Merry Christmas, HNZ!

Artemis Tuuri

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!

It's currently Christmas Eve here in Australia, but since I was finished it now, I'd like to present to you the map of Obsidian Harbour!

1. Gladrag's Wizard Wear
2. Magical Menagerie
3. Eyelop's Owl Emporium
4. New Zealand Express
5. Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Emporium
6. The Apothecary
7. Flourish and Blotts
8. Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop
9. The Second Hand Store
10. Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes
11. Quality Quidditch Supplies
12. Ollivander's
13. The Leaky Cauldron
14. Miscellaneous Shops
15. Accommodation
Admins, if you'd like to use it you can do as you please, place it where you like. HNZ Wiki, perhaps? There are a few things different, a few thing messed up and a few things cooler than before. Such as the background colour.

Everything here's been done by hand except for the font, so that colour has been created by tea bags xD. (Nerve racking to try, in case I messed it up.) There might be some quibbles with such things like "Why are the numbers so big?" (any smaller and they'd not go with the rest) and "I don't want my shop there, I want it there!" (suck it up, I could only work from my mind's eye xD) and "Since when does this street go on to this street?" (It does now.) Whatever the case, feel free to post a comment or a quibble below, because I case fix things up. Not the graphics, just the placings etc.</FONT>
Merry Christmas!​
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Wow, that must have taken a lot of time. Great job!

I really love the map.

It's going to be really useful!
Well Done

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