My Body Is Home

Saveli Pendleton

Mother of Two // Ded
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Reuben <3
Saveli Matveev needed this break. Her grades had suffered slightly from the drama surrounding her and Gabriel, and that Lydia woman - and unfortunately Felix. While she tried to keep on the best terms she couldn't help but feel as if he was more trouble than the friendship was worth. Lately the only two people she'd been able to depend upon were Prudence and Monty - Viviana was a given though, and while mentally she didn't include her the Hufflepuff was always in her heart. Saveli gave a small sigh and looked at some of the stores in Obsidian Harbor. The UK began to feel more and more like home - at least this part of it. She'd always been in the UK, but Ireland and England were a far cry different for the spit fire.

Seeing a fairly interesting store, ink specialties were listed on the outside of it, she walked in. She needed knew quill ink - but was surprised to find the large store contained more than just the normal ink wells for school, but magical paints and paint brushes. Saveli had never thought about magic art - and how they made paintings that moved or how they made color changing inks, but once inside she couldn't help looking around. It was expansive, and the taller teen was convinced perhaps she should pick up something other than her flower pressing habits. However these seemed so beyond her and complicated. The blonde slytherin looked around for a shop keeper - or a student but found no one with identification. So she approached someone who looked like they could be a student worker. "Hello, sorry to bother but do you work here? Or know a worker here?" She asked, tapping on the shoulder of the boy. He wasn't much taller than Sav - she was of course in heels - but she wondered if he'd be around her age. Did they hire student workers here like they did in New Zealand?

Art was freedom to Javed. Freedom of expression and freedom from his emotions however what he loved most about art was the distraction as without it he wouldn't feel a sense of freedom with every stroke of his brush, quill or pen. It was his escape from everything and the sole reason he wanted to pursue art since graduating from Hogwarts Scotland as adult life was all too tedious and filled with useless responsibilities. He was sure to have gone insane without the solace of creating art to distract him from paying rent in his crappy apartment in addition to paying for and making his own food for the first time. He was more glad for the distraction as an adult than he had ever been. Magic made living alone and independently much easier than what it would be for a muggle, he was sure, but it still didn't make the trials and tribulations of being an adult bearable in the same way creating art did for him.

That day Javed was in an art supply store, picking up extra ink, parchment, and calligraphy pens to satiate his new interest in calligraphy and water-ink designs. He'd recently discovered such a form of art through one of his friends and since then wanted to play around with the style, maybe even create a new tattoo design, who knew? It was all up in arms and a new opportunity for Javed and regardless if it was a success or a fail he was willing to try it out. He slowly made his way around the store, browsing the shelves and keeping to himself when someone tapped him on shoulder, alerting him to their presence. He turned around to see a girl he recognized and tilted his head to one side as she asked if he worked there. He averted his gaze to the small calligraphy set in his hands before he looked back towards her and answered "Nope, and nope", sort and simply. "Do I know you from somewhere?" He then asked, curious to why the girl's face was so familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. Javed had never been the kind of person to beat around the bush and that fact was not about to change.
Saveli watched the man turn around. There was something oddly familiar about him. Saveli's brain turned slowly like a cog in a clock, fitting the pieces together slowly. As the movements caught into place a name came through the fog of the blonde's brain. She bit her lip for a moment and then it appeared in her mind as a bright flashing sign and her eyes moved from confused to awed. "Ja... Jah-veed?" She asked, trying to remember his name. The boy, whom was older than Saveli by a bit, had been at the orphanage with her where she'd spent a few short months. She wasn't a hundred percent certain it was him, or if he'd remember her as being rude like she was at the time. She'd been guarded, abandoned - things were different since Monty had taken her under his wing.

"I'm right, right? I'm Saveli. You were at that crappy orphanage yeah? How'd you get out?" She asked. If she was wrong then this would seem strange, and Sav would go home out of embarrassment.
The familiar blonde girl seemed to fit the pieces together and it caused Javed to smirk and nod as she repeated his name, glad that his hunch had been right and the fact he found her familiar wasn't entirely in his head. He nodded again as she asked if she was right and then he raised one eyebrow when she said her name. Immediately Javed knew who she was and how he recognized her as there was no way in hell he could forget that name and the personality behind it. Saveli. The girl who spent no longer than a few months in the orphanage before being adopted out by a quirky old man. Her cunning nature made a lasting impression on him enough to cause her to cross his mind at least twice in the few years it had been since she left the orphanage. It almost seemed like an unusual twist of fate that he finally crossed paths with her now, but he was glad to be in her presence as he did wonder if her life had changed much in the same way he wondered how any child who was adopted from that terrible orphanage was doing because he had never become one of them.

Moving the calligraphy set to his side, Javed said. "I got out because I became an adult." It was blunt but he honestly never wanted to elaborate on the fact no one wanted him and he was constantly left to pick himself up from the ground. "How have you been since then? Has the old guy treated you well?" He asked curiously, attempting not to talk bad about the man who was kind enough to adopt a girl who he remembered as nothing more than harsh. Their conversation was in too much of an early stage for Javed to sense a change in her personality but he definitely noticed the change in her appearance. She had grown up exceptionally well and was dressed in an equally impressive fashion. Javed wished he could say the same for himself but he believed he was more or less the same as he was all those years ago.
Saveli hadn't realized that Javed was older than her by as much as he was. She'd still be stuck in the orphanage for another few years. That thought was enough to make her minuscule hairs on her arm stand up. Goosebumps chilled her for a moment, but Sav managed to move her mind out of that frame and instead onto the subject of her foster father. Saveli thought for a moment, feeling it was wrong to brag. She felt she got a good deal out of the hard parts of her life, but didn't know if the same was to be said for this man.

"He's been good. i have my own bedroom which is nice. Plus I don't really have a bed time, and the walls aren't covered in mold." Saeli hadn't realized just how bad the orphanage had been until pointing things out that seemed like basic needs. Sav glanced down at her shoes for a moment before continuing the conversation. "How about you, you are staying somewhere right? I mean you look good." Saveli didn't mean it in a flirtatious way. For the most part with Gabriel leaving and her general mental state being one of unease, she struggled to find the confidence to flirt. "Do you do a lot with inks?" She asked, adding into her interest of him - after all she'd not seen him in a few years.
The grip Javed had on the calligraphy in his hands tightened when Saveli spoke about her life since leaving the orphanage. He was happy for her in a sense however more so jealous as he was not adopted in her place. In that moment he was tempted to be rude though he remembered he was the one who asked about her life and he therefore walked into it so he instead nodded politely and said "That's great. I've never known a bedroom without mold." before chuckling. It was unfortunate that Javed had moved from a dank, moldy dorm in an orphanage to an equally dank and moldy one bedroom apartment but he was at least left to his own devices, in charge of his own life and it made the ever present fact he had never lived somewhere nice or 'healthy' worth it. "I have my own apartment now. It's small and gross, but it's mine, you know?" He said, chuckling again before scratching his chin awkwardly and staring over Saveli's shoulder for the sake of looking at something different. He was glad for the distraction from his jealousy at her obviously 'better' life when she asked him about inks. Evidence of a smile began to show on his features as he answered her. Evidently more comfortable speaking about art than of the life he was building for himself. "Yeah, I want to be a tattoo artist someday so I'm familiarizing myself with different inks and trying different styles of art. This here is a calligraphy set." He held the set in his hands forward slightly. "I haven't tried calligraphy before but a friend of mine suggested it so here I am. Might design myself a new tattoo or something."
Saveli had no idea that what she said made the man jealous, oblivious to any tightening grips to anything that may have hinted at this. While intelligent the girl often missed social ques, years of being taught that other people didn't matter caused her to be hardened to the emotions of those around her. However with Monty she was slowly warming up to it, to others. The blonde smiled. "You know, that's the first step to freedom. Being able to call something yours and no one else's, no matter how crappy it is." Saveli's eyes offered both sympathy and encouraging emotions.

Though Sav didn't show it she was thankful for a change in subject. "Tattoo?" She asked at his remark. The blonde had always though tattoos were interesting. Her older brothers both got one before she left the house. She remembered them, they were tribal or something similar. Saveli had thought they'd be too painful, but she wanted one nonetheless. "I've always wanted a tattoo. If you get good maybe I'll buy one off you?" She asked in a way prodding the idea of it. Moving on though, not wanting to seem as if she'd try and garner his art for free she continued. "So is your place here in England then? I'd lie to see it some time. See what's it's like for kids who moved up in the world without being helped."


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