n00b on the loose! <33

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Artemis Rose

New Member
OOC First Name
Hello, everyone. I'm Brianna, your current n00b. I'm not exactly sure what to do or if there are any important things to see, so if anyone can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated. I love to read, write and be random. ;D

*stamps seal of approval* I'm Brianna and I approve this message.
Welcome to HNZ Brianna! :hug:

My name is Jessye! Being random is always fun! To help you out with getting started I'll link you to our Site Documentation Page as there is tooooons of useful information there for you to lurk! If you have any other questions you can always send a PM to one of the Admins or Global Mods, they're an awesome bunch and I'm sure they'd love to help you out in any way that they can! If you'd ever like to roleplay some time don't be afraid to shoot me a PM!

I hope you enjoy yourself here!
♥ Jessye
Welcome to the site. My name is Luvesha or just call me Lovi and i hope you enjoy your time here!
Oh, hey Brianna - Welcome to HNZ! :)

I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I hope you enjoy your time on the board.
Jessye has linked you to most of the things you should really take a look at, but if you find yourself with any pressing questions or concerns feel free to contact me or to post in FAQs (and one of the members of our community will be sure to take a look).

I hope to see you around the board and maybe get to know you better as you get to know us all.

P.S: :glare: I do hate it when n00bs get loose.
Welcome to the site! I'm Kaitlyn, and a global mod around here.
Don't be afraid to PM me for questions and whatnot. ^_^

~ Kaitlyn
Welcome to the site Brianna!

I'm Cyndi, one of the admin here. I hope you enjoy yourself on the site, and I hope to see you around :)

Oh yay welcome! ^_^
I'm Donna, one of the Global Mods, feel free to poke any of us with your questions :)

Donna :wub:
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