Mommy and me

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Delilah Fields

Ilvermorny Al. | Apothecary's Assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
So mommy and me needs friends,

We live in New Zealand and London now, cause mommy doesn't trust New Zealand that much anymore. Mommy was thinking if we could have play groups and stuff. Mommy doesn't want enemies she has enough of enemies. We prefer people with infants and toddler but mommy don't mind other grown ups. Just don't be nasty or disrespectful! Mommy a shop keep in New Zealand (Owl Emporium) and goes to school in London in the muggel world. She studying to become a teacher or something like that, so a baby sitter to is needed (make good rp, but if no its kewl!) So if your interested post now :)

Thank ju have a nice day
I have Roxanna. She's either eighteen or nineteen and has a little girl who is about two months old now. Roxanna can be a quite fun but she is also learning to be responsible at the moment.
Oh cute! As much as I've love Jaimee and Laani to meet Delilah, it wouldn't work with the plotline :(

What we need is a party in the offtopic board for little kids, no matter what plotlines there are xD
Finally I get to clash in a rp with Summer lol. Okay that sounds fine. Where would you want them to rp? I haven't rp in London but New Zealand fine.

Olivia! I was going to make Abby godmother but she in hiding so yeah, but that ooc idea sounds good! LoL you should set it up :p
Abby would love to be godmother! Haha I was gonna set up a topic in OOC but hadn't the time. I might tonight xD
Yes of course, if you like to start it, that will be fine, but I can do it to @ Summers

And okay Livi!
I have Haruhi Koshiba she has older kids in Hogwarts already but she is thinking about having a few more babies she could be someone that Maddiie goes to for advice or someone just to talk to. She owns the epicly awesome ice cream shop by the way.
As longs as Chase keeps his distance, than yeah sure I'm okay with it :p
Chase hangs out with Eden's dad he tends to stay away from Haruhi in fear he will have to do something to help plan the wedding. Do you wanna start the RP or should I?
If you want sure? If not Will do it in a minute!
Could you hubby is being a bully and saying I cant be on HNZ anymore tonight something about 12+ hrs is not healthy maybe they could RP in Haruhis ice cream shop. (yummy) XD
How old is Delilah? Because I have a character named Naomi that's two years old, and they could meet maybe at play group or something?
Rawr I posted in said topic wait on you and the cute baby.
Delilah only a month old and I will post Eden sorry, just been a off week for me. I'm just trying to figure out situation and such
It's fine take you time no rush. I found a game on my hubbys comp to play and I must say I like it a lot
I posted dear
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