Memory Lane 💭

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
HNZ has officially come of age! :party::party::party: And with that means a lot of history and a lot of stories! We encourage you to use this space to share a favorite story. Tell us about that time you spent the whole night plotting, or your first time experiencing an open roleplay, tell us about your struggle to find the perfect playby and the aha moment as you find the perfect one. We'll be back throughout the month to drop some prompts to hopefully keep the conversation flowing throughout the month. ^_^

Can't wait to hear your fun stories.
I remember when I first changed Styx over to Rhys Ifans. I was watching Little Nicky and just knew that he was perfect. The way he looked, his expressions, it just oozed Styx.
Honestly I've forgotten most of my original time here because my brain is bad and I never did anything that was especially memorable :r I have vague memories of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, making team Durmstrang with everyone and all the heartbreak they brought. :lol:

The site was very different back in 2008, it's great seeing how it's evolved and how the general writing has improved over time. There's a lot of people from back in the day I miss seeing around but its a great group here :wub:
i have a habit of siblings to characters picking one PB when I first create the eldest child that's being sorted, and then being really stuck on the siblings PBs, until I have to create them and sort them, and then watch me change it like six times before I'm happy.

And really, I'm not sure how much this still happens to others, but I'll be watching something or see an actor and still associate them with a character, like america ferrera is just Cyndi. Or when characters PBs are in the same thing or take a picture together it's always an oh hey moment.

TBH, i've been on HNZ for a long while at this point, there are so many odd memories, like the first few threads I was in are ones I still remember with such clarity. But there are so many good moments, or like good year groups sometimes, RPing Victoire in the election has reminded me of how much fun that year group was like, the Avie, Lucien and Esme triangle or the Jean Victoire stuff, or just the fun in it. But then more recently, every single one of the shenginans of the Eric Holland year group, the spin the bottles threads which were such fun.

I think too, working on all the old yearbooks, and looking at those has been really fun, there are so many characters you forget about, and though it was a mammoth task, it is worth it, to always have a record of those and the old happenings. Maybe the yearbook should bring back ads. xD
It's hard to find a favorite moments. Just the whole journey has been great. Meeting people IRL has definitely been the top - Annaleise, Teigan, Tenile, Claire, Pheeb, Emzies :wub: Stupid that I haven't even met some of the people in my own country yet :lol:

A highlight for me was becoming GM and then Admin. They are not easy undertakings, believe you me, (especially admin!!!) but I loved getting to do the work behind the scenes, and finding out just how much work goes on behind the scenes. But also in undertaking that journey, I feel I got to know a lot of different people and as the cliche' saying goes, I love the people on this site.

A not so favorite story is setting my alarm for 2am or something stupid for Quidditch, and finding that I was literally a minute late and the quaffle or something was stolen already. ANGERY

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