Neglected characters...

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Patricia Rogers said:
Axel Zhefarovich said:
Patricia Rogers said:
Kaitlyn: I took Avory out when I decided I have enough going on with her to keep me occupied ;) :r:
Like being pregnant isn't enough. :r =))
Something along those lines xD

Are you offering a character to RP with any of mine? :r:
Maybe...Raven could meet Ivan, but she won't have a crush on him or anything. That would be fun. ^_^
Unless you had another character in mind. :r:
Raven Mirayinov said:
Patricia Rogers said:
Axel Zhefarovich said:
Patricia Rogers said:
Kaitlyn: I took Avory out when I decided I have enough going on with her to keep me occupied ;) :r:
Like being pregnant isn't enough. :r =))
Something along those lines xD

Are you offering a character to RP with any of mine? :r:
Maybe...Raven could meet Ivan, but she won't have a crush on him or anything. That would be fun. ^_^
Unless you had another character in mind. :r:
I may have :shifty: xD

But Ivan and Raven would be good too ^_^
I will so no object to another character, if it is the one I am thinking about either. :r:
Raven Mirayinov said:
I will so no object to another character, if it is the one I am thinking about either. :r:
xD Just spit it out woman <_<
*points at Avory* YOU. With Axel. *nods*
Raven Mirayinov said:
*points at Avory* YOU. With Axel. *nods*
=)) =)) Good we're on the same page xD

Will you start or shall I? ^_^
The Durmstrang character isn't mine, he's just her brother. (I gave the character to summer) But I'm sure Jake Kiernan would RP with you. Cecily could meet Ivan through Jake or something maybe. Or she could RP with any of the other characters.
Cecily Kiernan said:
The Durmstrang character isn't mine, he's just her brother. (I gave the character to summer) But I'm sure Jake Kiernan would RP with you. Cecily could meet Ivan through Jake or something maybe. Or she could RP with any of the other characters.
Or we could just throw out the middle man and let them RP together come next Brightstone weekend?
Avory McKenna said:
Raven Mirayinov said:
*points at Avory* YOU. With Axel. *nods*
=)) =)) Good we're on the same page xD

Will you start or shall I? ^_^
Hmm, I'll start one with Raven, and you start one with Avory. Or just Avory for now. Whichever, cause I am running on no sleep, and I am about to take me a nap. :p
Same here xD Well Avory will do for now then, save Raven for later on ;)
Good good, I'll get back to you when Brightstone opens ;)
During Brightstone, Ivan and Joce have to see each other.
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