Closed Nearing The End

Professor Samantha Jacobs

arithmancy 5-7 🧩 | ‘55 grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
bi) (ren
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
26 (06/2037)
The year was going by so quickly, and it wasn't long before Samantha was going the graduate this year. The girl really didn't have any idea of what she wanted to do, though she had some options. She had been contemplating on taking a gap year or not. But that was one of the things she was worried about. There were other things on her mind, such as getting good grades on her NEWTs. Samantha had decided to go to the student lounge to get a load of studying done. She guessed that she wanted a slight change in scenery for her studies today. Sam picked on one of the free tables that were there, a stack of a few books and papers, and a bag of sweets she had brought with her from home, and cracked on studying.
Padme didn't have too many classes, one of the fortunes of having been away was that she'd decided to be very specific about what she wanted to study. She was able to balance in some work outside of hogwarts and had put more time into the work she had for after school. She'd certainly decided to not immediately go into full time work, just doing more shifts at the coffee shop and planning some adventures around that money. She was still keen to get back to London. She walked into the student lounge and in the crowd of studying students she spotted Sam. She walked over to her friend and noted that it seemed Sam was working quite hard. Padme didn't want to interupt any serious solo session but she would be less lonely to study with someone. "Hey Sam, can I join you?"
Samantha looked up when she heard a voice, and smiled at the familiar face. "Hey Padme, sure you can!" Sam says with a small smile, as she points to one of the free seats. She moves her stuff around, leaving some room for Padme to place her things. "Sorry. It's a bit of a mess," Samantha says with a small guilty smile. She had felt a bit bad for taking a whole table when she should have been considerate enough for other people who wanted to study here.
Padme gave a little smile and that sat down next to Sam. She glanced over the different things and then shrugged. "Oh that's okay, we're studying for NEWTs, gotta fuel somehow," Padme smiled at her, knowing that it was useful to have food, and to have a number of books. Padme didn't have too much, but she pulled out a flask with coffee in it. "Coffee?" she offered Sam, she wasn't sure if Sam drank coffee but it would be rude to not offer.
Samantha nodded and smiled, grateful that Padme hadn't really seemed to mind about the mess she made. Though the Hufflepuff still felt a bit guilty for making a mess on the table that she was supposed to share with other people. "Coffee sounds nice," Samantha says with a small nod and smile. She liked to have a bit of coffee from time to time, especially when it came to exam season. "How's studying going for you?"
Padme nodded and conjured up a second cup to then pour some of the fresh coffee into and passed it to Samantha. She poured herself a cup and took a little sip before giving a nervous grimace and laugh. "Could be going better," she replied. She was opening her books and then glanced to Samantha's books, it did seem her dormmate was having more success. "What about your studying?" Padme asked.
Samantha chuckles a little at Padme's response. "I guess it's different for everyone," Samantha says with a small chuckle. She guessed that everyone went at a different paste. She quietly thanks Padme for the warm beverage as she passes it to Samantha. "I think I'm doing okay. Just trying to remember bits and pieces I guess" Samantha says with a small smile. She takes a sip of her coffee. "How are you feeling about graduation?" Sam asks her friend curiously. Samantha was nervous about it, and she couldn't believe how fast the time went by. She couldn't believe that she was graduating.
Padme nodded lightly, and took a little sip of her coffee before giving a little smile. She could attest to it. "Some stuff sticks in there more than others. I've been doing a lot of practical work, which is great but still only like fifty percent of most classes," Padme replied with a little smile. She gave a little chuckle. "I'm not sure, on the one hand, it'll be cool and on the other, it means all this is done and I've actually got to be an adult...," she gave a little nervous laugh. It would be fine, but the anticipation of it was a lot. "How are you feeling about it?"
Samantha nods as Padme explains about studying. She guessed that people had different methods of studying, hers being reading things and rewriting stuff over and over again until she could memorise most of the stuff she needed to. Sam nodded, understanding how Padme was feeling. She then shrugged at the response of Padme returning the question. "Honestly? I'm a bit nervous. It's gonna be different once we leave this place. Everyone's basically gonna go their separate and own ways"
Padme took another sip of her coffee nodding along to Sam as she spoke. It would be a real concern for some. Perhaps not for her, given she'd already left and went off to do something else somewhere else for a bit. Leaving and not seeing people wasn't the easiest thing to do, but it could be done. She gave a sympathetic smile. "It's daunting, we've all known each other for so long and we're about to all go off on our own...," she didn't disagree since she knew that how someone felt about something was always valid. "It'll be okay though," she reassured.

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