Moving Houses

Allayah Rayne

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
The Stephanie. :)
8.5" Mahogany, Dragon Heartstring
Allayah was walking around her hotel room. She was visiting the UK, thinking of moving away from New Zealand and placing herself here from now on. She could never really leave New Zealand, she could never sell her Aunt's house, she just wanted to spread her wings alittle. She asked her friend, Eustacia, to come over. They were both death eaters, and friends for awhile. She didnt really know much about real estate, and she hoped that Eustacia would give her some of the infomaton she needed.

It was 9:00 in the morning, but Allayah had been up since 3 in the morning. There was a really loud party on the floor above her, and she couldnt get to sleep. She needed compleate silence and darkness to sleep. Maybe sleeping patterns showed what was really in her soul. Silence and Darkness. She laughed softly as she thought to herself, a peice of toast on her plate, totally smothered in peanut butter, and a glass of milk, The muggle hotels wernt too bad for once. She didnt like interacting with them at all, but if she had too. She sighed and looked at the door, waiting for her friend to show up.
It was exactly five minutes past nine in the morning when Eustacia appeared in the deserted alleyway behind a Muggle hotel, her black cloak aiding her in blending with the shadows cast from the high brick walls and ledges, with the sun's rays coming from behind her. She had agreed to help Allayah 'house hunt', albeit reluctantly when she'd heard that the youth was staying among mud-wallowers. Eustacia sniffed with distaste. The only way she'd reside anywhere near muggles, even temporarily, would be under the Imperius Curse.

Pulling her scarf up over her nose, the old woman strode around to the front of the hotel, keeping close to the building. So many Muggles were walking up and down the street, and the urge to do something horrible to them all was hard to resist, but Eustacia contended with a mental image of slaying each and everyone one in her head while she reached a gloved hand for the hotel doors, eager to escape the presence of the filth around her.

Heels clicking against the steps, Eustacia began her ascent to the upper floors, moving swiftly for a person of her age and climbing higher and higher until she stopped at a numbered door where the young Death Eater resided. She knocked. Once, twice, three times, then stood back and waited for an answer.
Allayah smiled happily as she jumped to the front door, hearing the knock. She knew that Eustacia hated muggle areas, and she would absolutly hate Allayah for staying in a muggle hotel and making her visit her there, but she couldnt see any other way. She was really looking forward to moving to the UK, and she was glad that she knew someone that was in the area, even if it was for alittle bit at a time. Allayah took Eustacia's hand and pulled her in, enveloping her in a huge hug, not caring if it wasnt her style. "Thankyou so much for visiting and helping me out! And for comming here all of places. Sorry!" She spoke happily with a laugh. She then turned to the kitchen table, it was filled with real estate booklets and such, each and every single little square boasting what great oppertunities were held within that house or that apartment. Allayah was captivated by every single one and wanted to buy them all, that is why she needed help!

Allayah turned around went to the kitchen quickly, grabbing a pot of tea, a pot she had just made up not five minutes before she had arrived, and put the teapot apon a tray, with biscuts, cream, milk and sugar. She walked over to the table, and moved away some of the booklets so she could place the tea down. There was no reason why she couldnt have a tea with her old friend while looking for a place for her to live. Allayah knew that Eustacia was reluctant about visiting her, and she was fully aware that the only reason why she came today was to help her get out of the hotel. No matter what Eustacia thought of her, Allayah was pretty sure she would help out any fellow death eater in this case, Eustacia was very traditional when it came to the 'muggle subject'. Allayah didnt mind them really, she just kind of saw them as a sort of animal, one that was to be ignored and frowned apon. If she was in need of a hotel room for a night, she would stay in their hotel, after all, a Queen can sleep in a slaves bed if she wishes it, but asmuch as the slave wishes, they would never be permitted on the Queen's throne. But ofcourse, if a muggle got in her way, or if Allayah was in a bad mood, there would be no stopping her from extingusihing their life.
Eustacia drew in a sharp intake of breath as she suddenly found herself enveloped in a hug, and could have sworn she heard a few ribs crack under the pressure. "Yes, yes. That's nice, dear. I would have preferred it if you chose someplace more appropriate. This place is practically infested with Muggle scum." She muttered with distaste, scrunching up her face as if someone had placed a dead fish under her nose.
It was very queer, how a girl such as Allayah could look so happy in a muggle hotel. Good thing she isn't my daughter, I would never approve of such a thing. The old woman thought in mild disgust, her eyes following Rayne across to the kitchen where she began making tea.
An exasperated sigh escaped her lips. "Dear child, must we remain in this place? If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought you liked it here." Eustacia shook her head and sat carefully down on the couch around the table, where she took a cup of tea from the saucer and skimmed over one of the nearby real estate booklets. "Now, is there anything in particular that takes your fancy? Number of bedrooms, size of the kitchen, en suites, bathrooms. Cottage, apartment, mansion. That kind of thing. They're all essential when looking for a new residence. Will you be by yourself, or with others?" The woman paused to look up at the young adult expectantly while her nails drummed against the teacup in agitation. The sooner she left, the better.

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