Moving on from the past

Riley Smith

Well-Known Member
Riley walked through the harbour with his hood up and his hands in his pockets. It was cold out, not that Riley ever noticed the cold. He could have been in shorts and t-shirt and he still wouldnt notice. He walked over to some railing and sighed and he leat against them. Riley watched as people went by with their shopping and stufff. He trew a rock in the water below and watched as the water rippled and the rock hit its smooth surface
Today was a shopping day for Alex, many things needed to be done. She had to shop for her sister's wedding too. Alex wore her jeans and sweatshirt, it wasn't that warm out. She stopped suddenly to see a boy throwing rocks at the water. " If you really want affect of the water to get splashed, I could suggest that you throw a heavy rock like so." She picked up a big rock and dropped it down in the water to see a big splash.
Riley looked round at a girl speaking to him and throwing a rock into the water. He chuckled. " Well urm i will remember that a bigger rock makes a bigger splash for next time." He kicked a large stone into the water below with a smile. " There we go, a big splash." He laughed.
Riley looked at her and thought for a second about giving his name to this stranger. She was pretty so he could get lucky. " Im Riley, nice to meet you." He smiled charmingly back at her in return. " So then Alex, are you from around here?"
Alex shook her head. " No, I'm not from around here actually, I live in England." She smiled at Riley. " How about you?" She asked him.
Riley shrugged. " Yeah i live here, I was born here so its only right i geuss." Riley hadent always lived here though he lived in Scotland for a while and attended school there so he knew what England was like
Alex nodded, she guessed that he was right. " I guess your right." She smiled at him. " I'm guessing that your about my age." She nodded at him.
Riley laughed. " Some people would be offended being called 3 years older then they were. Luckily for you im not that easily offended when it comes to age." H smiled then stood up and sat on the pole.
Alex laughed, he was pretty funny. " Well, I got a dress for my sister's wedding, and just some jeans and shirts." She said happily.
Riley rolled his eyes again. " Why is every one getting married now. My best friend is getting married aswell and he got his girl and my ex girl pregnant. I think its all over rated." He sighed as the memory's
Alex nodded. " That sounds really familiar, same thing happened with my sister, her fiancee got her pregnant and some other girl pregnant, all I know it was a visicious cycle." She laughed.
Riley chuckled. " Well at least we have something in common now. All i no is that their wedding is going to be awkward for me as my ex will be the brides maid of honour and im Jays best man so the good times keep on coming."
Alex thought for a second. " Jay... hm... Jason?" She asked him, Caysi's fiancee's name was Jason. " Jason as in Jason Cordwell?" She asked looking at him.
Riley nodded. " Yeah Jason Cordwell. Marrying Caysi Finnigan, got her pregnant with twins." He felt anger build up inside of him for what he did to Ana but at the end if the day they were best mates and he wouldnt let a girl get between them
Alex gasped. " That's my sister, Caysi Finnigan." She said rubbing her temple, she now knew that Caysi's fiancee slept with another woman. " Does Caysi know that Jason.. you know did it with another girl?" She asked him.
Riley smiled slight. " Oh believe me she knows about him and he knows about her." He sighed, he couldnt understand why anybody would want to go through all of that and not leave each other. It was insane
Alex sighed. " How insane, but that's my sister for you." She said scratching her head. " I can't believe that she wouldn't even tell me." She sighed.
Riley raised his eye brows and inhaled. " Its beyond me. All i no is that she made a bigger fuss about him sleeping with someone then he did about her. He didnt mention it until she started making him the bad guy."

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