Needing Relationships

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Renesmee Rochers

Well-Known Member
Hi there,
So Renee is single and she dosent have many friends,any boyfriends,enemies etc.So if you would like our character to be friends or have a relation please tell me here.Thanks
Imogen could be a friend or Best Friend, Which ever you think would be better.
Imogen is always looking for new friends
Not really, I'm pretty lame at coming up with plots. I'm open to any idea's you may have.
As for an RP how about some where on the grounds? Or The library?
I don't mind where.
Maybe in the grounds,in the forest.I am willing to get lost in it and maybe you turn up and we get into some trouble.I am willing to get caught if a professor agrees to join the rp.
Sure. Sounds good.
Seeing as you get lost do you want to start the topic?
I could be the best guy-friend :p
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