My first years needs you!

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Lauren Abbott

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hello there! I started some rp's now, and i am beginning to understand how it all works, so now i am looking for some friends or haters for my dear girls. I am not the fastest in replying, but it would not be a big problem. I am a dutch girl, so maybe sometimes the english is crazy, but it is a good lesson! Check them out, and post if you are interested for some RP.</FONT>
~ Crystal Cassie Evans</COLOR>
Girl with the broken smile​
Crystal is a first years hufflepuf student. She was the only child of her parents. When Crystal was very young her mother died in a fire in her own house. Crystal and her father could escape, but her mom did not survive. Crystal was to young to understand, but she missed her mother ofcourse. Her father was broken with emotions, and could not take care of Crystal. A few years later at a night some men came into their hous. And Crystal was taken by them. Crystal was taken to a childcare and sleept there for a night. The next day her grandfather picked her up, he would take care of Crystal. Her grandfather saved her, because Crystal cried only. Crystal lived by her grandfather, and never has seen her father since. She never has got a friend, because she was only with her grandfather. That is some of her past, now Crystal is on hogwarts. Crystal is a very sweet girl, and hurts nobody. But she is very sad and sometimes shy to talk. When you get to now Crystal, she can be happy and social. She loves writing and watching quidditch.
What i am looking: Anything, but friends she really needs. She likes all of the houses, but she does not like mean people. She is not prepared for love interest, but it can be. People who bully her can.

~ Fiona Alison Thompson
Girl with a secret

~ Lauren Sophia Abbott
The girl who loves boys and her friends​

Lauren is a first years Gryffindor student. She has two brothers Ethan and Nathan Abbott who are also first years but hufflepuf students. Ethan is the twinbrother of Lauren. They look just like each other with the blonde hair. But they have the same personality. Lauren thought that her brother also come into gryffindor, but the sorting hat saw that different. Lauren is boycrazy, and she really likes boys. She is only eleven, but she is charming to them and is not scared. She is a pretty girl who loves the attention from them, she is not stalking to them. But just talking a lot about it. Lauren is a very happy girl and loves her family and friends. Lauren has got a great place at home with her parents and brothers. She is very nice and very spontaneous. When someone is a victim of a bully, Lauren helps the victim always. She does not like slytherin girls, but the boys are a different story. The nice ones and the good looking ones, she likes. Lauren belongs into gryffindor, she is not afraid of a challenge, and wants to explore things. Even if it means breaking the rules. She loves charms and defence against the dark arts. Lauren loves to watch the boys who are playing quidditch.
What i am looking: Friends a lot of them, not only from her own house also it can be others. Lauren is not intressed into a relation at the time, but it can grow with people with who she is flirting, boys who are interesting into her.

~ Brittany Elizabeth Clarke
The mean girl​

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Brittany is a first years slytherin student. She is a spoiled brat, and has all the stuff she ever wanted. Brittany is the only child of her parents, But her life is not so perfect as it seems. When Brittany was very young her parents divorced. Her father a very rich men cheated with another woman at his work. Brittany her mom was very angry and sad and they decided to divorce. Brittany was to young to understand but she knows that there was something not right. When she was older, her dad decided to marry with the woman from his work. So she became her stepmother. Brittany hates her stepmother and her stepmother her to. Her parents are working at the ministry and are very busy and always away. Brittany did not get a lot of love after her parents are divorced, she always gets money or gifts. They tried to buy her love, but thats not how it works. Her parents are ex-slytherin students and now is Brittany to. Brittany is a very mean girl and loves attention, she is known as the queenbee. Brittany is very pretty and she knows that, with her long white blond hair and blue eyes she is charming and very full of herself. She is a bully but she is so mean and cold because she never has get some love from her parents or anybody. A subject she doesn't like to talk about is her parents and she hides all of this feelings, so it is something for herself. Brittany choose her friends, she wants to have a status. She is not afraid of anyone and admires her head of slytherin. Brittany has a hate towards the other houses, she feels as a leader about them, and she wants always the best.
<COLOR color="#000">What i am looking: I need people to bully and it doesn't matter from witch house, she hates gryffindor the most. Also friends from slytherin it can be boys or girls.

This were all of my girls. Post here please if you like to roleplay with one of them or all. I really want to do more with them, so i'd like it to get to know more of you. The age doesn't matter at all, so just be creative! Thanks for reading this, and i hope i see you soon. In holland we see, tot ziens!

Loves Jamie
You mentioned wanting to rp Lauren and Casey. Well I'm up for that, he is Slytherin but despises that fact so he would easily get along with Lauren. He acts a little older than his age so I'd be open to he and Lauren flirting a little. I also have my first year Ravenclaw Mathew Cosgrove, I'm still working out his personality but he needs a friend too and if Lauren wanted to be flirty with him he wouldn't say no. Let me know what you think.
Well, if you need someone to bully, I always have my Hufflepuff firstie Charmaine Zsigmond.. She's not all that smart but is really good at sports and really energetic and stuff, but she was bullied in her muggle school (since she is a muggle born) and even in Hogwarts she's also being bullied by other first years. Let me know what you think, 'kay? She can also be a friend to anyone but is a bit shy at first..
Lauren x Casey: Yeah i mentioned it, lauren has no problem with slytherin boys. If they are not really mean and bully people a lot. She likes boys who are older or acting like that. And i think they can be good friends and flirting can be fixed :) I can't promise that i would come up with something, so do you mind starting?

Lauren x Matthew: She likes ravenclaw students, and i look forward to know more about him. Flirting is not a problem for her, so if you start one. I will start the other, but when i have no idea. I post the link in a PM.

Charmaine x Brittany: It sounds good, and the fact that she is a muggle born is something to bully for Brittany too. I would say that Brittany wants to bully her, and i like to rp with you. If you like it we can start something. Would you mind?

Charmaine x Crystal: Crystal is also a hufflepuf, so it is good to have someone in her own house. She is also shy and what i hear about Charmaine, can be a good match between them. Crystal has never been bullied, but she has no problem with muggleborns and she needs a friend. If you start one, i can start this if you want?
I can start one for Raine and Brittany.. :) I'll post the link here when it's up.. ^_^
I'll start one for Casey and Lauren. Take your time with the topic for Mathew, if I get a chance I might post it myself depending how much free time I have this week.
I changed Fiona her personality and history, so i still look RP for her especially, if someone is interested you can read my development or just pm me!
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