My Twins!!

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Ai Nightray

mum • all of it was worth getting here • loyal
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
11/2018 (33)
I'm looking for some RPs for my twins so that I can start being active here in HNZ again. :D

Well, first off is Conan.

Conan Edogawa the older brother of the twins who seemed inseparable. But, now, the twins are still not in good terms, in fact, they're in bad terms which has gotten worse over the time they spent in Japan. Now, Conan has completely changed. From a good boy who was friendly to everyone, he is now some mean guy. From a good student who would get high marks in almost every class, he is now one who never attends class.

For him, I need, maybe a couple of enemies, some acquaintances maybe, and some others...


Up next is Ai.

The clingy, mean little sister. At least, she used to be until the fight. The little girl has mostly spent her time in her room punching the wall and throwing tantrums blaming herself for what happened between her and Conan. From that mean little girl, she's now someone who would rarely leave the common room and would only leave secretly, careful to not get noticed. From the girl who likes to study and get good grades, she never attended classes because of her depression.

For her, I need a couple of RPs with maybe some friends cheering her up, or maybe a couple of enemies who would be a wee bit meaner to her.

Basically looking for just about anything for these two since they are my main charries, especially Ai.. xD .. Feel free to shoot me a PM or post here!

Soo...Conan and Heath or Conan and Satsuke. He has met both of them, whichever on you think is more interesting. I also miss Ai and Heath. Heath has wondered where his short stuff has gone! >.<!
LOVI!!!!!!!!! I missed you!!

<FONT font="Times New Roman">Conan and Heath

I remember the last time they met... Heath went hysterical since Conan was too... I forgot the term!! xD ..

Conan and Satsuke

I'd love to! Wonder how Satsuke would react to Conan's sudden changes.. xD

Heath and Ai

His short stuff is still punching the walls. :shifty: :r Wanna RP with both of them? I wanna!!!

<COLOR color="#9300C4">TEIGAN!!!!!! Yippee!!!

Conan and Taylor

You being scared of Ai is totally understandable! xD ... Sure, we could make the two meet up and maybe talk about how things has been!

HANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :hug:

Conan and Amelia

It's alright.. I left that hanging too when I suddenly disappeared... xD .. We can have another topic! Want me to start it?
Sure, sure,,, Would you like me to start it?? Or would you you want to start it??
I'll start it after NEWTS if you dont mind waiting

I don't mind... ^.^ I'll wait!
I can start a topic for Conan and Satsuke and Heath and Ai. I will start them a little later today.
Hey Marga!

I have my characters Jessica Cambridge and Casey Everdeen for any of your charries for anything. Jess is Collin's younger sister. She's from a rich family who sells wine. She's a spoiled brat and likes to have things her way. She's that typical rich girl and is very girly. Casey is an orphan. Her mother left her when she was still 3 and her father died last year. She has a younger brother who was taken into a boy's orphanage while she was taken into a girl's one. She's pretty much changed now. She's this cold, moody girl. She's still adventurous though and can be pretty nice when in a good mood. Thoughts please?

I was wondering do you still want to continue Percy's topic with Killua?

Okay, Lovi!! Thanks!! Just PM me the links and I'll reply as soon as I can!!

NICO, NICO, NICO~!!!!!!!​

<SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="150"><FONT font="Times New Roman">Conan and Jessica

<COLOR color="firebrick">Haha! If I remember correctly these two already met once. Although, I think it was a hanging RP... Want them to meet again??

Ai and Casey

Another hanging RP!! xD Hahahaha!! We can have them meet again or something!!

Kil and Percy

Haha!! Sure, sure... I'll try to fix Kil up next week since it's already Christmas vacation on Tuesday! ^.^
Conan and Amelia
Sorry I'm late again, God things are so busy lately :r anyways it would be great if you could start it please!
-Sure. ^_^ Where do you want them to meet?

-Okay then. Pm me if you're good. I have exams on Tuesday and Wednesday. Our vacation won't be until Friday so I hope that's fine with you.
Conan and Jessica
Uhm... The lawn maybe??

Ai and Casey
How about the Lake?

Kil and Percy
Haha! My vacation starts on Tuesday... ;) Sure.. I'll work on Kil while you work on your exams.

Conan and Amelia
Sure thing, Hanna!! I'll start it after my exams tomorrow. ;)
-Anything you say. :) I'll start this one...mhmm...maybe tomorrow.

-Okay. Can you start this one?

-Good for you :cyndi: I finished my exams just this morning so we're even :r :p Can you start this one too? I owe a lot of people replies. :tut:
Conan and Jessica

Ai and Casey
No problem!!

Kil and Percy
No biggie! But you get to choose where. :p
Not so much.. :p

Sure! No problem.. ^.^
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