(>.<)!! Moooommmy and daaaadddyyyy!! (^0^)

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Mason Kuang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yvette Kuang said:
27 (or younger) years old young woman, who is is great at playing piano and had always wanted her sons and daughters to be like her. She's nice and friendly toward other people and is ambitious when it comes to his son's future. She's very elegant and loyal (yeah so no cheating on her husband pls lol).
She never really let Manson play with his toys or play in the playground, she had been forcing him to learn, to sit in front of the piano for hours, to skate around the rink for hours or calculate all those crazy stuff for hours.

Yvette Kuang (Originally Yvette Zhou but since she married one of the Kuangs, she changed her name into Kuang) was married when she was 19, her husband Edric Kuang is the youngest in the Kuang family and is the wealthiest. He's busy in running the family business, the family own The Kuang restaurant all over the world. But Yvette decided to stick to her own job.

Yvette Kuang is a pianist, violist, cellist. She wants her son, Manson to be like her... To be more than her actually. So even though Manson's crying in front of the piano he will still be playing cz he's too scared of his strict mom. After finishing school, she decided o go to muggle university Juilliard and took 3 majors, Violin, piano, cello was a straight A's. She was a genius and is still a genius.)

The rest is up to you... Just no broken home pls xD

so if anyone's interested in making her... pls let me know..

(You can change the name btw)

Edric said:
And I also want a dad for Manson, Edric Kuang

He's kind, and is perfectionist as well.

Honestly.. I don't know xD

But he's ambitious when it comes to Manson's future, the difference is, he'll force Manson to calculate all those crazy stuff for hours and had been coaching his son swimming, horse back riding, and ice skating (yeshh crazy family i know but ahh well...).

Unlike Yvette who wont let her son play, Edric will still let him eat ice cream or play for hours when it comes to holiday or weekend. So sometimes, Edric will argue with Yvette about that. But most of the time, Edric will leave his lil baby with Yvette.

The rest is yours...
(Name can be changed btw)

And as for Manson,

I want friends for him... And professors/ private tutors (muggleborns/ muggles/ whatever i dont mind haha) who can teach him piano, cello, etc. Or even the theory of magic etc...

<sorry for the grammar& typos... *too tired to double check*>
Wooooo !!!! Yeah sure! U can change the name and pb if u want ^_^
Thanks sooooooooopp much btw. XD
Oohhh woooo ok! (I've pm-ed u a lil about her and her pb as well)
:hug: thx so much :hug:
I have Alex Blade, Claire Blaze, Dimitri Blaze, and Dante Summers to offer up as friends.

Take your pick. ^_^
:erm: honestly I can't choose :p they're all awesome!
Maybe one of em could tutor mason? Or babysit?

(anyway for Claire blaze, I could offer Vivian as her best friend)
Maybe babysit might be an idea. :lol:
Just take your pick, once again. :p Though, Claire would be the best for that. xD

And yeah. We could always see how that works out. :)
Edric Kuang said:
Yeah perhaps Claire could babysit Mason :p
can u start pls?
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