Closed Midnight thoughts

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Eoghan Blyth

☽ The Tower isn't always bad ☾ ᴄᴀʀᴛᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇʀ XVIII
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
06/51 (12)
It had been a very, very long night. It had already gone midnight, and as Eoghan and Lilith were one of the last couples to leave the Great Hall after the Valentines Dance, they knew they had to quietly make their way back to their rooms. The Ravenclaw was feeling more carefree than he had in a while, after all things were beginning to work out in their favour. They could just be themselves now, no more hiding around and pretending to others that they weren't more than friends. Classes were, manageable, for the most part. He still didn't really want to think about the fact they'd soon be bombarded with their electives, especially not on a night like tonight, but currently things were.. peaceful. He'd been grinning at Lilith most of the evening, and dancing in between pausing for food and drink periodically throughout the night. He'd never thought he'd come to one of these events and actually enjoy himself, but his life had been full of surprises since he'd met Lili. "Here," he handed the second year the drink they'd been sharing between them for the last fifteen minutes or so, the cup almost drained at this point. Today wasn't a day to talk about lessons or work, or even the other people they spent every day with. Eoghan had today instead been trying to make a point about talking to Lilith about things he found fascinating, their hobbies and interests that maybe they didn't announce to the world. "I think my grandmother threw the set out a few years ago, but I tried my hand at water colours once and, well.. there was more water on the table than the page," Eoghan mused. He'd enjoyed painting Lilith's present a few months ago, but that had been the first time he'd painted anything for years.
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Lilith had had more fun tonight than she had anticipated, Eoghan had even danced with her and it had all been great and stress free. Just two people who liked each other enjoying the evening. As the couple made their way towards the common room Lilith couldn't keep the silly smile off of her face. She had been present the whole evening and it felt good, not feeling like hiding behind her daydreams. Lilith took the now almost empty cup and sipped, smoothing her white dress out a little as she walked. "Ooh really?" Lilith asked intrigued. She had done some painting herself a few times, but had never been particularly too into the art. "I like to watch people sometimes, just see what they do how they live. i swear i am not creepy but you know just wonder what got them, to the point where they are right now and all that. What they might be feeling in the moment? I don't know." Okay it sounded a bit creepy , but perhaps she was just curious. "Also perhaps you were right and Kuu has some part of the devil in her, she took a sh*t on Demi's bed the other day, it was a whole mess but I supposed she needed to let that grudge go." Lilith giggled at the metaphor. "But she also forced us into a situation where we had to talk about things and I think we are on civil grounds now? At least i don't tread going to my dorm anymore, so that's a win?" She hoped this wouldn't ruin anything, it should she hadn't done anything wrong. It was her peace that she had ensured and she knew Eoghan wanted her to be comfortable.
"You like to people watch," Eoghan commented. He couldn't really relate to that, he didn't care enough about other people he didn't know to trouble himself with what they were thinking. He had enough going on in his own life to worry about. He didn't think it was creepy, although he did think there were better things to be doing with their time, but if that was what Lilith did for fun then he wasn't going to judge her for it. Eoghan's glanced to Lili when she mentioned Kuu having the Devil in her; that hadn't exactly been what he meant with the Tarot card, although he was curious. He almost took a step back though when Lilith swore in front of him. That wasn't common language between them, nor common language at all. Who had she gotten that attitude from? "Please don't say that," he found himself asking, not wanting to ruin the good mood they had going on, but knowing it would be wrong of him not to tell her what he was thinking.

When he found out though that Kuu had been the catalyst for Demi and Lilith to talk again and at least be civil, it took him a moment to consider how he felt about it. "I suppose it's win, but I still wouldn't trust her," he replied honestly, continuing to walk slowly back up the corridor. "But, I am glad that it makes your life in the dorms easier." Eoghan wasn't about to make up with the Ravenclaw, but since he knew Lilith was anxious about spending time with Demi he was pleased if nothing else that it would relieve that tension.
Lilith nodded, she did like to watch people it was another form of escaping her own life at this point. Shrugging and letting out a deep sigh at Eoghan's apprehension of the vulgar word she had just used she spoke again. "Antares, I love you but you need to loosen up a little. It is not the end of the world to use words like that every now and then, it's not going to be a common word for me to use but every now and then it might fit the situation and this is the situation." Honestly it was the perfect word, it had been a sh*t and a half and had opened another can of worms so double sh*t.

Lilith took his arm and leaned against his side. "Thank you, for going with me tonight. I had a lot of fun and you seemed to have too and thank you for understanding that I needed to get on civil ground. I am not fully trusting her but I don't want to live the way I have for the past few months." Gods no, she would not like to repeat it. "She apologized too which was nice but also mistook my little baby for a male cat, kind of rude but you know." Hopefully she had made it clear now that Kuu was a lady.
Eoghan said nothing as Lilith reprimanded him for disagreeing with the language. He knew what it was like to be around people who swore all the time, people who didn't care about what they were saying and how he felt as though all the authors he respected would use words that encapsulated what they meant rather than using words to fill a gap. "I suppose on this occasion, it's not a metaphor," he said finally, glancing to Lilith with a sly smile. The idea that Demi had found a poo on her pillow was amusing.

The blonde kissed the top of her head as she took his arm, "It's alright sweetheart," Eoghan could understand her need for closure. "I'm glad you've had a good night, I have too," long or not it had still been a lot of fun to get involved with things he wouldn't usually consider. After their chat at the lakefront earlier in the day, things were closer between them than ever, and it seemed as things were only moving in the right direction. It was frustrating that there hadn't been more he could do, although he was still proud of Lili for how she was handling it. Eoghan wasn't sure how anyone was supposed to know Kuu was a female, it wasn't as though she was walking around the school with a little bow in her hair. "I've spoken to more people today than I've spoken to since I joined Hogwarts," Eoghan mused aloud, proud of himself.
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Lilith smiled as Eoghan agreed glad to have got that out the way, she also found herself admiring the smile on his face. As she leaned into him and he kissed the top of her head she might have melted a little bit and then he called her sweetheart, which was arguably one of her favourite nicknames thus far he had called her now. The Ravenclaw was glad to hear he had enjoyed the evening as well, it would have been terrible if he hadn't because she wanted him to have fun too.

It was so quiet in the halls as they walked so when the momentary silence was broke Lilith turned to look up at Eoghan with a big smile on her face. "I am very proud of you and that's a very good thing." She stated proudly reaching up to kiss his cheek. She was happy to see him get out of his shell and give others a chance, give himself a chance. He deserved it, he deserved to be seen for who he was. After the chat with Demi Lilith was worried that how many people might see him that way, because he was the opposite. "Do you think we would have found our way to each other had one of us been sorted into a different house? Personally I'd like to think we would, maybe it'd taken more time but eventually the faiths would have lined up." She was quite sure of it actually.
Eoghan moved his hand lower to intertwine their fingers, before swinging their arms between them in the empty hallway. There was no one here, everyone was either asleep already or on their way to being, but since they had to take 425 staircases up to their room they had the place to themselves. "Thank you," he was practically beaming at Lilith, and not only because he believed her. "I expect so," Eoghan recalled Lilith asking before whether or not they'd met under different circumstances, although the answer was more or less the same. "I think if I wasn't in Ravenclaw, I would have been in Slytherin though. We wouldn't have had as many classes together, and our rooms would be entirely on opposite end of the castle," he hated the dungeons too, and only ever went down there when he couldn't avoid it.

The Ravenclaw was still swinging their arms, moving spaciously between them as they walked, although given that there was no one around and now it wasn't as though they were trying to hide, Eoghan paused in the middle of the hallway to pull Lili toward him. His free hand wrapped around her waist and he kissed her gently and for longer than he'd dared to before. He had no reason to shy away, not from her. After the day they'd had he was feeling more connected to her than he had before, if that were possible. "I love you too," he smiled, not moving away.
The joy Lilith felt as Eoghan swung their hands back and forth was perhaps a bit childish but then again they were just that. They were only 12, she was allowed to enjoy silly things like that. She took into consideration what he had said and then spoke her own words about the whole house thing. "The hat did tell me I would have made a good Gryffindor, but I had a preference for Ravenclaws so perhaps we would have been closer if it decided on different houses instead. I am glad it didn't because I don't know what I would have done in a dorm full of well Gryffindor's." She loved Tori and her whole personality and Felix was great too, but the thought of a common room filled with Gryffindors? Yeah perhaps not for her.

Lilith was a tad surprised when Eoghan stopped in the middle of their walking and pulled her towards him, however before she could question what happened his lips were on hers and that was that. All her questions evaporated into thin air. "Oh-" That was pretty much all she could say for a few beats as the kiss ended and her eyes roamed over his features that she could recognize anywhere even if she lost her vision partly at this point. "You should spontaneous things like that more often perhaps. Yeah definitely." She finally got out a coherent response. "And that's good because if you didn't I'd just have to give all of my love for Kuu alone," She added with a big grin.
Eoghan had already put all thoughts of them being separated out of his mind years ago. His arms were still wrapped around her waist and as he'd opened his eyes, they were scanning her face in a mirror of the way she was seeing him. As though there was nothing between them, no cover, no walls, just them and who they were, accepting one another for who they were. His smile only grew larger when she told him he should have been more spontaneous, "You think?" he asked, gaze flickering between her eyes and her lips. "I would, for you," he said under his breath, "I'll be anything you want me to be." Yes, he had his own goals and plans, he'd work hard and do what he needed to do, but for the girl stood before him he would have moved the mountains to make sure she was happy. So much for not letting anything distract him from his studies while he was at Hogwarts.

The grin reappeared on his face when she mentioned Kuu again, "Oh, she can sod off quite frankly," he teased, not wanting to share Lilith right now as he moved to kiss her again. This time he was slowly and carefully walking Lilith back down the corridor, so that they'd still eventually get to where the needed to be, but the Ravenclaw had no intention of wasting the opportunity to show his girlfriend he appreciated her before they had to part ways.
Lilith smiled, her mind going back to what she had spoken about with Demi and how the other girl had been so very wrong. He wasn't selfish in the least he would do anything for her the way she would for him and he wouldn't just discard her. Not that's she'd ever doubted he would but she was glad her own point and faith had been proven yet again. "Yes, I think it's a great idea." She agreed with her own statement.

The second year narrowed her eyes, holding back a laugh as he made a comment about her cat. "Careful there Antares, that is my baby you are talking about." She managed out before he silenced her again walking them towards their final destination where they'd have to part ways to go into their designated dorms. Lilith trusted him to steer them safely so they wouldn't trip and fall, but there was always the risk and she just hoped it wouldn't happen. Soon enough they reached a set of long stairs and Lilith took a second to glare at them and groan. "I love everything but the sheer amount of stairs we have to climb up and down every. single. day." The Ravenclaw muttered out her complaint. Sometimes she wished she could just use her broom to fly up, it would be far easier.
Whenever Eoghan knew that it was just the two of them, it was like he could take the mask off. Even now when they were out in the school, a place that wasn't secluded, where anyone could come along on their way through to their dormitory, knowing that they were on their own and had attention on one another, Eoghan felt as though he could just let go. He'd been smiling into their kiss, making sure not to lead Lilith into anything as they'd walked, but he paused to follow her eyeline when she stopped at the bottom of the stairs. They weren't far from the common room now, but there was still a circle of steps to ascend before the got there.

Eoghan glanced down to Lilith's shoes, not understanding how the girls could wear them for as long as they did at these events. He struggled enough with the stairs himself without worrying about something like that on top of it. "Come here," he nudged his head, moving her a little in front of him. He may have only been twelve, and he knew he wasn't the strongest, but he still had a good head of height if not more on his girlfriend which meant his next move was easy for him. Leaning down, he managed to tuck one arm under her knees, lifting Lilith into the air. As he started to make his way up the stairs, it was easy to carry her up. The problem only occurred when the reached the door at the top, the one that would take them into their common room. "I think you're going to need to kick it," Eoghan chuckled, pausing in front of the entrance.
Lilith hadn't expected Eoghan to follow through with the spontaneous things so quickly but when he lifted her up with little struggle she raised a brow and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Careful, I could have walked myself you do know that, right?" She was grateful for this but she also felt bad and it wouldn't have been many more steps. Her complaint had been a bit childish but honestly at this point of the day after running with the roses and everything after, she could have done with a common room with more accessibility.

As they stopped at the door Lilith laughed at his comment, placing a kiss on his cheek before tapping his shoulder. "You can put me down now my knight in shining armor, I can walk inside on my own two little feet." Aand then up a bit more stairs to reach her dormitory, but who was counting at this point, right?
"Obviously, you do it everyday," Eoghan retorted, "But this way I don't have to let go," he added with a cheeky smile, careful not to trip on route. The blond sighed when Lilith eventually asked to be let go, knowing that any moment now the mask would be back on. He was tired of that, he realised. Not because he didn't think he could keep it up, but because he liked the feeling of not having to hide, and feeling as though someone wasn't looking at him with judgement behind their eyes with every move he made. He let her down once more, turning his attention to the riddle on the common room door. Honestly all it would take one day would be for a student to have too much butterbeer, or become so sleep deprived, that they'd be found sleeping outside in the hallway one day. Answering the puzzle, Eoghan gestured for Lilith to lead the way, preparing himself for the walls to go back up once he hit his room.
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