Mistaken Identity

Leena Tuuri

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Leena Tuuri had just gotten off work. Her morning shift had been a killer and she had decided she would walk home. She was glad in a way, that she did not live far from her house. She rather liked the walk, especially on a day like today, with the sun in the sky. Though it was a little warmer then she would have liked, and she had to only work in a magical restaurant, but that was okay. The fact that she didn't like the goblin part of herself, had little to do with that. She did wish, however, that Evander had taken more after his father then herself, though admittedly, she would have hated to have a reminded of that man for the rest of her life. She loved Evander dearly, she did, but what Ben had done to her, left her in her time of need. She huffed at her own thoughts and sped up, her walking becoming labouring as she continued in the hot sun. The fact that she had little legs, was bad enough, but the fact that she kept her hair down to cover her ears was what made it all the worse. She sighed and slowed down her pace, stopping when she cam across a park. She hadn't taken Evander to a park in quite some time, she was definitely going to have to rectify that problem, just as soon as she wasn't as tired from walking.

On a good day, Leena would have apparated home, unfortunately, she had never been very good and so decided that she would do better to just rest herself on the swing whilst she waited for the weather to cool a little. She was positive she would not have to wait around long, she wanted to get back to Evander, she had brought him a present and wanted to give it to him, she was going to have to work again tonight and she figured it would be better to get the apologies over with now, before he started whining about going with her later. She sighed. She still didn't know what had happened with Ben. She had told him she was pregnant. He had been shocked, of course and a little scared, by rights, but she had never expected him to run off and leave her like he had. She had thought he was a decent guy. She guessed she must have been wrong. It was too bad. Evander was such a wonderful boy. Unfortunately he was so much like his father, just not in appearance.
Jack Kaster had just come off tour, and was finally able to spend some time with his girlfriend, Danika. He felt like he barely got to see her, and their son and daughter. He always felt guilty when not being a part of Benjamin's and Aleksandra's lives, especially when he knew that Danika wanted him to be a part of it. However, work paid bills and the beater happened to love his job - and his team. Danika knew that, which was why things just seemed to work. They fought, but every couple did. It was completely natural. He remembered his own parents fighting all the time, and they loved each other. With Benjamin on his hip and his hand intertwined with Danika's, Jack walked through the streets slowly, absorbing the sunlight like a flower. While the kids were covered in a coating of sunscreen and wearing protective clothing, he did not much care about burning. He needed to greet the sunlight again, it was killing him. He felt like some sort of pasty vampire, ready to burst into flames. But now that he had been standing in the sun for a while, he felt his skin tanning slowly and smiled. It was good to be home.

They were heading to a park, where Benjamin and Aleksandra liked to play. It was good, clean. Plenty of shade for him and Danika to sit by and watch them. It wasn't that Aleksandra could actively move and run around like her brother yet, but Benjamin included her in his games. It was sweet to watch. Jack himself never remembered paying nicely with Tess. He and his brother would pull her hair and throw sand at her, or pick her with their parents wands that they had swiped. He was already a better brother than Jack was. It was a little unfair. He sat up quickly when Benjamin decided it would be great to run off. He called for him to return, but of course, the young boy refused and continued running. Jack patted Danika's leg and dashed off after his wayward son. What he got out of running across the park, Jack was not sure. If he wanted to stretch his legs he should not have persisted to be carried here.

Jack caught up to Benjamin rather quickly, being well over six foot and fit, his long legs carried him far faster than Benjamin's unbalanced, sandal-clad ones. He looked at Benjamin sternly, but faltered when his son proceeded to try and poke his nose. He was trying to distract him from being angry. Jack did the exact same thing with his mother. However, Jack was far nicer than his own mother and couldn't help but laugh and give him a cuddle. He put him on the ground and looked to where the small boy was pointing.
Jack quickly pulled Benjamin's pointing hand down. They were in a magical area, obviously. However, Jack was not sure whether Benjamin had ever seen a part-goblin before, and considering he just stood there pointing at some poor woman, Jack figured he hadn't. "A part-goblin lady, Benny."
'At the bank?'
Jack shook his head. "They don't all work in banks, Ben."
'Oh... why?'
"I have no idea. Let's go back to mummy."
Leena sighed as she pushed herself leisurely on the swing. She had to go and get Evander from the Boneheart's house. She hated leaving him with people. It was different with a magical family, but she kept feeling like she was using them and they weren't getting anything out of it. She loved Evander though and she wanted to do right by him so she couldn't just leave him anywhere or in a child care centre. It would be just her luck that he did some accidental magic and she would have to try and find somewhere else, or move somewhere else. She had only recently come to England and even more recently to this side of England. She had never been able to leave Evander in a muggle home, for many obvious reasons. So it had been a couple of muggle child care centres, though he had performed a few feats of accidental magic and they'd had to move. It was hard at times, but understandable and now she was sort of on her last legs.

She looked up when she heard a noise. It was a father and son. She smiled, but frowned when she remembered that Evander would never have his own father bonding time. There was a woman, whom she assumed was the mother sitting on the bench. She knew they were magical because even from here she could see the beauty of a Veela on the woman and on the small boy. The charms did not work on her, one, because she was part goblin and two, because she was a woman. Boys did not carry such charms the way the girls did. Possibly because all Veela were female.

However, as she looked again, having noticed the man looking at her from the corner of her eye, she blinked. It was Ben. Ben Kaster. The father of her child. What the hell was he doing here and with a family no less. Leena glared towards them, jumping up and whirling around. Ben Kaster was here with this Veela, and not with her and his son. How dare he. She stalked up to him and stood in front of him, though, he was so much taller then she was, her being only four feet tall and he being over six feet, but she had her ways. She kicked her leg out in front of her, connecting with his shin, and brought him to his knees in front of her. Now they were better for talking. "How dare you. How dare you!"

All Jack wanted to do was pick Benjamin up and carry him back to Danika. He was being increasingly difficult. Anyone would think they were some snobby pure-blood family or something. Except for the fact that it was possible to tell that Benjamin was not completely human. Jack placed a hand to his head and knelt down beside Benjamin. He really didn't want to have to force the boy to apologise to the woman, since he was not sure whether she had noticed. It would just make things worse if she had not noticed, and then got offended by it. But he was three, and he only had human relatives around him, except for Danika and her side - but they all looked human anyway, most of the time. Benjamin seemed to be on the verge of throwing a tantrum, because Jack had no answer to his multitude of questions. 'Why so little?' 'Why not in a bank?' 'Why not bald' 'Where's Mummy?' Jack rolled his eyes and happened to glance at the woman that Benjamin was disrespecting, and realised that she was looking at them.

"Oh Merlin," he muttered, looking down at Benjamin as she began to walk over. "I swear to God, Benny, just be quiet." He watched the woman stalk over, and by God did she look angry. He was just a little boy. Sure, having some little snot point at you and demanding that you be in a bank must be upsetting, but surely she could understand that he was just being an inquisitive, rude child. All children were like that. One girl even demanded why Jack was so tall, he wasn't that tall at all, the girl was just being a little girl. Little kids were snots. He grabbed Benjamin's hand and pulled him behind his leg, the last thing he wanted was for his son to be in the firing line of whatever was about to go down. He had no idea of her intentions, but he doubted he was going to get a high five from this.

Jack looked down at the woman in front of him, trying not to think about the height difference. "Hey-wow!" Jack was soon felt a pain in his shin and knelt down to rest it. What the Hell was wrong with this woman. Benjamin seemed to think the same thing, as he removed his hat and threw it at her. Jack shot him a warning look and point to Danika. "Go to Mummy right now, Benjamin," and once the boy was gone, Jack looked back to the woman in front of him. "What is your problem? He's three. I'm sorry he was so rude but he's never seen a part-goblin before. You can't expect him to be sensitive about it." Maybe she didn't have kid, Jack didn't very much care. She, as an adult, should be able to realise that children are not subtle, or cautious of the feelings of others all the time. "There was no reason to actually attack me."

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