Need of friends

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Renesmee Rochers

Well-Known Member
Hello all,
Renee is really a loner :cry: and she doesn't have anyone whom she can call a friend :cry: .She needs friends from all houses,people whom she can hangout with and rp with not once but many times.Hufflepuff students,girls and boys are warmly welcome to be her friends :D .She also need roomies.She hasn't actually done any rps of settling into a dorm room so she dosen't have a dorm room of her own :( .Whoever wants to be her friend and is willing to rp often with her can reply to this thread or PM me :D .

Thanks all.

Well, Imogen and Renesmee have met once or twice, so I can offer her as a best friend.
They got along well and had some things in common. I'd be willing to RP often too.

So, you wanna RP?

Emi and Renesmee have met before as well, so I can offer Emi as a friend/close friend if you want...

If you need to know more about her, she is friendly, kind & caring, but can be a troublemaker :)
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