Closed My Mind is Open Wide

Lucy Montague

Fifth Year | Music Maestro | Co-Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Lucy had a lot on her mind. She had a lot of responsibilities this year, and it was a little bit overwhelming - especially since it was OWLs too. But more than that, a certain someone keep featuring in her mind. It was kind of unnerving, because it wasn't like they were especially close. They'd talked a few times - even kissed, Lucy remembered with a faint blush - but that was about it. No real reason why Lucy should be thinking about her. No reason why she should be thinking of girls at all. Lucy sighed. She'd decided to take a walk along the great lawn to try and forget and distract herself but it wasn't really working, and the more she thought the more that uncomfortable, big feeling grew in her chest. Was this what adults felt about each other? Was this the feeling she saw people have in muggle movies, or tv shows? Lucy didn't exactly like it. But like a magnet wanting it's opposite, she felt a certain tug and she couldn't deny that the tug was exciting.

Lucy stopped walking for a moment, and just stood to admire a tree. It was an old oak tree - strong, reliable. The leaves were a vibrant green, standing out against the blue of the sky. Lucy felt a momentary peace as she considered it. Maybe if she was more like a tree, she would feel okay. A sudden gust sprang up and blew Lucy's hair into a whirl, and from a certain angle she looked almost untamed, yet her expression was full of purpose. Her thoughts strayed once more, keeping her unaware of her surroundings.
Tempest had been lying on the Great Lawn, enjoying the sun, when she saw a familiar face appear nearby. A face she hadn't stopped thinking about a lot recently, and she had finally realized why. Her mother had always talked about her marrying a proper man from a proper family, but she didn't think her mother would care if it was a woman, not that she was planning on marrying Lucy. But the idea of liking girls had finally started to settle into her brain, and once that thought process had been completed, her brain had all the time in the world to focus on Lucy. Her long, wavy hair, the way her nose just looked perfectly placed on her face, the way the girl's voice sounded when she said Tempest's name. And when the wind blew the girl's hair, Tempest rolled over and just couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked. But she had not told Lucy any of that, so it probably looked really weird when they made eye contact, and Tempest was just staring at her friend.
Lucy's eyes widened for a moment as their eyes met, but she quickly recovered, her face instead breaking into a bright smile. She felt nervous - why did she have to always feel nervous around Tempest? - but before she could make an executive decision, her feet were already walking towards the older girl. "Hey Tempest," Lucy said, and suddenly she had an urge to say something. To say how she felt. She held it back for now. Instead, she settled for something boring and stupid and she couldn't believe it was the best thing she could come up with. "How are you?" Lucy asked kindly, struggling not to notice how beautiful Tempest looked in the sun, how her hair shined. Tempest had really nice hair, and pretty eyes, and - Lucy stopped herself, chastising herself mentally and concentrating instead on Tempest's response.
Tempest cleared her throat as Lucy came closer, trying to push herself up so she wasn't completely on the ground and landed on her knees. "Umm, hi," she replied a little excitedly and quickly. She cleared her throat again pushed herself back to standing. "I'm, well, I'm okay. How are you? How was your break? I'm sure you did loads of interesting things," she said, feeling awkward as she realized she had no idea if Lucy had done interesting things but she just had the confidence the girl had. "Also, congratulations! On getting prefect. It looks good on you," Tempest added.
Lucy listened intently to Tempest. Was it just wishful thinking, or was Tempest maybe nervous too? Lucy didn't let herself read too much into it. "I'm good! I, um, well, I guess I did some interesting things if you think going for hikes is interesting," Lucy said a little sheepishly. "What about your break? How was that? Oh! And thanks. I was honestly expecting it to go to my dorm mate, so it was a surprise that we both got it."
Tempest was not much of an outdoors girl. She enjoyed relaxing outdoors, but hiking sounded tedious. "Do you do like long hikes or short ones?" she asked curiously. "My break was okay. Just recovered from OWLs and prepared for sixth year." Tempest tried to think of the best way to compliment Lucy and ran her hand through her own hair nervously. "Well, I mean, I'm not surprised. You're pretty great. I mean, great like - you're a great student and nice to people so it makes sense... right?" she finished, flustered.

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