd be either blown off the beach with the wind, frozen to death or drowned by the rain.

loved the Joker with the Charizard card Nick - very cool ;)

thanks guys - hair has since been cut and though its growing again keep running the straightener through it so its nearly poker straight --- getting it cut on Saturday though ^_^

also have put on a few pounds since then -- hence why I refuse to go infront of camera till I'm back down again! :p

saw this and laughed especially as I pictured this guy up against Heath Ledgers Joker:
This is why my classmates call me The Gay Prince =)

Feeding my bestfriend, Vincent.

I hang out with girls than i do with boys :lol:
Thanks ;)
I know i'm cute.
Very pretty Joyce :p





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