Alternate RP Messy Situation Cont.

This is a roleplay outside of the site's canon.

Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped person
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (15)
Gregory screamed at the voice that was suddenly behind him. He jerked away from it, quickly trying to move himself out of the way. His hands were shaking and his heart was hammering in his chest. The words were cruel, but he couldn't even deny them, he was so weak. Everyone was mad at him, everyone picked on him. He didn't have an ally in sight, and he knew no matter what happened, no one would believe him. He was weak. "Go away," he said, weakly, trying to now find his way out of the house of mirrors but having lost where he was in his terror.
Terror pulled his hood up to somewhat conceal his face, and half a mask. He knew that Horror would be wearing something similar outside, at the exit. Terror was thoroughly enjoying this since Gregory could not seem to find his way out of the house of mirrors, so it looked more like he was surrounded by the Slytherin. Terror might not have been physical like Cassius, but he preferred the psychological torture. He got his information about Gregory from his cousin, and knew he was an orphan. He could use this to his advantage. "Poor little Gregory, lost in a maze, can’t find his way out. Can’t say I blame your parents for abandoning you." Terror snickered from the sheer fact of what he was doing. "You should be grateful that people even pay attention to you, even if you end up hurt and broken."
The hufflepuff was terrified, utterly terrified. He couldn't quite make out the face of the person mocking him. He could only see their mask and he was trying to get out, to remove himself from the situation, but the words, hurt. Worse than anything Cassius had done. He knew that whoever this was couldn't possibly know about his parents, his biological ones who had given him up and his adoptive ones who while the best Gregory could ask for, were forcing him back here. He wiped at his eyes, just trying to ignore it in favour of finding a way out of this place. To finding anything that was not here. He just wasn't finding it. but he had to be heading in the right direction.
Terror wondered how the words might have affected him, but could see him wiping his eyes. Ah, so he managed to hurt him. This was entirely too much fun. Terror knew that Gregory was getting close to the exit, where the next surprise would be waiting. He chuckled into the darkness, "You cannot escape. You might be able to leave the hall of mirrors but every time you look at a reflective surface, you'll remember tonight. Yet, what could be waiting at the exit might be worse than what I tell you." Terror doubted that Horror would be able to damage him as much as he could psychologically. But this was thoroughly enjoyable. He doubted that he would be able to do this often at all. Those that he conversed with would heavily disagree with what he was doing.
Gregory was shaking so badly. He was wiping his eyes quickly, trying to just find the exit but caught sight of himself in one of the mirrors, which made him look round, it felt comically if he wasn't terrified at the words the boy spoke hurt. Gregory spotted then the exit, spotting what he had been looking for and darted towards it. If he got out he could leave and then hide in his dorm and maybe never think of this again. He saw the door of the exit and rushed towards it, barely paying attention to anything around him as he headed for it.
Horror managed to snake a chair away from one of the tables, and stood at the exit to the house of mirrors. He had a large bucket of red liquid in his hand. As much as he wanted to have blood, it was impossible to acquire such, even if he raided the Potions supply closet. So, red paint would have to do. He didn't have a mask on since he wasn't doing the torture on the inside. Once he saw who emerged, Horror smirked and dumped the contents toward the unsuspecting Hufflepuff. Horror dropped the bucket and stepped off the chair to smirk cruelly at the work. "Should not have come out, Gregory Friend."
Terror knew what would happen as soon as Gregory left the house of mirrors. He walked out after him, and discarded the mask. He no longer needed it. Horror did not even wear one either. He folded his arms across his chest and shrugged, "Tried to warn you." Terror did not doubt that Gregory would have known that he was a twin. Terror did not let others know so easily. He was secretive about it, though he could not exactly count for Horror and if he told anyone. It was more fun this way if they did not give people a warning.
Gregory stepped out of the fun house and was immediately covered in paint. He froze on the spot and let out a long gasp, as paint dripped from him. He looked up, thankful none had gotten on his glasses and just looked at the boy, the two boys. Gregory didn't linger any longer, just broke into a dead sprint and headed out of the great hall, he was in tears, soaking wet with paint.

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