
Aaliyah Olaf

🍁 daily prophet senior management; bulgarian 🍁
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Hetrosexual)
Sexual Orientation
10/2006 (44)
Aaliyah was grinning as she and her fellow durmstrang student left the girl bathroom with a handful of soggy paper towels. She smiled and set them down in the corner of the corridor and took the first one. Glancing to the celing, she threw it up as hard as she could, and it attached to the stone with a splat. Taking more from the pile, she and her friend began to decorate the celing.

When they were finished, they stepped to aside. By the time they dried they would start hailing on passing students. It took all of Li's efforts not to laugh as boy crossed and was hit.
Benjamin was walking back from the library when he noticed a bunch of giggling girls. That was something they couldn't help but do at all times. This boy was doing serious studying for his last examination tomorrow and somehow he was in no mood for jokes.

Something fell on him, white soggy cloth. He touched it and threw it off his blood red jacket. Looking at the girl who stood in the same corridor and seemed to be a source of this trouble he asked "What in the world do you think you are doing?". His tone was commanding and sharp, not the one he used with girls when he was flirting. At the moment he was a prefect and this kind of prank on a prefect was too much for the girls to handle.
Aaliyah kept a straight face when the boy asked her what she was doing. "Oh. I'm sorry." she gave him a little smile, and glanced to the celing to see how many where left. "You know if you don't want to be hit again, you should probably move to your left" she said encouragingly. At least if he got hit this time, it wouldn't be all her fault. "And it's an experiment. With water" she smiled. "And what would a prefect be doing around here?" she asked grinning. "Aaliyah. Aaliyah Kaziien, but don't take that down if you want to get me in trouble" she said sweetly. She hadn't spoken to anyone like this exept Elenzar. Even Yakov hadn't had the pleasure of her nice side.
Benjamin couldn't help but return the smile. Moving towards the left wall of the corridor he introduced himself "Benjamin" and then looked up raising an eyebrow. "I won't give you in this time" he said with another smile. "How exactly did you make that?"he asked Aaliyah.
Aaliyah gave a slight nod when he said his name. Still smiling she replied, "Oh, this?" she tossed the soggy paper in her hand just as the peice she'd warned him around rocketed to the floor. "Just water a paper" she grinned. She chucked them to her friend who managed to catch them and walk off. "This time?" Li laughed. She was famous for getting into trouble. "Don't worry. You won't have to wait long then" she smiled.
Ben jumped aside as another 'thing' fell down from the ceiling. "Then how come it sticks to the ceiling?"he asked confused by what the girls had created for this prank. "Will have to see what you plan for next time" he said with a smile.

Telling the scared students gathered around in the corridor to clear off before some of this fell on them he once again returned to the girl.
"Don't you have to study for your upcoming NEWTs?"he asked Aaliyah. He sounded like a total freak at the moment but when it came to studies, Ben was a serious dude. He would leave aside all his sweet and flirtatious talks when Benjamin was serious. Although this teenager didn't take time to change personalities, at the moment he didn't feel like flirting with Aaliyah. Maybe you can ask her to meet you some other time the flirty part in him suggested.
Aaliyah made a face at the first sign of work, "ergh no. I'm just going to wing it" she grinned to herself. "To me, it's not about intelligence that gets you far." she said. "And with my past, ive got far on my own." Growing up on her own since she was just six had made her very independent. "Who needs school? I mean sure Durmstrang is fun and you learn magic, but i don't need grades to tell me how great i am" she shrugged.

"Oh and because the water makes it gooy" she smiled, a old trick she got off her friend.
Benjamin heard Aaliyah and grinned at her. "Of course there's much more creative talent then being a bookworm" he said with a chuckle agreeing fully with her. As she told her that the water made it gooy, he watched the damped tissues bemused at the prank idea.

"What conclusions did you draw ,Ms.Kaziien, from your experiment?"he asked her grinning at his accent and business like tone. It was fun to joke around for a while before his next class and as the Head Prefect he had to ensure that all of the tissue stuck on the ceiling was disposed off before he walked out of the corridor.

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