Neil Zager

Neil Zager

OOC First Name
Full Name:
- Neil Blazon Zager

Date of Birth:
- September 24, 2013

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- A little shorter than average, not to fat or to skinny, and not to buff or to weak. He has shaggy dirty blonde hair. Neil has brown eyes, and wears glasses.

- Neil enjoys playing his acoustic guitar. He likes classical music the most. He is very much into Musical Theory, and has been taking lessons for quite some time. He is a very good music reader. He also likes art. He paints and draws. He is never the type to be very loud. He doesn’t answer questions in class often, and likes to keep to himself for the most part. Occasionally he will come out of his “shell” and be very polite and sociable.

Favorite Color - Orange and other warm colors. Cool colors are just too gloomy.

- Mom; Vera Zager
-Dad; Syd Zager; Deceased; was killed by a group of Stingrays on a vacation in Spain
-No siblings

- Dog
Welsh Pembroke Corgi named Wade, 3 years old

Area of Residence:
- Oslo, Norway

Blood Status:
- Muggle Born

- Most of his assertors are from Norway, but some came over from Swedan.
%75 Norwegian
%25 Swedan

Interests or Hobbies:
- Guitar
-Musical Theory

- Thinking of things in a different way, focusing, Hiding his emotions, avoiding people

- Not being very sociable, not able to make friends very easy

Favorite place to be:
- Anywhere that he can just sit down, and relax. Even better if music is playing. He likes to be calm and relaxed. Never saw a reason for hate or disputes.

- Dala Sykes; Childhood friend. They met when they were 5 years old, on the first day of school. They’ve been good friends since.

Hogwarts House:
Hopes to be-

Best school subjects:
-Ancient Runes
Ever since he got his letter to go to Hogwarts New Zealand, he started reading about some magical things. He of course didn’t know weather or not it was true, since he wasn’t learning it from a wizard, but he started to read about Divination, and looking into the future, and fortune telling.

Worst school subjects:
-History of Magic-He doesn’t do well with Norwegian History.

Extracurricular Activities:
- Musical Theory. He plays guitar, and has always been interested.

Your Boggart:
- Giant Sting Ray. Refer to family for reason why.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,
Today was a fine day. As good as any other day I suppose. I woke up early, about 4:30. I played Guitar quite a bit, and wrote some more of my song. I hope to finish it within the next couple of weeks. Later I hung out with Dala for a while. Ah, she’s wonderful. We sat down by our favorite pond. Then I went home, and something very strange happened. I got an interesting letter in the mail, from some place called
Hogwarts New Zealand School of Witchcraft of Wizardry.At first I didn’t know what to think. It was probably just some junk mail or a practical joke, but when I read it, it started going on about how I was accepted to go to their school in New Zealand. There was a list of items I was to buy when semester started… Basic Book of Spells-Grade One, A History of magic-Grade One, and loads of other stuff. I was pretty amazed, actually. I can’t believe some what would make this up.

But could it be true? My curiosity got the best of me. What if I was a Wizard? Would I actually be willing to go all the way to New Zealand for a whole school year? I wouldn’t want to leave Mom, or Dala…

Well, I think Ill show Mom the letter either today or tomorrow. I wonder what she’ll say..

Q & A

Is Neil named after somebody in his family, or close to his family? If so, who? If not, why does he have the name he does?
His name is Neil because one of the meanings of the name “Neil” is “clouds” or “cloudy”. He was born on a stormy and very foggy and cloudy day. So they named him Neil.

What does Neil think of his middle name?
He doesn’t care for it too much. He hasn’t told anyone it, except for Dala. The only thing he really likes is it’s uniqueness.

How did Neil and his family react to him being a wizard?
Neil didn’t really know what to believe. He at first thought it was just some prank, but it seems so professional he actually started to believe it (read the Diary entry).
When he showed it to his mom, she just said she didn’t have enough time right now. But later he kept showing her it and asking her about it. She read it, and was starting to get worried about him. She thought someone was after him. He said he really wanted to go and see if it was real or not.
She said, “We won’t be able to afford the plane ticket or any of that stuff.”
He replied, “But look here. It says students will get a 200 Galleon allowance for school supplies. I suppose that’s wizard money,”
“Well, let me think about it for a while. What happens if we go there and none of this is true?” and she left to go to work.
Later she finally decided that he could go, and that she would save money and go with him to take him, and leave to go back home when it started.
Besides, they needed a vacation after 8 years.

How many instruments does Neil play?
His primary instrument is the Acoustic Guitar. He also knows how to play the Piano, but doesn’t play as often as he does guitar.

Neil seems very artistic. How do you think this will play in to his schooling at Hogwarts?
I definitely think it well help him understand, and help him view things in a different way.

Is there any particular reason for Neil having developed a "shell"?
The main reason he has developed a “shell” is because of the death of his father. He didn’t get to see his mother as much, and didn’t have anybody really to talk to anymore (until he started school and met Dala) except for his baby sitter, who stopped babysitting when he was 8. He became very self-dependant, and low-maintenance.

What is Neil's mother's occupation?
Before Neil’s Dad died, she was a Taylor. After, she had to take a second part time job, as a waitress at the nearby café in the morning.

What was his father's occupation?
Marine Biologist. When he died he and his family went to the Spain for him to study the animals that live in the surrounding area.

How long ago did Neil's father die?
When Neil was only 3 years old.

Was Neil there when his father died?
He wasn’t there in the ocean with him. Him and his mom when out sightseeing. When they came back to the place they were staying, his father wasn’t there when they expected him to be. When it started to get very late, they called the police. They heard that a man had been found of the coast of Madrid and had been attacked by sting rays.

How has Neil's family's life changed since his father's death?
Neil’s mother had to take another part time job. His father made most of the money as a Marine Biologist, and being a Taylor just wasn’t going to make up for it. Neil started to be babysat until he was about 8 years old. He doesn’t see his mom as much anymore, and he is mostly alone except when with Dala.

Who is Neil's best friend Dala Sykes, or Wade (his dog)?
Dala Sykes-
Dala Sykes is Neil’s only, and best friend. They met on the first day of primary school. They were both the quietest of the bunch. They sat in the back together, and began talking. They introduced and became friends. She comes from a normal home, Mom, Dad, younger sister. They’ve hung out at each other’s house a lot. They sit together at lunch, and hang out at recess. Some of the other kids think that there’s “something” special between them. But Neil doesn’t really know what they mean.

Wade is Neil’s dog. He is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and is 3 years old. He was a runaway dog, and Neil found him on the streets. He brought him home, and his mom said they could keep him. Neil takes good care of him, and takes him for walks just about every day.

Why is Neil attending school so far from his home (assuming he is to attend HNZ)?
He doesn’t really know why. He doesn’t know why they picked, and he didn’t know if it was all actually true. Something inside him wanted him to go to New Zealand and see if it was real. And also, he isn’t aware of Durmstrang, or the other Hogwarts, so he supposes that HNZ is the only one.

How did Neil's relationship develop with Dala? What made their friendship grow where Neil normally has trouble making friends?
One of the main reasons that they became friends is because they were both the quiet kids. They both sat in the back of the room at school and happened to start talking. Since they both sat by each other, they usually got paired together for projects and worksheets and what not. As the years went on, they usually had the same classes. They would always hang out together at and after school.

What traits make Neil more like a Ravenclaw than like a Hufflepuff?
Well, from what he read about Ravenclaw in his letter from Hogwarts, they are more smart and serious than some of the other house. He thinks he will do well in that house, as he does a t his school in oslo.

What is your character's favorite type of cookie?
Peanut Butter. He loves peanut butter flavored things :D
Here are some quick questions off the top of my head to help you in your character's development:

Is Neil named after somebody in his family, or close to his family? If so, who? If not, why does he have the name he does?
What does Neil think of his middle name?
How did Neil and his family react to him being a wizard?
How many instruments does Neil play?
Neil seems very artistic. How do you think this will play in to his schooling at Hogwarts?
Is there any particular reason for Neil having developed a "shell"?
What is Neil's mother's occupation?
What was his father's occupation?
How long ago did Neil's father die?
Was Neil there when his father died?
How has Neil's family's life changed since his father's death?
Who is Neil's best friend Dala Sykes, or Wade (his dog)?
Why is Neil attending school so far from his home (assuming he is to attend HNZ)?
How did Neil's relationship develop with Dala? What made their friendship grow where Neil normally has trouble making friends?
What traits make Neil more like a Ravenclaw than like a Hufflepuff?

Also: What is your character's favourite type of cookie?
Is Neil named after somebody in his family, or close to his family? If so, who? If not, why does he have the name he does?
His name is Neil because one of the meanings of the name “Neil” is “clouds” or “cloudy”. He was born on a stormy and very foggy and cloudy day. So they named him Neil.

What does Neil think of his middle name?
He doesn’t care for it too much. He hasn’t told anyone it, except for Dala. The only thing he really likes is it’s uniqueness.

How did Neil and his family react to him being a wizard?
Neil didn’t really know what to believe. He at first thought it was just some prank, but it seems so professional he actually started to believe it (read the Diary entry).
When he showed it to his mom, she just said she didn’t have enough time right now. But later he kept showing her it and asking her about it. She read it, and was starting to get worried about him. She thought someone was after him. He said he really wanted to go and see if it was real or not.
She said, “We won’t be able to afford the plane ticket or any of that stuff.”
He replied, “But look here. It says students will get a 200 Galleon allowance for school supplies. I suppose that’s wizard money,”
“Well, let me think about it for a while. What happens if we go there and none of this is true?” and she left to go to work.
Later she finally decided that he could go, and that she would save money and go with him to take him, and leave to go back home when it started.
Besides, they needed a vacation after 8 years.

How many instruments does Neil play?
His primary instrument is the Acoustic Guitar. He also knows how to play the Piano, but doesn’t play as often as he does guitar.

Neil seems very artistic. How do you think this will play in to his schooling at Hogwarts?
I definitely think it well help him understand, and help him view things in a different way.

Is there any particular reason for Neil having developed a "shell"?
The main reason he has developed a “shell” is because of the death of his father. He didn’t get to see his mother as much, and didn’t have anybody really to talk to anymore (until he started school and met Dala) except for his baby sitter, who stopped babysitting when he was 8. He became very self-dependant, and low-maintenance.

What is Neil's mother's occupation?
Before Neil’s Dad died, she was a Taylor. After, she had to take a second part time job, as a waitress at the nearby café in the morning.

What was his father's occupation?
Marine Biologist. When he died he and his family went to the Spain for him to study the animals that live in the surrounding area.

How long ago did Neil's father die?
When Neil was only 3 years old.

Was Neil there when his father died?
He wasn’t there in the ocean with him. Him and his mom when out sightseeing. When they came back to the place they were staying, his father wasn’t there when they expected him to be. When it started to get very late, they called the police. They heard that a man had been found of the coast of Madrid and had been attacked by sting rays.

How has Neil's family's life changed since his father's death?
Neil’s mother had to take another part time job. His father made most of the money as a Marine Biologist, and being a Taylor just wasn’t going to make up for it. Neil started to be babysat until he was about 8 years old. He doesn’t see his mom as much anymore, and he is mostly alone except when with Dala.

Who is Neil's best friend Dala Sykes, or Wade (his dog)?
Dala Sykes-
Dala Sykes is Neil’s only, and best friend. They met on the first day of primary school. They were both the quietest of the bunch. They sat in the back together, and began talking. They introduced and became friends. She comes from a normal home, Mom, Dad, younger sister. They’ve hung out at each other’s house a lot. They sit together at lunch, and hang out at recess. Some of the other kids think that there’s “something” special between them. But Neil doesn’t really know what they mean.

Wade is Neil’s dog. He is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and is 3 years old. He was a runaway dog, and Neil found him on the streets. He brought him home, and his mom said they could keep him. Neil takes good care of him, and takes him for walks just about every day.

Why is Neil attending school so far from his home (assuming he is to attend HNZ)?
He doesn’t really know why. He doesn’t know why they picked, and he didn’t know if it was all actually true. Something inside him wanted him to go to New Zealand and see if it was real. And also, he isn’t aware of Durmstrang, or the other Hogwarts, so he supposes that HNZ is the only one.

How did Neil's relationship develop with Dala? What made their friendship grow where Neil normally has trouble making friends?
One of the main reasons that they became friends is because they were both the quiet kids. They both sat in the back of the room at school and happened to start talking. Since they both sat by each other, they usually got paired together for projects and worksheets and what not. As the years went on, they usually had the same classes. They would always hang out together at and after school.

What traits make Neil more like a Ravenclaw than like a Hufflepuff?
Well, from what he read about Ravenclaw in his letter from Hogwarts, they are more smart and serious than some of the other house. He thinks he will do well in that house, as he does a t his school in oslo.

What is your character's favorite type of cookie?
Peanut Butter. He loves peanut butter flavored things :D

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