🌹 Rose Giving Most Notable Yellow

Elise Ito

creative 💀 flighty 💀 a little odd
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Ebony Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
06/2049 (12)
Yellow rose for @Aine Thompson

Elise was already getting tired of this but she still had several roses left to deliver. Usually she didn't pay much attention to what was going on around her which annoyed people sometimes but at this point even she knew who the head girl was. She was getting hungry after running around the great hall for so long but as she looked over the Hufflepuff table she was relieved to find the older girl. "I have a rose for you!" she said appearing suddenly by her side.
Aine figured that sitting in the hall would probably help, she knew she had roses coming to her (and an alarming amount, to be honest), and it made her easier to find if she was here. Part of her wanted to just hide away until the day was over, even if she had been one of the people organizing this whole thing, but she had to put her big girl pants on and face up to it. She was glad she'd just put her drink down, as she feared she might spill it when one of the younger girls suddenly appeared next to her. "Oh, thanks," she said, half aware. "And, uh, thanks for signing up to deliver too, appreciate it."
Elise wasn't sure why Aine was thanking her. There were plenty of people who sighed up to deliver roses. Besides, her quickly souring mood didn't make her feel like she really deserved the thanks. So she just shrugged and pulled out the rose and the note that went with it. "This is for you." she said and held it out to the older girl. "Happy Valentine's day."

Thanks for not letting the power go to your head this year. And for being there I guess.
Aine nodded, taking the rose and quickly having a look over the note. She knew she was getting roses, but hadn't actually looked at the notes, wanting to trust that people would do the right thing and send decent messages. She quickly read over it, giving a small snort of laughter at Cameron's note, and a fond smile. For how much he annoyed her, she was going to miss him. At least, until the next time he spoke to her and she retracted that thought. "Happy Valentine's day to you, too. Uh, if you need any help with deliveries, give me a shout." She nodded again, carefully placing the rose down on the table next to her and turning back to her drink.
Elise hovered a little as the older girl read the note that went along with the rose. She wasn't sure what she was expecting, but her reaction was pretty mild. She sighed and was about to leave before Aine asked about her deliveries. The offer to help made her hesitate. Would it be admitting defeat to pass off some of her load. She considered for a moment and stood still as she thought about all her options. In the end she sighed again. She didn't want to fail her mission even if it was getting a little boring. "I'll be ok." she said before turning to leave.

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