Closed New Families

Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (25)
Minnie hadn't been looking forward to this part of the day but she knew it was pretty important to do, she wasn't intending to stay at home, but there were things she wanted to take, things she wouldn't take to Hogwarts that meant something to her. She hadn't spoken to her mother in almost two years and she hadn't heard from her dad all year, neither had inquired as to where she'd been over christmas and neither had reached out to ask about her winter break plans. But it didn't matter. She wasn't staying and she knew they'd barely notice that she was gone, she didn't expect to go back after this, why bother with people she knew she would never actually make happy, people whose love was so conditional on her success would never, would've never been satisfied no matter what she got. She knew that she should feel more upset about this, but she'd spent fifth year being upset, she'd spent hours working trying to figure out how to make things better, she'd come to terms with this happening. She was going to miss them, part of her still believed they were good parents, had at some point been good parents, even if the rest of her knew it was lie and she had wrestle with the idea that her parents hadn't loved her in years.

Minnie had apparated to the house with Eric, making a pit stop before going to his home and where she would now live. It was daunting to have to live with her boyfriend and his family. She knew that she would have to behave, she knew she would have to pull extra weight and though they'd never discussed it, Minnie was sure she would have to contribute to the household in some manner. She turned to Eric and gave him a smile that she didn't feel confident about. "I'll only be a few minutes," she told him, she knew they weren't in, it was the middle of a work day, of course they wouldn't be in but she would rather he didn't see inside the house. Minnie kissed his cheek, almost looking for a little emotional support in it before she headed inside. She used her keys and walked into the house. The air was still within, nothing seemed different but immediately, Minnie knew something was off. She glanced around and noticed that the house was a little messier than it had been normally, and there on the table in the entrace hall was a box with her name on it. She walked over and opened it and found all of the things she had left here were in it. The box was small but charmed to hold it all. Seemingly her parents had had the same idea as she had had, she didn't know how to feel about it. There wasn't a note but it was clear what this was. If she hadn't had plans to go with Eric she knew that seeing such a box would've sent her into a spiral.

Knowing this was the last time she would be in this house, amongst the things she had always known Minnie decided to go to her room one last time. If only to check that there was nothing left there. She noticed as she moved through the house that a lot of the old pictures were gone. There were no pictures of her on the walls, a few baby pictures were left, looking in better condition than she thought they should. She noticed the little M on her door was hanging up the wrong way but she figure it had probably just fallen and no one had bothered moving it back. She opened the door, and the sight before her explained it all. There was a pink crib, toys, a changing table, nappies, a rocking chair. She couldn't help looking around the room, the pictures made sense, they weren't of her. They were of Her felt physically sick. Her parents had just replaced her. She'd failed so badly they had erased her and were starting off with a new child. She spotted a book in the shelf, Winnie's baby book, Minnie took it out and realised they'd had daught and even called the girl Winnie. She felt tears in her eyes, she felt so bad for this poor little girl. There was no way for Minnie to leave her a note or speak to her, the baby would be raised likely just as Minnie had and one day what had happened to Minnie could happen to her. Minnie shoved the book back in and knelt on the ground of her old room. Tears pooled and spilled out of her eyes, she hated them, she hated everything they were, all they stood for. There was nothing she could do for her sister, nothing that would help her. Minnie needed to leave, she wiped uselessly at her eyes got to her feet and marched out of the room. The pictures of happy parents with a replacement child mocked her as she walked away. Winnie would never know who she was or even that there had been a daughter before her, she hoped the years that would follow would mellow out her parents and hopefully Winnie wouldn't feel the same pressure she had once felt but somehow she doubted it. She hoped Winnie would be succeed in all things that Minnie had failed at, for her own sake.

Minnie grabbed the box and headed out of the house. She closed and locked the door behind her, putting her keys through the letter box and waiting till she heard them fall to the floor with a soft thud. She was done here. She was done with them. They didn't want her, she didn't need them. They replaced her, she could replace them. Aware that she was crying but doing nothing to stop it, Minnie ajusted her hold on the box and walked over to Eric, "Let's go," her tone was quick and shaking. She leaned into him as they then apparate to his house, where she needed to meet his mum and re-meet his brother. "Can you take this real quick?" she offered him the box, her voice was still shaking and tears still flowed. "I should tidy myself up a little," she tried to smile as she was already getting a tissue to try to stop crying before she had to make a good first impression on his family. It wouldn't be a good start if she was in tears before she could even say hello.
While Eric was definitely a little bit nervous about taking Minnie to his house, he was mostly excited to spend time with her. He had explained the situation to his mother, though he'd kept the details vague, and she had agreed readily. Eric knew that a girl who couldn't stay at her home around her seventh year was something his mother could relate to. She had explained her own situation when she had been around that age a few times. Eric couldn't imagine leaving home at the age he was currently at, and even though Hogwarts was a very frustrating place at times, he also couldn't imagine dropping out at this point like she had. It seemed like a shame, with only one year to go.

Before they headed to his house, though, they had to make a quick stop at Minnie's house. Eric knew it was necessary, but he still wished they could skip it. He also wished he could go in with Minnie but didn't argue the point. He just nodded and stuffed his hands in his pockets, watching the house and looking around as he waited. He kept an eye out for her parents, in case they suddenly came home. Of course, he had no idea what they looked like, but he was sure he'd figure it out. When it took longer than he expected, Eric started to grow anxious. Should he go in too? Should he help? He didn't want to go against Minnie's wishes, but what if she needed him? What if her parents had been home after all? Eric started to pace anxiously, glancing at the house every few seconds. It was a relief when Minnie finally stepped out, but the relief was short-lived. He could see she was crying, and quickly pulled her into a hug. He nodded, apparating out of there and taking her to his house. He apparated a little distance away, so she had a moment to collect herself. He took the box, watching her with concern. "Was it bad? Were they at home?" He asked her, reaching over to touch her cheek, wiping away a tear. "I should have come with you." He muttered.
Minnie gave a weak smile and shook her head. She wasn’t even sure how to say it. She had always been told that her parents had had great trouble having her and it seemed they hadn’t had nearly as much trouble this time around, but then had they been trying since she’d failed? Would they have kicked her out earlier had they had a baby earlier. She wasn’t sure what she’d have done..did orphanages accept almost adults whose parents were very much still alive. Minnie leaned into his touch, reached up and took his hand, she squeezed it lightly. Minnie appreciated his words but she knew that she wouldn’t have been able to take the shame of him seeing where she’d been raised, where she had failed and been replaced. She knew her tears were slowing but she couldn’t help but know it was being replaced with a deep sorrow and emptiness in her heart.

Part of her had believed that somewhere down the line she might be able to repair the relationship but she knew no matter what she might do her parents would never accept her. She was alone in the world, well, not completely alone, at least. Minnie had to pull herself together. ”My parents had a baby during the year. My old room...well, it’s now the new baby’s room, but it’s okay I was leaving anyway, it was just a surprise,” she said trying to assure him and almost assure herself of it. It was anything but okay but there was no changing it, she would never go back anyway. Her tears were stopping but it was clear from her expression that she was only just managing to keep herself together. ”I’m okay,” she said unconvincingly, trying to smile and appear as though she was okay.
Eric could see a lot was going through Minnie's mind, and he wished he could understand better so he could help her better. But after a moment, Minnie spoke, and Eric understood at least some of her distress. It took a lot of willpower for him not to immediately apparate back and... do... something. Kick a hole into their stupid door or something. How could they treat her like that? How could they just... act like Minnie was replaceable? But she needed him here, as satisfying as destroying something would be right now. Eric shook his head. "That's terrible, your parents... they're lucky they never met me." He muttered, shaking his head. "Look, you're not okay. Who would be? It's okay to need some time. I could go ahead... tell mum to leave you alone for a bit." He offered hesitantly. "Or we could wait a bit longer before we go on." He added. "Anything you need."
Minnie couldn’t help the little smile at his words, ”They’re very lucky, there are so many easily smashable items in that house,” she tried to joke, knowing that she could be reassured that at least someone else thought it was wrong. Had part of her maybe believed that others wouldn’t think anything of it and just that she was overreacting. But he didn’t. He was always on her side and she hoped she’d always be on his. She shook her head, ”No, it’s okay, I’m already beginning to stop crying,” she assured him, she didn’t want to make a bad impression but being so badly late and couldn’t imagine telling someone else’s mother to leave her alone. What if she wanted help with cleaning or cooking. Minnie wiped her eyes and was glad that the tears weren’t as bad. She willed them to stop, looking up at the sky and hoping they would. She looked back at Eric and gave him a little smile, it was a little more real than her last but she still was sure that she looked on the verge of tears. ”I don’t want to make a bad impression on your mum,” she said. She wiped her eyes again, wishing she had a mirror to make herself look a little more presentable. ”Do I look okay?” Minnie asked Eric, ”Presentable?”
The smile on Minnie's face, small as it was, was a relief to Eric. He gently touched her cheek for a moment, nodding when she said it was okay. She did seem to be doing a little better, but he could tell she was still really hurt. Eric could only hope that being at his house would help distract her from the news. He gave her a moment to control her emotions a bit more, he adjusted his watch strap so she would have a moment longer. He smiled slightly when she said she didn't want to make a bad impression on his mum. "You do realize she's used to me, right?" He asked her softly. "You making a bad impression on her would actually be impressive." He said. As she asked him if she looked okay, he quickly nodded. "You look fine, I mean... good." He said quickly. "I mean, not like you're very upset, which is what you mean right? You also look pretty as you always do." He said, shooting her a quick, nervous grin.
Minnie nodded, she knew that his mother would put up with what her children did, but not what a random child who was coming to live with them for some undisclosed period of time. She wiped her eyes again, "I'm not her actual child though, I have to be my best," Minnie told him, but she was hoping to get herself looking more presentable. Eric said as much. And she gave him a little smile. Minnie knew she was one incorrect word or phrase would probably make her cry but she would try her best to keep it together. She knew despite what he said she was probably very red eyed, it would be easy for his family to see that she'd been crying. But she met his gaze and then leaned in to him, and press a kiss to his lips. "Thank you," She said after leaning away. "Shall we?"
Eric shrugged. "She'll love you, it's gonna be okay." He told Minnie, though he did understand why she was anxious. He smiled against her lips as she kissed him briefly, taking her hand and squeezing quickly. "Let's go." He said, starting to lead her to the house. Eric headed up the path to the front door and knocked. "Mum! We're here!" He called, glancing at Minnie with an encouraging smile.
Melanie had been cleaning up the house all day, noticing a new mess every time she thought she was done. It was truly amazing how quickly two teenage boys could make a mess of their surroundings. Though Melanie was truly glad Connor and Eric were home from Hogwarts. They were so tall, and also both dating which was new to Melanie. Eric had dated a girl before, though Melanie didn't think Eric knew she knew that. But this seemed to be more serious. He had told her a bit about the girl's home life, though he had kept things vague. For Melanie, it was enough to know that Minnie needed a place to stay over break, remembering very well how it was at that age not to feel like you could go home.

At the knock of the door accompanied by Eric's hollering, Melanie headed to the door to open it. "The knocking would have been enough." She said though she pulled her son into a brief hug. "I'm glad you didn't apparate straight into the living room at least." She added, kissing his cheek even though she knew he would protest it. Then she ushered him inside and turned her attention on the girl. Melanie could tell she had been crying but didn't comment on it. Instead, she smiled at the girl, who looked very neat and polite, and held out her arms in greeting. "Hey, you must be Minnie." Melanie said, smiling. "I can see why my son likes you, you're very pretty." She said, grinning a bit when she heard Eric groan in embarrassment. "The first thing I want you to know is that we're happy to have you here. Is it okay if I hug you?" She asked her, not wanting to push it if she didn't want to, but getting the feeling she needed one.
Minnie was a little doubtful about Eric's mother loving her, after all, in Minnie's mind from her experiences she was pretty difficult to love. Minnie didn't doubt that Eric's mother was entirely different from her own and wouldn't be like that, but she couldn't get rid of some of her fears over it. She took her box back and followed him up the path and to the door. She watched as a woman opened the door, she could see some of the lines of Eric in her face. She watched with fondness as they interacted, a pang of jealous that her mother had never reacted to her coming home from Hogwarts like that.

Minnie followed them in and was aware that his mother had turned her attention to her. "Thank you Ms Holland," Minnie replied at the compliment, her checks blushing lightly. She was a little surprised that this woman wanted to give her a hug and Minnie gave a little nod. She put down her box and then returned Ms. Holland's hug. She was trying to enjoy it while also trying her best to not start crying again.
Try as he might, Connor couldn't help feeling weird about today. He'd vaguely known Minnie on the Quidditch pitch for a long time, but he was still getting used to her being Eric's serious girlfriend. And now she was here, in his house. Eric had given him the basics of why Minnie was staying with them, but he didn't really know any details, and as much as he knew it wasn't his business it was hard not to be curious. He had hesitated about what to do with himself when Minnie arrived, settling for lingering awkwardly in the doorway of the living room. Minnie was clearly upset, something Connor had never seen before. He had always thought she was one of those people who were just... made of stone, too tough and serious to really cry, or... feel much of anything, really. He had always wondered what she and Eric had in common, but watching his brother, he realised he had also never seen Eric so protective or concerned. There were sides of both of them Connor had never seen before brought out by one another, and that said a lot more than whatever Connor might have thought about the two of them on his own impressions. He raised one hand to give Minnie an awkward wave and encouraging smile, though he didn't want to interrupt whatever was going on.
Seeing his mother and girlfriend interact was deeply weird to Eric. He was glad she was at least nice to Minnie, though he was a bit unsure if Minnie would want a hug at this point. He didn't say anything, just hovered awkwardly nearby in case he needed to intervene. Then he spotted Connor who smiled and waved at Minnie, and Eric gave him a sharp look. His brother only knew the basics and Eric would not let him ask Minnie a bunch of questions and making her uncomfortable. Eric edged closer to Connor, hands in his pockets. "This is weird." He whispered to him under his breath.
Melanie gave Minnie a hug, holding the girl close for a moment. Then she pulled back and turned to her sons with a breezy smile. There was a slight awkwardness in the air, and Melanie was determined to make it disappear. "Alright. Eric, you should get your stuff to your room. Take Minnie's stuff to the guest room. Connor will help." She said pointedly. "Minnie, do you mind helping me out in the kitchen for a moment? I was almost done with some snacks." She said, looking at Eric pointedly. She knew her son would object to being separated from his girlfriend for even a brief moment, but Melanie wanted to talk to the girl one on one for a moment.
Minnie couldn't help but enjoy the hug a lot, it was oddly personal in her mind for someone she'd just met, but she couldn't help it. Minnie wasn't sure she remembered the last time her mother hugged her. She pulled out and spotted Eric's brother in the doorway stood with Eric and she returned a little wave with a small smile. She looked to Eric's mother and nodded, "Of course Ms Holland," Minnie told her immediately. If she wanted her to help with something Minnie would of course say yes. She looked towards Eric and gave a little smile to try and convince him that she was fine and could handle this. She wanted to go kiss him to assure him but she felt a little awkward doing that in front of Eric's mother and his brother. She looked back to his mother and waited for her to show her where the kitchen was.
Connor couldn't help rolling his eyes at Eric when he gave Connor a look, wondering what he had done wrong by waving. It was a relief when Eric came over and talked to him, and Connor nodded quietly, glancing at his brother. "Really weird." He whispered back. It was an even bigger relief when Mum said they should take Minnie's things to the spare room and Connor picked up her suitcase easily, heading out to put the things away with Eric.
Eric really wanted to protest when his mum told him to put things upstairs while she spoke to Minnie. He wanted to stay with her, protect her. But he didn't miss the significant look his mum gave him and also knew she wasn't going to say or do anything to hurt Minnie. After glancing over at Minnie and giving her a small shrug, he grabbed his stuff and gestured for Connor to follow him. Once they were away from the other two, he gave his brother a sideways glance. "You're not going to be nosy and ask a bunch of questions." He told him firmly.
Melanie had known Eric wouldn't be very happy with her choice, and she also knew she wouldn't have long before he was back to brood protectively near Minnie. Melanie smiled fondly, it was clear he cared for her a lot. She gently touched the girl's shoulder. "Come with me." She said softly, leading Minnie to the kitchen. She had prepared some drinks and some bowls of cut-up fruit as a snack, which she knew Eric would find childish. To be honest, it was more effort than she would have gone into if she hadn't had a guest coming. Melanie wasn't above trying to impress her son's girlfriend. The work was as good as done, so it was pretty obvious Melanie didn't really need help. She decided to cut to the chase and turned to the young girl. "Listen, Minnie. I kind of wanted a moment to talk to you alone." She told her quietly. "Just to make sure you understand how welcome you are and how happy I am to have you here. I don't know the details of what happened with your family, and I don't need to know. I just want you to know you have a place to stay here. Even if things don't work out with you and Eric in whatever way, you have a place here." She told her gently. "When I was your age I was in a similar situation, I ran away from my family after dropping out of school and had to figure it all out on my own. You seem a great deal more intelligent and practical than I was at that age. But that doesn't mean it's easy. Just... know you're not alone." She told her with a slight smile. "If you need anything, let me know."
Minnie gave Eric a little smile to assure him as she left the room with his mother. Minnie was a little nervous about it, she could tell that this woman was nothing like her parents, but she was made immediately nervous by it still. She was about to ask what she needed her to do when Ms Holland began speaking. She gave a little smile, and nodded a little at her words. It was almost reassuring to hear that she had gone through something similar. Minnie felt her bottom lip quiver as tears formed again. She didn't know why hearing it from this woman made her feel better or understood but it did. "Thank you Ms. Holland," she wiped at her eyes, "I appreciate, deeply, you and Eric bringing me into your home. Let me know in any way if I can help out around here," Minnie told her, though her voice shook.

Minnie hated how emotional she felt, she wished she'd never grabbed the box from home, wished she hadn't learned about the baby. She could feel herself crying again. "I'm sorry Ms Holland," she apologised for her tears, but felt she might be the only person who could understand her or her current whirlwind of emotions, "My mum hasn't spoken to me in two years, my dad barely sends a letter, I don't think they ever actually loved me, so why do I still miss them? Why do I still love them?" Minnie knew it wasn't a question with an easy answer but if anyone might know or understand, it would be woman who knew what it was like to leave home young, to be left behind by family.
Connor carried Minnie's suitcase down the hallway easily, rolling his eyes at Eric's comment. "Of course not!" He said firmly, giving his brother a sharp look. "I barely even know Minnie, it's none of my business." Privately, Connor did think it had to be his business at least a little bit, since there was someone in his house who he barely knew. But whatever was going on, it was clearly painful for Minnie and Connor definitely didn't know her well enough to be privy to any of that. Hoping to change the subject, he elbowed his brother gently. "Never figured you'd be the first one of us to move in with someone, though." He teased, giving Eric a cheeky grin.
Eric shrugged. "I know you can be nosy, don't pretend you're not." He muttered. "If you need to know something, ask me." He added, feeling like it wasn't entirely fair to leave Connor completely in the dark on this. He just didn't want Minnie to relieve painful memories. Eric scowled when Connor elbowed him, then flushed at his words. "Oh, shut up." He said, elbowing him back harder. "You're one to talk, you've had like... three boyfriends?" He asked, wrinkling his nose. He tossed his own bag into his room, then glanced in the direction of where they came. "What do you think mum is saying to her?" He asked, clearly somewhat concerned.
Melanie's heart went out to this girl, and part of her wanted nothing more than to march over to Minnie's parents and give them a stern talking to. An even smaller part of her wanted to do a lot more than give them a stern talking to, but she had learned to ignore that particular impulse quite a few years ago. She still hoped Eric would learn to do the same sometime soon. She kept her hand on Minnie's shoulder as the girl spoke, shaking her head slightly when she apologized. "Don't be sorry, you have a right to feel as you do." She said softly. "Believe me, I was less composed than you are around your age. Imagine Eric but honestly, a bit worse." She said softly. At Minnie's next words, Melanie felt her heart break all over again. She really wanted to hex Minnie's parents now. But she knew that being there for their daughter would do a lot more good. "Oh honey, that's because every child loves their family, even if they're terrible and crappy. It's just how we're wired." She said softly, squeezing her shoulder. "It just means that you're good, that the people who are the problem here are parents who can treat you that way." She said softly. "And take it from me. No matter how angry you are at them, no matter how much you may hate them down the line and know that it's better if they stay away from you forever, there's a part of you that will always love them, or at least hope that they'll love you." She said softly, thinking of her oldest brother. "And it sucks. It hurts. It's not fair." She said quietly. "But you're strong, and you'll surround yourself with people who do love you as much as you deserve. And you'll be okay."
Minnie was attentive to most adults in her life, always believing that they needed to be more respected and to be reveried but, she never listened to closely to words as she did with Eric's mother. She spoke softly, she understood her, she called her honey even though she'd just met her, provided her with comfort and the words too, she understood it. It would never go away, how she felt, but it would get easier, it would be manageable and she had Eric by her side and a few friends, she would be okay. part of her knew that she'd likely need to leave school to be able to settle better but she was at least on to a healthier path, she knew despite it all, with Eric and where her life was she was happier. She wore clothes she liked more than the ones that had been picked out, she wore her hair how she wanted to.

So Minnie nodded, "Thank you," it was the reassuarnce in her words which drove her to thank her, to understand and meet at her level, what she needed to hear without sugar coating it but still being gentle in its delivery. "I have a good support system, Eric especially," she said, her support wasn't as extensive as others, but she had a few friends and a job and Eric which helped her feel grounded and like she could speak to people, though this had been a conversation she proabably could only had with Ms Holland. "When it sucks the worst, he always helps me feel better, he has a good heart," she didn't need to say as much probably, but she felt Ms Holland probably got a lot of comments about his anger and felt the need to talk about how good of a person he was to her.

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