My Turn! (Edited)

Amodeus Jones

Clueless ~ Adorable ~ Soft
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 Inch Whippy Fir Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
15 (9/23/2048)
Hey guys! I'm looking for some plot things. Ofc I'm open to anything but here's what I'm looking to do more with.

Holly Cromwell: Holly is somewhat new, 31. She's a single mom recently moved to New York and fresh out of a bad relationship, trying to make a better life for herself and her unborn baby. She could really use some friends to hang out with or some support.

Sato Asahi: Sato is 30, japanese and recently moved to New Zealand. He's looking to settle in, wanting to make some friends and just get used to living in a new country.

Abigail Cromwell: Abby is 30, committed to Graeme Fergusson, and the proud mother of two boys in school and two baby girls still in diapers. Abby is a writer and would love to make more friends in the Scotland area, as she's moved there to live with Graeme and their children.

Professor Mallory Corrins: Mallory is 29 and the Charms Professor for 1-4, and she loves her job and the children she teaches. I'm always open to any sorts of threads with Mallory. She's in a solid relationship but she'd love to make more friends among staff or she'd love to help out any kids in the school, wither they're in her classes or not.

Onyx Derouin: At 25, Onyx is absolutely my baby and he needs all the friends he can find. He's in college, married happily and living in a seaside French Villa with his pro-quidditch player husband Jamie. He's very sweet, loves music and food, and is always open to meeting someone new.

Avaria Lockwood: Ava is 24, another one of my sweeties. She's 24 now, still living with Vader Hume. She's the proud mother to three children. The twins, Aurora and Nico, and her newborn Plum. She's tentatively seeing Noelle Maxwell. Ava's an intern for a tattoo shop and she's working as a bartender at the Hogs Head. She's bright, bubbly, loves painting and playing with her kids. She could use other mommy friends.

Lillian Lockwood: Lily is 23, one of my favorites. She's a sweet, gentle girl currently living on her own and running her own baking stand four days a week. She's saving up to open a bakery of her own and has started taking a few college classes to help teach her how to run a business. She could use some regulars at her stand, or some friends.

Miran Kemp: Miran is 22, still a work in progress. He's a healer in training, currently, and he's recently discovered and taken in his newborn daughter, Georgie. He lives in Germany right now with Martine Kinnek, his step mother, and his oldest brother Basil. He could use friends, but needs a romance, any gender.

Dorothy "Dot" Nash: Dot is 21, a squib, absolutely shy and unbelievably sweet. She loves the color pink, and is a childrens fantasy author. She's trying to get more out of her shell and needs to make friends.

Casper Beckett: Casper, 20, is an absolute sweetheart, living in a loft apartment with his boyfriend Linden Cullen and his cat Lapis. Casper has really grown into himself, and is easy-going with a good sense of humor. He's becoming a well known artist, and often holds art exhibitions both for himself and for other artists. He needs to make some solid friends, and he'd love to get to know some other artists.

Jordan "Jordie" Harris: How this boy is 18 I'll never know. He's graduated now, and feeling purposeless. He could use all the friends he could get.

Charlie Helkovaara: Charlie dropped out of school and got a full ride scholarship to a music university in New York where he's living with his parents and baby brother. When he's not at school, he's trying to get involved in the New York night life, exploring bars and just generally having a good time. He could use drinking buddies, school buddies, and a few flings, either gender.

Hamish Reid: Sixth year Ravenclaw and Seeker on the team, Hamish is ready to come out of his shell. He's looking for flings, either gender, and he needs to make some solid friendships. He's really into cooking, and loves to spend time in the kitchens.

Akihiro Chen: Also 16, a Slytherin, Akihiro is looking to build some solid, meaningful friendships. He loves Architecture and travel, and has taken to long walks outside several times a day.

Soren Gates: Soren is looking for some more friends, or to build some relationships with other Quidditch Players. He's bold and really into fashion, just looking for more friends who can see him for who he is as an individual.

Evangeline Moss: Evie is very shy and insecure, and somehow made it into Gryffindor, lol. She's in desperate need of friends and plots.

Of course I have many, many, many more characters, lol, and if there's something else you want, please tell me everything! These are just the ones I'm asking for upfront. I'm open to all plots and ideas.
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I know we've talked a bit on discord and have a couple of things from my thread to go off (and I am just throwing a couple of ideas out while procrastinating on getting ready to go out) buuut:

1. I have Diana Thornton who could be a mum friend to Ava? She's a few years older and so are her kids (they're like 7/8 and 10) but I think she'd be the type of person who just wants to try different social circles as her life before was very different. Depends a bit on what I get with her employment but I'm sure we could work out something. She'd probably appreciate getting to be a bit more free spirited, lol.

2. If you did want to do something with Soren and Aine now I think about it more I could actually see them kind of being like the type of friends who see through each others bull :lol: mostly considering their first proper conversation was them messing around putting on an act. Kind of an awkward 'are we even friends' kind of deal. But you'd have to be willing to put up with her being somewhat difficult and I suppose it depends if Soren has the backbone for it/can give as good as he gets. :lol:

Diana/Ava could be fun. Maybe Diana goes in for drinks and they get talking?

Soren has a lot of experience with drama lol. I'm sure he can handle it. ;)
I think it's less drama and more they have like zero in common and very little reason to be friends so it would actually be honestly kind of funny :lol: like a cat and a dog. Maybe it's just almost refreshing for them I mean for Soren, Aine only kind of watches Quidditch and doesn't really know his siblings so she has no real point of reference of him being one of a group, only kind of knowing he's friends with Aurora.

And yes, I could see that like she has a night off and the kids are off with rellies (probably staying with her brother). I'll wait a bit until I know what she's doing for sure but I can add it to my list if you wanted?
sure! I can start something for Aine and Soren? Would she approach him?
Depends if he's doing anything she needs to approach him for. :r Throw something weird at me and we can yes-and our way through it.
lol deal
I'm just here to ask how the heck Onyx is 25 already

Also that's a lie I'm here for plots plz

I have Andi Hart who I think has met Hamish before, but I don't think they got along very well! Would be cool to chuck them together again and see how they get along. I can imagine her getting in his way in the kitchen and being a general pain. We could also chuck her with Akihiro - I can't remember if we've done them before? But same year and same House.

And if you want more topics with Amodeus, I have Emmy who is in the same year/house and I feel like they would get along :wub:
I'm just here to ask how the heck Onyx is 25 already

Also that's a lie I'm here for plots plz

I have Andi Hart who I think has met Hamish before, but I don't think they got along very well! Would be cool to chuck them together again and see how they get along. I can imagine her getting in his way in the kitchen and being a general pain. We could also chuck her with Akihiro - I can't remember if we've done them before? But same year and same House.

And if you want more topics with Amodeus, I have Emmy who is in the same year/house and I feel like they would get along :wub:
Don't ask me XD he should still be a baby

I don't recall doing Andi and Hamish, but you know I'm down for it.

So we've got Andi/Hamish, Andi/Akihiro, and Amodeus/Emmy. We can totally do all three. I can start Andi/Hamish if you want the other two?
So we've got Andi/Hamish, Andi/Akihiro, and Amodeus/Emmy. We can totally do all three. I can start Andi/Hamish if you want the other two?
Can we do two? I'll start Amodeus/Emmy and we leave Andi and Akirhiro for later on? :wub:
You gave me some offers, so I'll give you some too
  • For Avaria: I can offer Kade Borisyuk since he owns a tattoo shop and he could help her out there. He goes out drinking so he can meet her that way?
  • For Soren: I can offer Monday as friends and he's also a Quidditch player! The fashion thing is starting to be a thing for Monday, since he is dyeing his hair, and will need someone help paint his nails.
A lot of your characters seem to be like, in other continents so it doesn't help me with my options all in NZ except Styx but... Let's not torture your people with Styx.
Hey! I actually put up an open thread for ava if you're interested, and I would love Soren and Monday! You could have Monday start something if you want? @Professor Killian Borisyuk

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