My Slytherins need RPs

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Athena Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
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Pure Blood
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13 1/4" Cypress Wand with powdered serpent scale
As the title indicates, I need some help with some plots for my two Slytherins.

First, I have Preston Paine. He’s a fourth year Slytherin. Preston is a rather friendly guy to his fellow Slytherins, though to others he does sometimes come off as kind of arrogant. He grew up pretty well off and tends to forget that some people aren’t that fortunate. Preston is in a relationship now with a fourth year Gryffindor girl named Indiana Night. She’s just about the only Gryffindor he likes because he dislikes how they, more than members of the other Houses, look down on people from his House.

Because of the house he is in, Preston has always felt a need to hide that he’s a muggleborn. The only person who actually knows is his girlfriend. I think it’s about time for this cat to get out of the bag though, so I’m looking for someone, preferably a Slytherin who might have been his friend over the past few years and who might be getting suspicious and would finally out him publicly. This would take place over a series of RPs throughout the school year.
I’m also looking for some of the other stuff for Preston: friends, enemies, girls to flirt with. :p

I also have Athena here. Yes, I know she just graduated, but she’ll always be a Slytherin to me. Athena is a pureblood from a notorious family and she is proud of both of these facts. Athena made no plans for her future after graduation and has been spending her summer lounging around her dad’s house. She plans on doing this for a while because her family is well off enough that she doesn’t need to work. I kept her busy enough through lessons and performing prefect duties, but now that she won’t have either of those things, I need some RPs for her!
I’m looking for friends, enemies, etc. Athena is very particular about who she befriends as she has a strong dislike for most non-pureblood people. She also decides fairly quickly whether or not she likes someone and will act accordingly. If you’re interested in being a love interest, just know that Athena does have a final. Her dad is also very much against her dating.
I’m open to discussing RPs for my other characters- which can be found by looking at the account tracker- but I’d like to focus on these two. I also feel like I need to add a warning to let you know that I’m a slow RPer at times.

So, wanna help me out? Post here or PM me. :)
Awesome. When do you want this to be done exactly? :r
I was refusing to reply because it was making me sad :(

The only way to remedy this sadness is to rp Kithena again :D
I know that they have kind of 'broken up' if you will since Graduation and all because of Kiara's lack of Purebloodedness. But I would love to rp them again. I don't know how we would do it, but they are besties and you can't keep besties apart you know. Kiara is alittle apprehensive about her friendship with Athena at the moment, but she has to stop. She has to believe in her bestie. Whatever that will do xD

What do you say huh?
Kithena? I like. :p

I actually have an idea on how they could 'meet' up, so I'll PM you when I have a free moment. I won't be able to RP until after quidditch is over though. I have way too many other RPs at the moment, and quidditch is keeping me busy! :p
This is probably going to be a suggestion that makes little sense, but for Athena I could offer Theodore Snow to roleplay with? I've been wanting to pull Teddy out more lately, and since he is married into her family and is pretty close with her brother so maybe she might be somewhat willing to ignore his blood status?

Let me know! ^_^
Belladonna Metzger said:
This is probably going to be a suggestion that makes little sense, but for Athena I could offer Theodore Snow to roleplay with? I've been wanting to pull Teddy out more lately, and since he is married into her family and is pretty close with her brother so maybe she might be somewhat willing to ignore his blood status?

Let me know! ^_^
I cannot turn down an RP with Theodore!! He is one of my favorite HNZ characters ever! :woot:
Pm me on Abby when you do. I am always on her at some point during the day xD

I don't wanna miss this :r
Um there is definitely an age difference but I really want to drag Lani out so we could play Athena and Kalani against each other. It would probably be a dislike because Lani grew up the muggle way and now lives as a muggle mostly. She currently works in St. Petersburg as a ballerina (So she does speak Russian, in case Athena speaks that as well as Bulgarian (I'm assuming she speaks that because of the Zdkdjfjakfkf family mostly does, right?)) but lives in NZ with her fiancé. So either of those two places would work, I think,
It probably would be a dislike, but Kalani and Athena sounds interesting. I don't really get to RP Athena's bitchy side often enough. :p Athena does speak Bulgarian, but her Russian is probably sorely lacking ( I think she might understand some phrases but not enough to get by). Would you be able to start something?
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