Mostly Adults

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
So one of the things about only having one student and not really doing classes with them until fifth year is that I have somehow get myself all caught up on RP's (If I Owe you a reply or topic please let me know as I have likely forgotten)

So to save me pottering around refreshing nothing I thought I should post one of these. With the Exception of Niamh and Ivy everyone is an adult and they are listed in age order.
you can also click on anyones name (Other than Aspen's) to see their aesthetic.

Professor Elvera Le fey
HNZ Divination Professor, Inner Eye Owner, Seer
Alyce Brown
Hogs Head Manager
Leigh West
Bookshop/Cafe owner
I don't think Elvera needs much of an introduction. she has been around now for many many years.
While she tends to spend a lot of time in the divination tower. she is always there for any students that need help. She also owns the inner eye and while she had staff working there most days she has a shift or two a week if any adults need a chat or a look into the future,

Needs: Colleagues, Friends, Students, People who need advice. open to suggestions
Until Recently Alyce was known as being a bit of a player often flirting with people at work. She has now started dating Muggle Adelia Kolter.

Needs: Patrons, friends, colleagues. Open to suggestions
Leigh has not really been used much. butI really should use her a little more. maybe I should have placed her in role-play Roulette. She is a HS graduate and adopted a couple of children with her wife. the oldest of whom may be starting school next year (If I have inspiration)

Needs: Friends, open to pretty much anything
Briar Rowan-Cullen
Head of Department of Magical Creatures, Werewolf
Rhiannon Archer (McGowan)
Healer (Obstetrics/Paediatrics)
After running in the election Briar has maintained her position in the department of magical creatures.
She has four children, Willow, Linden and ivy as well as an adopted Daughter Tara.

Needs: Friends, co-workers, Werewolves to support, People who dislike her. open to ideas.
Aspen has lived in the forest of HNZ for about 30 years now. often running into students in the forest and making friends. She isn't part of the herd and Lives alone.

Needs: students to befriend, staff to befriend or fall out with. any other centaurs to again befriend or fall out with.
Rhiannon Archer/Healer McGowan (she works under her maiden name so as not to be confused with her husband) is a healer specialising in Obstetrics and paediatrics. She initially qualified as a muggle doctor and then trained as a healer a couple of years later. She is a mother of three year old Fiona and a newborn.

Needs: Friends, maybe other mums from mums groups, colleagues. patients, any other suggestions.
Willow Cullen
Selene Le Fey
(very almost) 22
University student (Archeology and education) Seer
Linden Cullen
Magizoologist in training
Willow finished her Auror training just over a year ago. and is now enjoying her job and having a bit of free time back. She enjoys adventures and pushing herself to her physical and mental limits.

Needs: Aurors, friends, enemies, I am open to suggestions of Romance for her (male only)
Since Graduation Selene has been Living in Salem with her boyfriend while studying a double degree in muggle university. She does work the odd shift in the book of shadows (a magic shop in Salem) and the inner eye. She is looking for work for after graduation which will be coming up this year.

Needs: Friends, people from school, really open to suggestions.
Linden has graduated this last year and has landed himself his dream job training to be a magizoologist at the sanctuary. He splits time between Caspers apartment and his parents house.

Needs: open for suggestions. Friends, Aquatences, people from school (because we all know how close the Hufflepuff boys were). If any friends aroma school want to write he is happy to do letter threads (and a New PB if anyone has any suggestions)
Harmony Niamh 'Sky' Eriksen
Hufflepuff 4th Year Student
Ivy Cullen
7 (Sorting in 2061)
Primary Student
Sky is a fourth year and leading the conglomerated arts club. something she has put a lot of effort into as she knows that she has big shoes to fill. she is primarily a musician however has been dabbling in other forms of art too. She is a friendly girl as her name suggest tends to have her head a little in the clouds half a step out of time of reality dancing through life to her own rhythm which at times may not win her any friends. but she always try to be friendly even though she is a little odd.

Needs: Friends, conflict, people in her club. crush/Romance (any gender)
I am still figuring out ivy. She is the youngest of the Cullen Children. She lives Pizza and her brothers (counting casper) and sisters. She goes to muggle primary school near her parents home and is a member of the scouts. that is about all I know about her.

Needs: Major development. any kids to be friends with.
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me being terrible and throwing up ideas while still on burnout recovery-

I feel like Leigh and Gaius, my Scrivenshaft's owner, could be odd friends? He's only in his mid 20s but he's a book snob and critic who's a real softie at heart. :lol:

Also keep meaning to do something for Gabrielle and Elvera. :r She's got a lot of respect for Divination even if it's not her thing.

I may have a couple of other suggestions I just need to get my head together and get some apps done, lol.
@Aine Thompson
Yay camilla.

Gains and leigh. I can see that working well maybe she goes into the quill shop and they start talking. Or he can go into her shop also

Gabrielle and elvera. Yes. Elvera needs to hang out with other professors more.

also I can see Gabrielle and Leigh working as friends. Leigh does like her history.
Hey Mia :mia:

I have two ideas to suggest:

For Alyce I can offer my character Leo Malstrom as a friend/bar patron. Leo is a professional musician and guitarist for the band Ashes, and he also takes on a lot of the responsibilities in managing the band and keeping their lives organized. I imagine he would be familiar with the different bars in the magical areas of New Zealand and venues through this, and would would definitely get a drink at the Hogs Head regularly. He needs friends outside of the band as the band has really taken up his entire life, so if you're interested in them becoming friends let me know and we can throw them in a roleplay together!

For Rhiannon I can offer my character Pia Morales as a friend. They are around the same age and Pia is also a healer and she specializes in pediatrics as well but also maternal medicine, so their paths would definitely cross regularly. Pia is not a mother yet but she is now actively trying to have a baby, so I imagine if they aren't already friends she and Rhiannon can bond over this. Pia would love to hear about Rhiannon's experience as a mother so far and she would love to have more of a social life and it only makes sense for them to be friends since they are colleagues.
Hey Anna.
pia and Rhiannon would definitely know each other well as they would bo working together in the exact same area. Paediatrics and obstetrics. And Pia will likely have taken over some of this patients while she is on mat leave. But I can see them being friends. How about I have rhi bring the new baby in to work to say hello?

Leo and Alyce yes they could totally hang out. Alyce is the kind of person who gets to know her regulars. And has a bit of fun with her customers. So it should be fun. Do you want to start something?
Sorry I meant to respond to this again but the last couple of weeks were pretty busy lol. I could start a thread of Gaius going by Leigh's shop if you wanted? And one of Gabrielle at some point after?

(I was going to offer Noah to throw at Willow and see how they vibed but I think the age gap might be a bit big and Gaius is the closer in age and has practically nothing in common with her lol).

I know we mentioned Briar and Leon maybe RPing at some point because wolfsbane, now Violet's in the ministry maybe she could also RP with either Briar or Elvera? With the latter they were a year apart at Hogwarts I think though Violet's pushed all of it out of her brain totally not because that's what I did apparently lol (but she's trading standards so she might do inspections of the shops and just make sure what's being sold is above board and good quality).
Hey Anna.
pia and Rhiannon would definitely know each other well as they would bo working together in the exact same area. Paediatrics and obstetrics. And Pia will likely have taken over some of this patients while she is on mat leave. But I can see them being friends. How about I have rhi bring the new baby in to work to say hello?

Leo and Alyce yes they could totally hang out. Alyce is the kind of person who gets to know her regulars. And has a bit of fun with her customers. So it should be fun. Do you want to start something?
That works :) I am happy to start the RP for Alyce and Leo, and you can start the RP for Rhiannon and Pia?

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