New Faces

Monty Pendleton

Inventor | Tutor | Grandfather
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
1/1999 (64)
It was the beginning of a new year, and that time when new names and faces needed to be attached to one another. This term there were five new professors for Monty to acquaint himself with; a number which only a few years earlier might have been apt to intimidate him. Granted, the thought still set his heart racing, but no longer would he postpone welcoming his colleagues until the time and situation suited him. Thus it was the potions professor took himself to the common room immediately after breakfast, his heart a flutter, but his determination unbridled.

It took only a moment to locate an unfamiliar face, upon which Monty smiled and approached it. His natural instinct was to disguise his anxiety by way of concealing it; to draw himself erect and exhibit a confident, comfortable, but altogether false manner that might save him the abashment of his flaws coming to recognition; but he had greeted most every acquaintance hitherto this way, and never had he felt the better for it. Rather it burdened him with the heavy task of perpetuating the facade for as long as he kept his defences raised. So instead of pulling his shoulders back he allowed them to curl a little, maintaining a faintly perceptible bow and allowing the soft notes of anxiety to touch his voice. In this way he was unimposing, and though surpassing six feet in height appeared a small presence in the room. "Hello," he said, extending a hand toward his acquaintance. "You must be professor, uh...?"
It had been years since Matt had set foot in the castle as a student, but being here brought back all the memories. It felt very nostalgic, and he had to resist the urge to go to the Ravenclaw Common Room where he used to love spending his time. At least this feeling was somewhat supressed in the Professor's Common Room, a place he hadn't seen when he was a student here.

As odd as it felt to be here as a teacher, it was also wonderful. He had been able to surprise his daughter April greatly, and he had been relieved when her reaction to his new job had been positive. Because he hadn't wanted to get her hopes up, he hadn't told her in advance. But only when he got the job he realized she might not take kindly to the idea of her old man hovering over her shoulder while she had her first taste of freedom, but she didn't seem to have minded at all. He was relieved to see that she was still very much a child, and no moody teenage moods were in sight yet.

The same couldn't really be said for the only other student he already knew, his boyfriend's daughter October. His relationship with the girl hadn't been as close as he liked because she had been away at school for most of the past year, but he hoped she wouldn't mind him being here. He had wanted to tell her in person but hadn't been able to find her yet in this huge school. It was likely April would get to her before he did, and he could only hope she would be somewhat tactful, though he knew her well enough to know that wasn't likely.

His musings were interrupted by a voice and he quickly looked at the man that had spoken. Ah, he had to be one of Matt's new colleagues. He couldn't be anything but a Professor, he just looked the part. Matt smiled at the man and extended his hand. "Matt Ward, I'm going to teach History of Magic to the older kids." Saying it still felt unreal in the best way. "And you are?"
The last year and a half, Kahurangi hadn't spent much time in the professors common room. No matter how long it had been since she had been a student herself, it still felt off limits, like a secret part of the castle she wasn't supposed to visit. But today she was sorely in need of both caffeine and company, and the common room seemed the likeliest place to find both. She headed downstairs with a mug in one hand and a book tucked under her other arm, just in case the company turned out not to be forthcoming.

With so many new professors coming in this year, Kahurangi really wanted to get out of her bubble and actually make friends with some of her co-workers at last. Now that she felt settled and comfortable with the curriculum there wasn't so much work to be done, and she was beginning to realise she had barely spoken to anyone for the last year and a half now. It was about time for that to change, and Kahurangi smiled, relieved as she opened the door and spotted a couple of her co-workers already hanging around chatting.

Kahurangi had already taken a couple of steps towards the pair before she realised what her eyes were seeing. "Ward?" She asked, all the conversation starters she had thought of flying out of her mind. "Matt Ward? I didn't realise you were teaching!" Kahurangi laughed, disbelievingly. Seeing one of her old classmates standing here with her in their old school increased the nostalgia tenfold. "How are you?"

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