Miles Needs Stuff

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Miles Vanderwolf

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
What up home dogs, this is Helena. :lol: I mean, the person writing this is Helena.. the character in question is Miles. Right, yep, okay. So.. onto Miles. Not Helena.

Umm.. Miles is a dude. Here's his personality section from his character development, to save me just typing it all out again: :lol:

Miles is a very free-spirited person, who doesn't like to be tied down by people or circumstances. He's unexpectedly wise, and understands the world more than some. His intelligence (he's no genius, but could still be considered fairly smart) surprises people at times, because he can be so scatter-brained and irresponsible. Upon first meetings, others would see Miles as an eccentric guy that spends his time drawing unicorns and monsters, but not achieving much. However, they soon realise that he is a thinker, and usually knows what the right thing to do is in most situations. Miles has a lot of potential to be successful, but he doesn't usually pursue things for too long as he enjoys his simple life. He graduated school about a year ago, but hasn't done much in that time except a few unexceptional jobs (tutoring kids, working at a pub, etc).
Miles is still a kid at heart, and loves playing games, watching cartoons and things like that. For that reason - his immaturity - he's not very good at commitment, and while he has gone out with quite a few girls, none of them have lasted more than a couple of months. When it comes to friends, Miles has quite a few. As they usually hang out in groups, he's not particularly close to any of them and doesn't have a best friend. However he still considers them family, and has their backs for the most part. Miles is well-intentioned, and never thinks about hurting people on purpose. He's not perfect of course, so he's obviously hurt people before, just not intentionally. He's usually cracking jokes or saying something random, so those around him have a fun time. Miles is brave and confident for the most part, but has a lazy mindset when it comes to making decisions. He is a bit new age, and while not religious he does read about Buddhism quite often, and well as meditating when he's stressed. Miles is a vegetarian, but doesn't care to force his opinions on others.
So yeah, that's him in a nutshell. If you have any additional questions, feel free to post them here or PM me. Anyway, if that ^ interested you at all, read on to see what Miles needs! Woop.

So Miles has a 12 year old sister named Julia. She's a first year at Salem Witches Institute. Anyway, since the school year is finishing I'd really like someone to make her as a transfer student in her second year. The explanation for this is that since Miles has settled in NZ, and isn't travelling anymore, their parents decide that it would be nice for Julia to be near her brother. At first she'll be annoyed, because she'd already spent a year making friends at Salem, but after a while she'll realise that HNZ is cooler. Mainly because their are boys, and she's beginning to notice them more as she gets older. Anyway, Julia's creative and witty, which could make her a Ravenclaw. But she's also bold, so she could be a Gryffindor like her brother. This is really up to you. She's a bit sarcastic, and is definitely not a push over, but is fairly nice at the end of the day. She can be a tomboy at times but likes dresses and girly things too. Umm yeah, I haven't worked out too much about her, so that means you can develop her how you like. All I ask is that she doesn't turn out to be a Mary Sue or two dimensional. I've already put a lot of thought into Miles to develop him the best I can, so it would be annoying if his sister ended up having no personality, lol! Feel free to read Miles' character development to get some ideas about how the two would interact. Oh, and the preferred PB is Ali Michael, because she has a ton of photos on the fashion spot in which she looks really young, and then others where she looks much older. And she looks like she could be related to Andrew Vanwyngarden (Miles' P:cool:. But feel free to suggest anyone else, if you prefer them. So yeah, let me know if you're interested so we can discuss things.

Miles is already friends with Jacob Esquire, but it's not exactly fun to RP with my own character.. because Jacob is also mine. I'm really just saying they're friends so they don't seem like total loners. So yeah, Miles definitely needs some not-me friends. The type of people he'd connect with most are those that are a bit out there like himself, but in saying that Miles can indentify with many types of people. So yeah, at least he'd probably consider your character an acquaintance or something.
Ooh, also.. I would love if someone made Miles' ultimate BFF of all time! I think he'd be just as psychedelically bats**t crazy as Miles, but a bit more shy or chillaxed. But yeah, they could be flatmates or something cutely BFFy or whatever. Oh yeah, the PB is Ben Goldwasser. I mean come on, how can you not love this guy? It's like freaking Buddy Holly 2.0 up in this hizzouse or something. But yeah, if you don't want to make a new character that's fine, he's not like super super needed right now. If you have another character that could be friends with Miles then do let me know!

Love Interests
Since Miles is quite free-spirited and hates being tied down, he doesn't usually have a girlfriend. He does have flings and short-term relationships, but they don't last long. Miles likes "hot babes" and he is quite charming at times, but he just doesn't really know what the fuss is about relationships. Anyway, I love romance plots the best, so it would be cool if there was a character that could actually hold Miles' attention for once. It would be so cute for Miles to be all "holy crap, for once I actually don't want to run a mile in the opposite direction" don't you think? Yeah, I'm cheesy. Sorry. The type of girl Miles would like the best would probably be someone who's unique and intriguing, and that looks kind of beachy. Because that's his dream, to live in a magical castle at the beach with unicorns and bonfires and ish. :lol:
Oh, I also have a plot idea regarding what could happen between/to them, so I'll PM you if you're interested.

I'm sure quite a few people would dislike Miles for being a weirdo or annoying or whatever. Whether anyone would flat out hate him, I don't know. But I suppose if your character was easily insulted or just hated people then sure, be Miles' enemy.

Got any other ideas? Just post here anyway! I'm open to nearly anything. :D
Oh! I just got an idea. Well, if Miles' application to be a librarian is accepted, then he'll be around students a lot. I think it would be cool if he had a mentee or someone that looked up to him or whatever. And it would help Miles to continue living as Peter Pan or whoever he thinks he is. xD I might make him be a guitar teacher part-time as well, so if your student likes music then that could be cool.

Sooo, just to recap for anyone who didn't read all that, I neeeeed:

[li] A sister! new character ~ Taken</LI>
[li] Lots of friends and acquaintances! existing characters
[li] A BFF! new character
[li] Love interests! new or existing characters
[li] Maybe enemies! existing characters
<LI>[li] Mentees or whateverr! existing characters
I have Sabrina. She can be anything, more likely friend or love interest as opposed to enemy. She's too nice. She's a bit airheaded and ditzy, I guess, but she's trying to find herself cause she'a little lost as to who she's supposed to be an all that. She likes music, too, magical and muggle, and she's always up for partying and having a good time. Yeah. I don't know that much about her yet save for the fact that she's sweet, a little stubborn and naive, and trying to work out what to do with herself. :p
I could be a friend but yeah, a girl.

Alexis is home school by magic but studies in a muggle school in Korea, as she's going to graduate early she will move with her cousin in New Zealand. Her parents owns a hotel in Korea but she doesn't think she is rich but a normal witch person. Alexis can be stubborn sometimes but she can be kind at times, she likes traveling and take pictures of a great scenery.
Sabrina seems to have a couple of things in common, because Miles too comes across a bit airheaded or out of it at times, but really he's just a *cough*stoner*cough*. Anyway, I think Miles would like her, so yeah, friends is great! Or shall we RP or something to see how it goes? ^_^

Yay! Evie seems lovely, so I'm sure that Miles would like her very much. Hopefully he gets accepted soon.. Until then shall we say they haven't met or what? :D

Miles doesn't mind having female friends. ^_^ Can you tell me a bit about how you think the two would be friends? Alexis seems nice but is Miles the type of person she'd hang out with? :D

Alright! I'll go read your PM and reply in a minute, thanks. :D

Anyone else? No one wants to make Julia for me? :D
i could make julia if you want. Im online quite alot so wouldnt mind the extra character.
I have Simone Grinaes.

Zee facts: Simone is nineteen or twenty (I've forgotten) and is basically a sl00t but that is because she doesn't exactly believe in love and other then sl00tyness her only clear talent is writing. She doesn't really have a real job at the moment, a starving artist type, y'know. She graduated from Durmstrang a little bit ago and is the older sister of Avrille Grinaes.

Zee personality: Simone is kind of ditzy, she never did particularly well in school excluding Divination and I'm pretty sure if she attended Hoggies she would've been the girl that had a bunch of guy friends and zero girl friends, (not just because she is a but sl00ty) she kind of enjoys males company because she thinks they are drama free. She kind of has a short attention span with guys, usually finds them kind of dull after one day when she moves onto the next. Sometimes to prolong her fun she is a bit of a tease and she doesn't care what people think of her. Umm... she is as stubborn as a rock. I'm kind of running out of things to say because I haven't had a coffee yet but I'll like you to her profile.

Zee plot: Maybe Miles and Simone could get together and date. You know, "holy crap, for once I actually don't want to run a mile in the opposite direction". She'd be new at relationships and he is as well so I think it'd be funny to get them to be lovaahs.

Zee final words: Let me know what you think! :wub:
Sweet, I'm all up for them being friends. Do you want to start something or shall I?
Ahh, sorry to sound like such a flake, but I've decided that I might make her myself. xD I got a few ideas for her the other day, and even though it'll mean RPing with myself at times, I might do some more thinking about it, sorry! But thanks for offering. :D

Wow, I've had a couple of similar offers on MSN and via PM and such, it's so hard to decide. :lol: Would you like to RP and see how it goes? :D Oh, and did you ever PM me/need me for that Joceline/Delilah thing we talked about a while back? I can't remember, sorry. :(

Well I have an open thread in Makutu Music that you're welcome to join? Or else you or I can start something different. :lol:

Anyone eeelse? :D I'd still like more of everything!
My character here could very well be an akward aquantaince. He super insomniadic and talks to himself alot.

If you are looking for a thread to rp in, there is one called Tails of an Insomniac over in Bleak Street, Dark Part of the Alley
You still up to Delilah and Joce? :woot: You disappeared so I didn't start it but I'll start one if you still want to. If we could just maybe say that during the winter break, Delilah and Joceline wrote to one another? It'll be easier for the both of us. And for Simone, I'm not fussed but I've been wanting to roleplay with her a fair amount and this would be wonderful if we could.
Hey Tim, I replied to your PM. :D

Because of the age difference, I'm thinking more of a mentee thing than a friendship thing. ^_^ But sure, when Hyacin's sorted you can post in the library or something and I'll reply, because Miles got accepted. :D

Yeah, sorry about that. I kinda disappeared but I kept checking my PMs! :lol: And sure, I'm a bit fuzzy on the details of what we talked about, so feel free to change that and start a topic or whatever. And for Simone, I don't think Miles would be into her on like.. a final level, but he'd probably still like her. Would a fling/short-term thing be okay? :D

Keep it coming people, I'm a plot wh*re. :r
.. Meaning I like lots of plots. xD Gosh I need to choose my words better.
=)) Sounds like they'll be funny.

Hokaaay. Since I'm a lame-o, I always like to have my characters connected someway. So here is a reference for me, no one else will really care: :lol:

Daisy Harrison
Daisy and Miles will be average friends/mentee/mentor/whatever. They're both the types of people that like to just chill out and have fun, so maybe Daisy will visit Miles in the library occasionally, but that's it.

Maxwell Robinson
Max will dislike Miles very much, mainly out of jealousy. Reasons will be revealed at a later date.
Okay, so I have a brand new character (as...ya know, I'm brand new to this website, but not to rp;) I'm actually quite decent if I say so myself). Who I feel may get along with Miles quite well. I'm still putting her together, but im pretty sure her PB is going to be lyndsy fonesca

She was born in the Ukraine, but was raised by her grandfather in Chicago, Illinois. She attended Salem Institute, and I think may be transferring into her seventh year at hogwarts, or, she may have already graduated. This has yet to be decided by me. She will be either 17 or 18. Personality wise, she's pretty intense. She loves singing, and is quite good, but can't play any instruments (something she hates about herself). She's pretty much a free spirit, going her own way, but strongly supporting whatever it is she believes in. She's kind of a 'hippy' believing stongly in peace and hope. She believes that love is a powerful force, but has not yet found it for herself. In her spare time, she likes reading. She's an excellent student and works very hard. She also has an interest in muggle psychology.

I think they could probably get to be great friends, perhaps even more :wub: depending upon how they get along (and also how we like writing together ^_^ )If she transfers into Hogwarts, she will be in the library all the time as she loves reading and studying, and she may even be interested in taking a few guitar lessons from him (though she's somewhat hopeless when it comes to guitar) so that could definately lead into something. Let me know what you think.
Hey Amy! Alena sounds awesome. ^_^ I think that Miles would totally like her. As a friend or as more, I don't know. I suppose, like you said, we'd have to RP to see how it goes. So yeah, once you've decided whether to make Alena a student or graduate, let me know so one of us can start an RP in a suitable place. :D Is that cool with you?
Well, I don't know what she could be but I do have Valerie here. I don't have much of a chance to do much with her, so I would like to start so role plays with her.
Valerie is a single mother with two kids. Though she only lives with her youngest, she ran away from the first one. She can be a bit of a nut at times but that comes from having a child at such a young age. She is mostly a nice person, but can be mean at times. She is looking for her eldest daughter and is kinda in a relationship but kinda not. She dosen't really have any friends and her daughter is disrespectful. She sometimes spaces and loves reading.

And then there is Koboshi she is eleven, so maybe she could be a mentee?
Koboshi has a very strong personality. She is Mean-spirited and Ambitious. She tends to fight alot with her cousins, but she still loves them very dearly. She is strong-willed and cunning, Loyal and mischeivous. If you get her mad, you had better find a safe place to hide.Koshi is a smart and well-mannered girl. Atleast thats what her parents think. Koshi has been bought up to one day take over the family buisness. She is the wealthiest of the siblings and the second oldest. Beaten for that title by Keitaro, her closest cousin. She spends alot of time with him at his house, or with Chihiro. She will do anything to get people out of her way. Koboshi is known as the beauty of the family, she got the looks and she’s proud of it.
Hmm, I think that Miles would like her nuttiness. He too spaces out a lot, so they have that in common. :lol: Maybe friends? Even with the age difference. Miles is kind of a flirt, so he'd probably call her a MILF. xD But just as a joke! And regarding Koboshi, I don't think that Miles would actually like her. He likes nice, fun people! Maybe she could be a kid that annoys him or makes trouble? And he had to tell them off or something? That would be funny because Miles hate telling people off. He's all for having a good time, all the time. :p
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