Closed Never Unnoticed

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
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Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon had been quite busy this semester, but he rather enjoyed it. He felt the semester was already flying by as he was just finishing up his second week back. It didn't feel like long ago that he was planning his lessons for a new year. The professor was clearing up his garden that afternoon when he found some nettle and some scurvy grass growing in a small patch beside his dandelions. He thought they would be good for the potions professors to put to use, as he was sure that students used these ingredients quite commonly. However as the man headed through the dungeons with his plant bag, he was distracted by the sight of a student that he didn't recall seeing in yesterday's second year's lesson. "Oh, Sunday!" he exclaimed, waving her over. "Nice to see you. Are you feeling alright? Where were you yesterday?"
Sunday hadn't realized she'd be skipping classes this semester- until she'd decided her presence was not necessary for the mandrake lessons. She'd heard about these lessons- raising them just to kill them in the end. She thought it was beneath her, so she'd decided to just study in the library instead. It had gone well- she'd not been disturbed and no one had questioned her. At least, not right away. She was walking from her common room, intending to make it to the student lounge, when she heard someone call her name. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Professor Carter. She put a carefully crafted smile on her face and turned to face him. She looked up, keeping her shoulders squared. "Hello, Professor," She greeted. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend yesterday." She offered, unsure in that exact moment how she wanted to go about this.
Landon smiled at Sunday's politeness. He was always unsure what people meant about Slytherins being nasty. It was a shame that only a couple of people in history could put a bad name to a whole house. "No need to worry at all, Sunday!" he exclaimed, not wanting her to feel bad about not being able to make it. "Is everything okay now?" He wasn't sure what was wrong and didn't want to push too hard to get it out of her, but was always concerned for his students.
Sunday thought a moment, before taking a deep breath and turnign towards the man. "Yes and no, Professor. I'm afraid I'll be unable to participate in the mandrake lessons." She gave him her most contrite, apologetic look, scuffing a toe against the stones and lowering her eyes, a blush coloring her cheeks. "I couldn't stomach raising a mandrake knowing it would be sent to its death, no matter how noble the cause."

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