Mina Bueno

Mina Bueno

New Member
Full Name: Mina Alba Bueno

Date of Birth:

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Mina is small and skinny for her age, being only 4ft 11inch and 6 stone roughly. She has naturally platinum blonde straight hair which is cut in a scene/emo style and has a bright turquoise streak through it. On the back of her neck she has a magical tattoo saying 'любовь смерть' on the back of her neck and she will never tell anyone what it means.

Mina is quiet and pessimistic. She falls for people too easily and can become obsessive. She dwells in her own silence and pity and longs for a friend to wake her from her loneliness, or better still, Lauryn. She is right brained and very creative though, and sees a lot of beauty in the world (but a lot of destruction too).

Family: None of Mina's family are living, except from her uncle, who tried to rape her when she was 9 but the court let him off and he still tries to harass Mina (unsuccessfully - the court put a magical block on any letters sent by him or attempts to see her). Mina lives by herself in a small flat paid for by money her parents left her.

- Mina's cat, Olive, is small, tawny coloured and skinny/wiry. It can be incredibly vain and selfish but it is very loyal to Mina. Olive is Mina's only friend.

Area of Residence:
- As mentioned previously Mina lives in a small capsule flat in Tokyo, paid for with money her parents left her in their will. She only ever goes to New Zealand for the schooling (her witch next door neighbour, Mrs. Nakamura, Side-Along apparates her there).

Blood Status:
- Pureblood

- Her dad was Russian, her mum was English, but she was born in Japan.

Interests or Hobbies:
- She loves going out to emo parties and likes flying on a broom (she's not amazing at it though).

Additional Skills:
- Mina can speak fluent English, Japanese and Russian, and is learning French. She is a great poet, photographer and artist, but she doesn't think she is any good at much at all.

Strengths: Art, putting on makeup and doing her hair, writing, dancing, can keep a secret.

Weaknesses: Falling in love too easily, being hurt often, pessimism, Beater position in Quidditch (she plays sometimes with Lauryn and her friends), her worrisome nature.

Describe your character in three words: Vulnerable, lonely, shy.

Favourite place to be: With Lauryn at her Tokyo capsule flat.

Friends: Lauryn Vinier

Hogwarts House: Unsorted

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: To generally do well, to pass her first year (obviously) to carry on without being pestered by her uncle and people noticing, make some friends, get good grades, graduate.

Best school subjects: She went to a small Tokyo magic school, so she knows her subjects - her best are Astronomy, Defence Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration. (How ironic that she can change a needle into a watch, but she can't change her feelings for somebody.)

Worst school subjects: Potions, History of Magic and Herbology.

Extracurricular Activities: N/A

Plans for your future: She doesn't really know what she wants to do after Hogwarts and she is worried by this even though she's only 11 ...

Your Patronus: Will be a dove, because she always wanted to be freer.

Your Patronus memory: When she and Lauryn had that sleepover when Lauryn looked into her eyes and time seemed to stop.

Your Boggart: Darkness. Nothingness. A whorl of nothingness sucking her in.

Mirror of Erised: Her and Lauryn in a little Tokyo capsule flat. Nothing else needed.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary.
I haven't been feeling all that well today. Must be because I haven't had a chance to see her, to talk to her. Meh. Oh God, I feel obsessed writing this. Like a stalker. Like my uncle. No, not like him. I could never be like him.
I've got that Hogwarts meeting thing soon. I received the acceptance letter two weeks ago ... I wasn't surprised and I was expecting it to come - after all, they accept anyone magical, and I knew I wasn't a Squib. I'm glad I'm going there, even if it is right over in New Zealand.
Lauryn's mum, I heard, was on about maybe sending Lauryn to Beauxbatons. God, I hope that doesn't happen: I'm already booked for Hogwarts NZ and can't really back out for Beauxbatons now. I'll try my hardest, though, if she gets put into Beauxbatons.
Mina. ~ <3
Does Mina's full name have any special significance to her/her family?
Why does Nina have a tattoo? Why does it say "love death"?
Mina's personality seems to make her a walking oxymoron, why does she have so many opposite traits attributed to her? How have these developed?
What happened to the rest of Mina's family?
Note: An eleven year old can't possibly live alone in a flat, even if money was left to them. They must have some guardian, or something.
Note: Mina's pureblood status must be approved
Why was Mina born in Japan?

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