Needing friends and acquaintances

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Prithviraj Chauhan

Well-Known Member

Okay I think now it's time I should start role playing.So Prithviraj needs some friends of his age group and he is fairly new in New Zealand.My character is 12 years old and he is going to start HNZ as a transfer student next year and in the meantime I need to make friends for him,so if anyone is intrested please post below.

And I have started THIS RP in the unsorted section if anyone would like to join.

I have two second year Gryffindors who could be friends.

She is quiet and prefers to occupy herself with books than people. She's not enjoying life at the moment and doesn't exactly have many friends.

She is quite outgoing and adventurous but is very protective so makes enemies easily. It is for this reason that she also has very few friends.
Cool,I would love to be friends with all of you.
So the next brightstone weekend starts on 13 and since i am not yet a student we will only be able to rp in brightstone village.As soon as the weekend starts I will post three links over here so you can join.
Hey, I can't open the link for Taylor. It comes up saying error.
I guess it's because the Brightstone weekend starts on 14 and maybe the forum has not yet opened to students it am sure that you will be able to open the topic as soon as the forum is opened to students.So that will be sometime during today because it's 14 dec where I live but i am not sure wht local time do the admins follow.

Hey Lexi,I would love to be friends with Ino,can you start a topic and PM me with a link?
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