Open Missed appointments

Jasper Beese

Flaky friend | Gobstones forever!
open after @Victoria de Lacey

Jasper was supposed to be doing something with someone this afternoon, but he’d completely forgotten what it was. Deciding it couldn’t have been too important, he set off to explore the castle instead. Wandering the corridors, he hoped to stumble upon something interesting or unusual.

So far, his explorations had brought up a few conversations with eager portraits. That was, until he came across another common room. It was different from the Gryffindor common room but just as impressive. Jasper wondered if this was the common room for one of the other houses, and he stepped inside to investigate.
Tori didn't know what had happened, but somehow it seemed she had missed Jasper. She wasn't sure if she could call him a friend yet, since they'd only really played a couple of games of Gobstones together (and he'd managed to pretty much smash her every single time), but she liked him, and that was enough to keep her coming back for another thrashing. Well, she was trying, only when they'd made plans she assumed he would meet her in the common room - only she'd waited for a while and she hadn't managed to find him. That was what set her off on a wander, checking as many places as she could on the way down from the tower. By the time she got down to the fourth floor, she was about ready to give up, but one of the portraits she questioned about a new Gryffindor first year (which really didn't narrow it down to be honest) they'd said they saw a young Gryffindor boy heading into the student lounge and so with one last hopeful effort, Tori had headed in there, only to find the exact person she'd been looking for. "Jasper!" she called, hands on her hips. How rude of him to stand her up. "I thought we were gonna play gobstones in common room ages ago! I've been trying to track you down!" This castle was way too big to be looking for people without help.

@Jasper Beese
Jasper almost leapt out of his skin when someone sharply said his name, flailing his arms, he spun around to see Tori standing there, hands on her hips and an exasperated look in her eyes. "Tori!" he yelped, his face flushing. "Oh no, I completely forgot! I’m so sorry! I must have lost track of time. I was, er, just on my way now." He rambled on, not sticking to one excuse in his moment of shock.

He quickly walked over to her, scratching the back of his head in a way that was supposed to look innocent. "I was just wondering whose common room this was," he explained, as if that somehow justified his lateness.
He floundered under her gaze and Tori decided that for the time being she could maybe give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he'd just gotten lost? They'd not been here long after all and she could attest to how difficult the school was to get around after having spent however long looking for him just now. She was going to have to petition Mr. Professor Cade to give her a map, or perhaps she could start looking into making one herself because it felt strange to not have on handy. He would it be that she couldn't have a map when like the three of her parents had all gone to school here? It made no sense! "Common room? This can't be a common room could it?" She asked, looking past him now into the room he seemed to have found. It didn't look like the Gryffindor common room with all its... Gryffindorness - this one was certainly more neutral. "It doesn't have any colours... is there another house?" She didn't recall hearing another house announced at sorting, but she hadn't really been looking either, so, perhaps there was another house she wasn't aware of. But there was no one here either, just she and Jasper. Perhaps because it was so early in the school year yet? "Do you see any crests? Why isn't this one closed off like the others?"

@Jasper Beese
Jasper shifted awkwardly under Tori's gaze, but he tried to muster a reassuring smile. He'd do better next time hopefully, maybe! Jasper then looked at the room they had stumbled into. "I don't know. Maybe it's for the people the hat couldn't sort?" he suggested, looking around. He thought that everyone had been sorted somewhere, but there were bound to be people who didn't fit any house. Maybe they lived here?

He stepped further in, looking around for any clues. "Oh look there's the school crest" He glanced back at Tori, who seemed deep in thought. "You're right, it's weird that it's not closed off like the other common rooms," he mused. There must be a reason for this.

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