My Doppelgänger

Sam Mackintosh

mom to Finley
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
6/2034 (18)
My Doppelg?nger

<r><SIZE size="50"><s></s></SIZE><JUSTIFY><s>
</s><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="Georgia"><s></s><COLOR color="black"><s></s>After having made a stop at the library only to find out how packed it was, Sam settled for the student lounge. She had become very annoyed very quickly when she asked some older students if they could share the space, but apparently, they were sour people. Sam had said her piece and walked away, and at least the student lounge was much quieter. It was a nice day which meant many people were either in the library or outside. The common room wasn’t an option, either. She had family in Slytherin, more precisely a cousin, and she did not want to be distracted. Exams were in a week. <I><s></s>A week<e></e></I>. That was soon. She really wanted to do well and impress her teachers, most of all she wanted to make her father proud of her. Last semester she had earned perfect grades and there was no way she was going to let her dad down by ruining her streak. She cracked open her Herbology textbook, a class she had yet to discover whether she enjoyed it or not. Maybe this study session would help her understand that.</COLOR></FONT></SIZE> <e>
Analei couldn't believe how fast the end of her First Year had come by. She remembered how anxiously she waited for the school year to start, and how it seemed to drag on forever, but now it was almost over already. Though Analei had really enjoyed her year, there were so many things that had gone terribly, and she was very much looking forward to going home. But, she had to get through her exams first. Her mother had given her tests before she came to Hogwarts, but she had never actually had exams before and was incredibly nervous. Analei was actively avoiding people, and the Common Room was fill with people. The Library was no good either, and though the weather was nice outside, Analei did not feel like sitting outside. Analei had been lugging her books around all over with her, before she peeked into the Student Lounge, grateful that it was so quiet. She walked quietly into the room, looking around to find a comfortable and non-distracting place to sit, when her eyes glanced over someone, making her double take. Cautiously, Analei approached the blonde girl, not quite believing her eyes. "Sorry to disturb you -" Analei started, knowing how annoying it was to be interrupted while studying. "But you look like - I mean... how?" She managed to bumble out.
When Sam studied, she normally got into it so much that she hardly noticed anyone else, unless they sat down at her table without asking first. So when another girl approached, Sam only glanced up a few moments later and she was about to shrug off the other girl’s words, assuming she had asked to sit with her. That wasn’t it, however. She looked at her surprised, the realisation dawning on her. "Wha - woah. Um." She cleared her throat. "Uh. You...I mean, we look the same. This" It wasn’t normal for the Slytherin to feel so speechless, but this had never happened in her life before. It was scary that someone else looked just like her. A replica. "You’re not, like, my long lost twin or something, are you?" Sam asked nervously, the idea being seriously ridiculous the more she thought about it. It was absurd. It just couldn’t be true.
Maggy was off looking for somewhere to study. She remembered her older cousin telling her about the student lounge and so she made her way there from the common room. It excited her to see one of her roommates, Analei there also with another blonde girl she figured must be from their year. She wondered if they were going to be studying for the final exams and hoped to be able to join them. Walking over Maggy still hadn't seen the face of the second girl. "Analei! How goes it? Are you studying for the exams?" Walking around the chair Maggy stopped in her tracks. Looking between the two girls, she was certain the one standing was Analei but they looked pretty much like the same person it was confusing. She hadn't ever seemed to get past Analei's quietness before and talk to her, she had a feeling she was one of the quieter girl's in their dorm, this had seemed like a great moment to get to know her fellow Hufflepuff but now it seemed like she just stepped into some freaky secret twin moment. "Uh, you two...are you, related?" She asked looking between them having missed the interaction they had before she appeared.
Analei was at least slightly relieved that the girl in front of her seemed just as shocked as she was. How had they gone the whole year without noticing it, without being called by each other's name or mistaken for each other? Their resemblance was uncanny, and she was sure they had their differences but right now it was just weird. "I, um -" Analei wasn't entirely sure what to say. She was sure they couldn't be twins, Analei wasn't even born in New Zealand. Perhaps their families had intertwined somehow a long time ago and this was the result. She heard her name, and some other talking directed at her, but she couldn't quite focus on what was said as she turned to Maggy, and then back to her look a like. Analei shook her head at Maggy's question, her eyes still on the Slytherin girl in front of her. "I mean, I've heard of doppelgangers before, but this is just weird." Analei stated, plopping herself down on the seat opposite the girl, still staring at her. "Have you had a polyjuice potion or something?"
Sam still couldn't believe what she was seeing. How was this possible and how had she not noticed this before? She had been at the school for almost a year. What was even more creepy was the fact that if this girl was in first year too, there had to be some explanation. Surely. Another girl joined the pair, she seemed to know the girl who looked just like Sam. Sam sent her a small smile. "Hi. Um, no, actually, at least that I know of. I‘m Sam," she introduced herself, before she turned to the other blonde. "Doppelgängers? That has to be it, then. I never would have imagined myself being one, though," she stated, still unsettled. "Um - well - no. I haven't had polyjuice potion," she said honestly, raising an eyebrow. What would her reasons be? Besides, it was exam time and Sam didn't have time to waste pretending to be someone else, even as a joke. She giggled at the idea. "You guys are in first year too?" she asked. Because this is totally not freaking me out.
During Geo's third year at Hogwarts, it was a rarity for her not to be studying with Flavio. Both students had taken all the classes, and it had been a huge benefit for them both to do their homework at the same desk. Today however was a little different, and the Hufflepuff found herself sat at a table in the student lounge by herself, forcing her way through a particularly boring and unnecessary book for Arithmancy. It was no secret she hated the subject most of all, but regardless of her opinions she still wanted to pass her exams.

It didn't take much for her attention to wander to the conversation surrounding her, and her ears landed on a few girls a short distance away, talking about doppelgangers and Polyjuice Potion. Geo had more or less kept her abilities to herself this year for a change, but she was hardly a stranger to the effects of this potion and she had more than had enough of reading for one day. When she glanced up however, her eyes didn't meet at first with the girls, but of another blonde whom she'd not spoken to in quite some time. They may not have gotten off to the best start, but it was hard for the Hufflepuff to hold on to an old grudge, especially to someone like him. Slowly as to not draw too much suspicion, Geo peered from the boy back to her book, an amusing thought flashing through her mind and expelling a small smile. She looked up once more at the Slytherin to see if he too had managed to overhear their conversation, and whether she was alone in her thinking. As if to attempt a confirmation, her bright pink hair that hung around her shoulders began to transform, blonde streaks overlapping the hues until it resembled an almost perfect replica of style that the first years were possessing. Geo's blue eyes shot up once more, hoping that her boring afternoon was about to take an interesting turn.
Solomon may not have been the most social of students, nor the most approachable, but he did still spend a lot of his study time in busy spaces, such as the student lounge. It was one of the best ways to keep in the know, and listen in on other peoples trivial gossip for him to mock at a later date. The afternoon had been slow, surprisingly for Hogwarts as there was always some sort of drama going on, and the Slytherin had been about to move on to study somewhere else when a buzz of excitement started coming from the younger students. Glancing in the girls direction, he too was partially stunned by how similar two of them looked, and may have been forgiven for mistaking one or the other for another metamorphmagus like himself, if not for how common twins seemed to be in the magical world. Speaking of the shapeshifters, the boy caught sight of Geovanna in his peripherals, and a small smirk touched his lips. This was the perfect opportunity for the both of them, and by the look on her face, he'd been getting the same idea. Two identical looking people was nothing, but four?

Watching the doppelgangers from afar, Sol focused on their facial features, and did his best to mimic them with his own. His hair lengthened and his face took on a more feminine look, until he too practically looked identical to the younger students. He glanced at his own reflection in an empty potions vial from his bag until he was satisfied with the results, and turned his attention back to Geo to see how far she was coming along. As he'd hoped, she was doing much the same as he was, and he gave her a sly wink before getting to his feet and wandering across to the first year group. "Like oh my gosh! How crazy is this?" Sol squealed with as much girlish enthusiasm as he could muster. "Are we like totally clones or something?"
Maggy looked back and forth between the two wondering if they really were related at some point in their families. "What did you say? Doppelgunors? That's crazy you look like twins, I wonder if you share like a great-grandmother or something like that?" Maggy asked looking between her roommate in Hufflepuff uniform and the other girl in their year. "Yea, we are both in first year, Hufflepuff too, we share a dorm with some other girls," Maggy said answering the Slytherin's questions. It wasn't much of a break before she heard someone else speaking. An older student? One in their year? Either way it was one that was looking similar to the two girls already in front of her. "Who are you?" She questioned glancing around the room to see if there were more of the girls. "Hahaha okay, I see what it happening, you all had someone make you polyjuice potion to look like my roommate, this is some sort of joke right?" She said with a laugh.
The girl introduced herself as Sam, and Analei nodded, replying, "Analei." She didn't think she'd get over this experience for awhile, and as Maggy spoke about a great-grandmother, Analei nodded again, at a bit of a loss for words. She supposed that made more sense than them being twins, perhaps somewhere down the line their families did cross, and that's why they had such familiar features. Analei was thankful that Maggy was there, as she answered Sam's question, whereas Analei just sat, staring at her lookalike. It was surreal. A loud squeal, someone older joined their conversation, and Analei looked up, her mouth dropping as she saw the same features once again. Her eyebrows furrowed, a frown appearing on her face as she glared between the newer person and Sam, wondering the same thing as Maggy. "Yeah, but why me?" She asked, grumpily, wondering what she had done to them. It probably had something to do with Kingsley - he probably set them all up to this, knowing how it would irk her. At least this time, Maggy was with her, so she could confirm that this did actually happen, rather than Jacob making up stories again.
Despite doing her best to keep a straight face, Geo started giggling when Solomon began his impression of a teenage girl. Sliding across to the group, her features now resembling the majority of the others around them, she gave the Metamorphmagus a playful elbow in the side. "I don't know about you, but I think we're missing out on a perfect Halloween costume right here." She glanced around the group with a grin. She knew it wasn't always good to impersonate other people but it wasn't as though she was trying to be either of the girls thst looked similar, so much as wanted a break from her own studies to find something flmore entertaining. "Geo," she said simply, introducing herself properly to the younger students and putting out her hand before glancing at the Slytherin beside her, "And who are you? I'm not sure we've met?" The Hufflepuff asked with a grin, wondering if He was going to keep up the charade.
The idea that there was a possibility of sharing a great-grandmother made more sense than anything else they were talking about, and the most realistic one, but until Sam got more information on her family tree it was still odd. Her and Analei, as the Hufflepuff introduced herself, were even the same age, which was freaky. Cool, she realised, but freaky. Sam was about to say something about that when yet another person spoke and she had to stop herself from jumping out of her seat. "Whaaaa-" This was not happening, it wasn’t possible. It just wasn’t. Maggy's words were very likely, and when Analei seemed to believe that someone else - including Sam herself - had Polyjuice Potion she had to interrupt. "Wait, you actually think I drank some of that potion? Dude, I didn't even know you before today," she pointed out, raising her eyebrows. There was no need for Analei to get grumpy. When another student joined them, Sam couldn’t help but sigh. Was this never going to end? "If this is some cruel joke, at least have the decency to say so. Or change back," she added, glancing at the two new arrivals. Sam didn’t even know these people.
Girls could be so moody, Solomon decided, as one of the lookalikes was obviously not impressed. And people thought he didn't know how to have fun. Before he could make a comment, Geo finished her look and joined him, and he gave her a smile. "Right?" He agreed. Quite the Halloween costume indeed, if only any part of this had been real. "I'm Rebecca. My friends call me Becky." Solomon improvised, with the first name that had come to his head at the time. Not his favourite, but then again, neither was this look he was currently wearing. He tossed his blonde hair to one side in an exaggerated fashion, and turned his attention back to the other girls, who were blissfully unaware of metas, apparently assuming it was polyjuice. "Whaaat? Like, I don't even know how to brew a polyjuice potion! That sounds so complicated. This is how I always look. No need to be so rude about it!" Sol replied, feigning offense at the very notion that he wasn't who he said he was. "I mean, there are so many twins and triplets in this school, I totally wouldn't be surprised if we were all like, secret identical quadruplets separated at birth. I bet there's like, a prophecy about us and everything, like, we're all going to defeat the Scitorari or something?."

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