Moving on from the past

She sighed. " A-.. I don't understand, who did she sleep with?" She asked him all confused. " Well, it's their life." She shrugged.
Riley knew that he wasnt going to tell her that it was him who Caysi had slept with, this girl wouldnt understand. He shrugged. " I dont know who it was, it is none of my buisness to know those things." He sighed
Alex shook her head. " How could my sister do those things." She sighed. " Oh well, if she doesn't want to tell me, then so be it." She shrugged. " But that wedding of hers will be interesting." She nodded.
Riley smiled slightly at the thought of the wedding. " Yeah i think i will second that, it will be very interesting. Im sure it will go how they planned it though." He slid from the fence to stand up again. " So do you have a man in your life?"
Alex nodded, it probably would go how Caysi wanted it anyway. " No, not now." She sighed. " How about you, a girlfriend or anything?" Alex asked him.
Alex nodded, " I guess your right, it's something that we have in common." She sighed. " It seems like were beginning to have more and more things in common." She smiled.
Riley sighed. " Yeah just they arent really good things to have in common." He smiled slightly. " My favorite color is blue. My favorite lesson was charms and i have a cat." He laughed
Alex laughed, that was true. " Well, my favourite color is green, favourite lesson was transfiguration, I have 2 cats and 2 dogs, I was in Slytherin and I went to Hogwarts Scotland." She smiled. " How about you?" She asked him, waiting for his answer for his school and house.
Riley laughed. " Well now we have more in common. I went to Hogwarts Scotland, i was in Slytherin. My favorite animal is a lion and i love quidditch." He looked back to her with a smile on his face
Alex nodded, this was an interesting day indeed. " My favourite animal is an eagle, and I love soccer, but quidditch comes very close." She laughed. " I was raised in Ireland, now live in England." She smiled at Riley.
Riley smiled at Alex, he was beginning to like her. " I was born here an then i moved to Scotland where i attended Hogwarts then i moved back here a few years back." He looked around for something else to talk about. " Can i get you a drink, we can talk more inside." He smiled charmingly at her
Riley smiled at her when she accepted his invitation. " Cool well im sure we wilol find one on our travels." He laughed then began to walk. " So whats your favourite food and drink?"
Alex laughed and nodded. " Well my favourite drink has to be martini's and my favourite food is... steak." She laughed, most people looked at her oddly for stating that she liked steak.
Riley nodded. A martini was a girly drink in Rileys eyes. " Yeah steak is nice and my favourite drink is a firewhiskey and my favouright food is probably....chicken and potatoe pie." He walked to a small cafe and opened the door. " Ladies first."
Alex nodded. " Firewhiskey is pretty amazing." She added. " Oh thank you." She said as she stepped in. " Where do you want to sit?" She asked leaning her head over her shoulder to look at Riley.
Riley followed her in and looked around. He smiled then walked over to a quiet table in the corner and pulled out a seat for her. " Here is fine." He sat down opposite and handed her a menu. " What would you like then. Its on me."
Alex smiled and walked with Riley, and sat down. " Hmm, I'm going to have a.. martini and..steak." She laughed. " Bot of course 2 of my favourite things." She smiled.
Riley laughed and rolled his eyes. " Of course you would have that." He stood up and went to go order what she wanted as well as a firewhiskey and some chips. When they arrived he picked them up and walked back over to the table. He placed her drink and food infront of her and sat down with his own. " Ok well enjoy."
Alex laughed. " Thank you." She said as Riley placed her food infront of her. " You excited for Jason and Caysi's wedding?" She asked quietly.
Alex nodded, and ate at her food. " Oh, yes they will." She nodded. Alex had met Jason before, he seemed like a good match for Caysi. " So how's life with you?" She asked him.
Alex shrugged, " It's as good.. I guess, nothing can get worse." She laughed slightly. Remembering how Justin saved her was a positive and a negative because of exactly what happened. " Yeah, pretty much what you said." She nodded.

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