Closed Missed Every Hoop

Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Practice had not gone well for Leo that day. He had tried to concentrate and focus on what he was supposed to but he couldn't. He fumbled the ball, missed multiple easy goals. No reprimand or guidance from the captain had brought him any relief to it. He knew he had a valid excuse, could've said it and skipped out, but quidditch tended to make him happy, or as close as he could get, but nothing could help him. The air and the failures just made him more frustrated. They had his grandfather now and he'd told all. It was worse now, days had passed since the dada lesson and knowing it was hadn't made it easier. He didn't know how to be, his emotions were all over the place, he couldn't sleep. He should've just told the captain. But Leo hadn't, and after such a failure he'd stuck about the quidditch pitch too frustrated with his performance to share a changing room, and wanting to avoid any knowing gazes from the students in team who already knew.

ID #: 112246
Jordie had been a little shell shocked to hear what had happened to Leo. He felt insanely protective, but he'd tried to give the boy some more space. Unfortunately, after a practice like that, Jordie knew he couldn't ignore it any longer. He hesitated as he entered the changing room, before walking back out. Spotting Leo wasn't hard, and Jordie hurried up. He hesitated as he drew close though, not knowing what to say. In the end, he just sat next to the boy. Normally Jordie would have been perhaps unbearably affectionate, but the seriousness of what had happened weighed on him. He didn't say anything at first, unsure how to react but unwilling to leave Leo alone. "Are you alright?" He finally asked softly, just looking out over the pitch.
Leonardo was pretty sure if the captain of the team wasn't changing he would've lost his spot with the team for that performance, he was better than that, absolutely better than that. The hufflepuff just didn't know when he'd be able to concentrate, when he'd re-find his ability to just be without the thoughts of his grandfather and what he was going to do in his head. The teen felt someone sit down next to him, and glanced towards him. He was rather surprised that Jordie didn't put a hand on him or an arm around but he was thankful for it. "I'm fine," he said too quickly. He glanced back out to the pitch. He wasn't sure if Jordie knew what had happened. "I'll play better next time," he added with a serious tone and he really meant it.
Jordie wasn't sure how to react. He considered his words carefully, running his hands through his hair. "I'm... sure that you'll be alright," He murmured, though quickly added, "I mean, you'll be alright on the field. You're a good player. You'll make it." He reassured gently. "I... know what happened." He told Leo gently. "I- I... I don't know what to say." He reached out a moment, meaning to take Leo's hand, but he just pulled it back in the end. "Still, I... I'm here," He promised softly.
Leonardo knew that his fine wasn't that convincing, and he knew that Jordie would pick up on it. He had been sure if Jordie would know what had happened, but he apparently did. Leo didn't look at Jordie and then shrugged. "It's okay, I got cursed, there's nothing to say," Leonardo said very plainly, as if it was obvious that he would be cursed. "Okay," Leo glanced at Jordie. He knew that there was nothing okay with what had happened and Jordie was reaching out to him, but he was feeling pretty low and his brain just wasn't doing particularly well. Half of Leo wanted to never speak or play again and the other half, well, it felt like he wanted to cry. "It has...ruined my life...My dad's pretty annoyed at me and I can't concentrate...and I can't even take it back now because he admitted to it," Leonardo's tone was serious as he spoke, words spilling out of him quickly.
Jordie listened closely, quiet a moment before reaching over and brushing his fingers gently against Leo's hand, offering to hold it quietly. "Leo," He whispered, biting his lip. "Where are you gunna go?" He asked softly. "You... you can come stay with us, if you want," He offered gently, looking over to Leo. "We have an extra bedroom. Or you could sleep in my room." He spoke softly. "I wouldn't mind..."
Leonardo didn't noticed his hand getting close to his until it gently touched against it. He pulled it away quickly, clasping both of his hands in his lap and decidedly not looking at him at all. "I've written to James...I've not heard back yet," he replied a little dejectedly, since he was worried he hadn't heard back from him yet. He wouldn't move in with James and Jordie without James. "If James doesn't get back to me, I'll just tell the head master and go into foster care, which can't be that bad,"
Jordie's skin paled and he shook his head quickly. "No," he insisted immediately. "If Uncle James won't take you in, my older brother will." He turned more towards Leo. "I've been in the system. It sucks, you cannot go into it." He was fretting. "Leo, promise me. You can't," He insisted, only barely keeping himself from taking Leo's hand.
Leonardo didn't expect Jordie's reaction. he frowned lightly and shook his head. "It would be fine Jordie," he replied with a shrug. "I'll be fifteen by the next break, and I'll have two years before I can on my own," he just needed to be 17 and given he could stay at school for the whole time, he didn't think it could be that bad. "I can handle myself," Leo assured Jordie with a serious tone.
Jordie frowned a bit deeper. "Leo," he complained. "Just because you can does not mean you should." He scolded slightly, before taking a breath. "I'm not going to fight with you about it, though," He conceded, rubbing the back of his neck. He knew his uncle, and in his gut he just knew Leo wouldn't be going into foster care. "Come on, let's get back to the castle." He stood, offering out his hand.
Leonardo didn't think it was a matter between could and should, but that if James didn't say yes and he had no where to go but with a stranger he'd let that stranger be foster care. If James didn't have the space for him, he wouldn't force his way into their family. He was glad that Jordie let it go because there was no sense arguing over things which could not be changed. He just shook his head. "I'm going to stay outside a little longer," Leonardo told him. He was still feeling overwhelmed and unsure and didn't yet want to go back inside.
Jordie hesitated as Leo said that he wasn't ready to go in, letting his hand drop down a bit. He bit his lip, before nodding slowly. "Alright," He agreed, settling back down near Leo. He reached into his bag, pulling out a few snacks and drinks. "I'd like to sit with you a bit, if I can," He offered with a shy smile. "We don't have to talk. I could just play some music?" He suggested, thinking it was something that might work for both of them.
Leonardo hadn't expected Jordie to stick around when he said he didn't want to leave just yet. He glanced back at him and shrugged. "You don't have to stick around," he assured him. But he didn't necessarily want to listen to music. "I'd rather just sit in silence," he admitted, he didn't mind music, but he just wanted to think, or just let his mind sit in silence.
Jordie smiled softly. "I know I don't," He settled in, leaning back and just watching the sky. "But I'm here for you. And I'm willing to be what you're comfortable with." He offered, before falling silent, just keeping Leo company and watching the clouds go by. It was oddly relaxing, in a way, just laying back and letting the world be.
Leonardo watched him settle back in and watch the sky. Leonardo just fell silent and still, staring blankly out at the quidditch pitch. He questioned whether he should keep trying to play, he liked quidditch, but it did stress him out. He liked to think he was good at it, but in reality he was sure he was just fine at it. He worried about where he'd be over the break. He worried that his father would want to punish him in some way. Leonardo was sat silent, but his mind wandered probably unhelpfully.

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