need someone to rp

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Riley Smith

Well-Known Member
riley needs someone to talk to and to laugh with. he wants a friend to be with and share strories with.
I won't really be able to RP much until the new year (in real life) - so that's a few months away, but if you like I could create an account for Beau's older brother Will. He's a muggle and lives in Dunedin. He's 17, the oldest of six siblings and will be finishing high school at the end of the year. He'll probably move out of home and... who knows? I haven't really thought about it. He does know a little about magic, as his little brother Beau got invited to Hogwarts this year. His mother is a squib. If you want a wizard friend I can't help you out, but Will's there if you can't find anyone else.
I'm not sure if you're looking for a guy friend, but...if you aren't, I could offer Cyndi :)
It's been a while since she had a "boy" friend :r who she could talk to and trust.
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