Mentor And Friends

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Adriana Clarke

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Hey Everyone!

I have my character Adrian here. To be frank, she isn't very nice. The thing is, it'd be interesting to see if that can change over time. So what I'm asking is maybe a mentor for her (preferably a couple years older) to teach her to be more kind towards others?
So just let me know!


Another thing! My friend just joined, her character's name is Andy Samuels! Andy is very shy and would love some other first year friends. So, if you're interested in that, just PM her!

I have Sara here- she would like a project. :D I sound like an evil scientist.

Okay-so here we go. Sara is a Ravenclaw-obviously and she has a twin, kate. Two younger siblings-one a first year Slytherin, the other a first year Ravenclaw.

So, why I think this would work is-Sara would at first dislike Adrianna, because she hates bullies, mean people etc. But if she learned more about Adrianna she would take her on. So- I'm thinking that maybe Sara could sort of reprimand her when she's mean and set her straight make her apologise and such. If Adrianna is into fashion or reading etc. She could have a kind of "Hero" kind of thing going on with Sara-as she is smart and very fashionable, and that would be the only reason she actually listens to Sara.

What do you think?
I'd love that! Would you mind setting up a thread for these two?

Two things to offer. First, my other second year, Crytal Hayden.
She's a mean girl who likes things her way. She can appear very sweet
And is really just a nice girl playing up to the Slytherin title. She likes
To dress in casual and stylish clothes. She's quite energetic but if necessary
Will bring out the claws. She'd also fight someone who insulted her friends.

And then I have fifth year Slytherin, Lily Fossil, and since Sara is kind of like
The good influence who'll eventually win, Lily could be this terrible evil influence.
Lily is a b!tch. There is no other way to put it. She's out for herself, doesn't really
Care about others and isn't too bothered about making friends. She has a sharp
Tongue but doesn't fight. She's quiet but that's how she operates. She's a liar
And doesn't trust people. The thing about Lily is that she could pretend to be
the nicest person, but she doesn't bother and while has attempted to change
hasn't stuck to it. She'd see the potential in Adriana to be a really great
Slytherin, and try to bring that out. If Sara is the "Hero" then Lily is the Villian
I'm still think of ways for this to work, but tis just a suggestion, tis cool for you to
Not like.

~ Emzies
Stefan - I'd actually love a character like Lily. It would be interesting to see how the polar personalities influenced Adriana. Haha! She sounds absolutely amazing (By Slytherin standards, anyway.)
Adriana Clarke said:
Stefan - I'd actually love a character like Lily. It would be interesting to see how the polar personalities influenced Adriana. Haha! She sounds absolutely amazing (By Slytherin standards, anyway.)

Awesome. I think the polar opposites will be quite fun to
do. Lily would have a lot of fun with it anyway.
Would you like to start something? Or shall I?
I'd suggest my character Clarke Menson. He doesn't like most people either and likes to be in charge. :)
Stefan - It would be great if you could start something! I don't really have the time to at the moment. :lol:

George - I think he'd be fun to roleplay with! PM me about a thread!
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