New Member

Gabrielle C.

New Member
hi to all the members of the forum. I am a new member here. i am just so happy to join your forum
Welcome to HNZ! :3

I hope you'll enjoy your time here, everyone is really awesome and kind
and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask myself or any other people in the forum - i'm sure they'll be glad to help! (read the FAQ first though, you might find your answer there ^^)

Otherwise, it's a totally awesome place to be.
It's fun (and addictive - the healthy addiction!)

Oh. And I'm Missy, i'm from...New Zealand :3

So Welcome Welcome Welcome!
Hello, welcome to HNZ

I'm Joyce and I'm from Texas, hope you find you way on the site

Hey there!
Welcome to HNZ! :) The Site Documentation should help you out oodles when getting started. ^_^
I'll see you around the board, eh? :)

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