Memories, Where'd You Go?

Ashlyn O'Neil

Active Member
OOC First Name
Holly, Veela Hair, 10 inches, Springy
"Ashlyn, go home."

Ashlyn glanced up from the paperwork she was filling out and into the concerned gaze of one of the head healers. She had stayed at the hospital long enough, working two round the clock shifts, and taking a nap in the residency rooms in between them. She knew protesting would be futile. As a healer, she needed her sleep to remain attentive. Otherwise it would be a lawsuit waiting to happen. Work had been a useful distraction the past three days she had spent away from Demyx. How is one supposed to act around their... fiance? The word was so foreign to Ashlyn. But she missed him. And she knew it.

After apparating back to her flat, she stripped off the lime green St. Mungo's robes. After changing into a simply, light blue dress, she sat down at her desk. As she scrawled out a letter, her gaze fell on the diamond engagement ring on her finger. She was his. And he was hers. This had to be a dream. In what world would she possibly agree to marry a man who had only been in her life for one night? Okay, that was a lie. Demyx had known her since they were kids. Still, it was so.... odd. "Are you busy tonight?" She scrawled in neat cursive, then sent it off with her owl. Now there was nothing to do except await a response. If she'd even get one.
Demyx sat in the study of his manor, scrawling his report on the mission he had been on the past two days. He was tired, and wasnt really in the mood for a formal report, but after another Auror had been killed on Dem's watch, he stay up and filled out the report. He sighed to himself, looking at the picture of himself, Ashlyn and Cedric he had found in the basement from when they were kids. Everything had been so peaceful back then, with no cared in the world. Now, everything was a constant struggle, and sometimes he just felt like giving up. But as he looked at his fiance, he smiled, and felt a renewed boost of energy. He finished the report, and no sooner had he dotted the last full stop, an owl flew through the open window.

He hadnt seen the owl before, and it made him curious. He pulled the letter from the owls peak, and unfolded it. He smiled as he saw who's name was signed at the bottom. He instantly pulled some parchment out of his draw, and sprawled 'Just got back, and was hoping to see you? Come spend the night... I'll order a movie and some takeout. I love you,' he finished, drawing a small heart on the parchment and giving it to the owl.
Ashlyn felt physically exhausted, though her mind was still alert as always. It seemed as though she never got sleep. Sleeping potions had stopped long ago, and after an incident in which she learned NOT to mix it with alcohol, she was afraid to even keep some on hand. Her eyes flicked back to the ring. Engaged. She was engaged! It still felt so weird to say, not that anyone knew. A few curious healers had glanced at the ring, but one look at Ashlyn ensured they would shut up and leave her alone.

She didn't have to wait long for a reply, and when it arrived, Ashlyn donned her coat and heels. She felt satisfied that she looked ad decent as she possibly could after such extended hours at St. Mungo's. And if Demyx didn't like it, well.... she still had the same awesome bat bogey hex skills she had at age thirteen, after all. The thought made her smile, and she apparated to his place. She walked up to the front porch, a slight sense of eerie. Walking alone in the dark could do this to her. Ashlyn rapped on the door with her knuckles, then slipped her hands into the pockets of her coat while she waited.
Demyx had just sent the report off with his owl to the ministry and had quickly gone in to change into some decent clothes when he heard a knock on the door. He knew it would be Ashlyn, because he didnt have any other friends besides Maybelle, and she was currently hunting Annabelle. "Hail, can you get that please?" he called as he pulled on a pair of his favourite Denim jeans, and a black singlet. He had an expesive built in heating system through the whole house, so it was quite warm inside, despite the weather outside.

Dem called running out of his down, and had just made it to the banister when the house elf opened the door. He smiled at Ashlyn when he saw her, and turned to Hail. "Uh, Hail dear, this is my fiance, Ashlyn." he explained, and grinned at the funny look the elf gave him. He gave her the 'I'll explain later' look. "We're going to be ordering takeout and a movie. Would you like me to order you something?" he asked, and when the house elf declined, saying she had a stew on, he smiled and nodded, watching her head back towards the kitchen.

He bounced down the stairs, and ushered Ashlyn in from the cold, embracing her as she entered. He closed the door behind her, shutting off the cold, and took her coat, placing it on the stand. "By the looks of you, you have been busy while ive been away. Looks like movie and takeout in bed tonight?" he asked, grinning and picking up the muggle phone. "What food do you fancy?" he asked, taking her hand and leading her upstairs to his room. He opened one of the doors in his TV cabinet, showing a couple of hundred muggle DVD's. "I think we're set for the movie..." he said, smiling and indicating for her to get comfortable in bed, where she could relax in the warmth of his electric blankets.
Ashlyn began to shiver in the cold, though it was probably more from nerves than anything else. She always didn't feel quite comfortable outside in the dark. Too much could happen. Too much was left up to fate. Too much of this exact setting that riddled her with nightmares for the last four years of her life. Demyx didn't know that, though. No, by that rate he had been out of everyone's lives. Never to be heard from again. Until now.

She smiled politely at the house elf, watching in a stunned manor at the politeness and respect in which Demyx treated the creature. That was.... well, it was reassuring, really. She stayed quiet while Demyx helped her out of her coat, and didn't really speak until they were upstairs. "Anything's fine, really." Ashlyn finally stammered out, sitting on his bed. She kicked off her heels, then curled up, her head hitting one of the feathery pillows. "I haven't been to bed in two days. Long shift at the hospital," she explained, unable to stifle a yawn.
Demyx watched her with a worried look. Now that he could actually see her, she looked worse than he did after a month long mission in the wild. He tossed on the movie 'Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging,' and made a quick phone call to the local chinese takeout, ordering their baquet deal. He placed the phone on the caninet, and walked over to sit next to his fiance. He placed a hand on her leg, and rubbed it gently. "Your overworking yourself..." he said to her,the worried tone all to obvious. "What help are you going to be to a patient if your falling all over them from drowsiness?" he asked her, crawling onto the bed to curl up around her.

He flicked play on the DVD remote, and pulled the plankets up over Jess and himself, trying to warm her up. "Do you want to take that dress off? I have slacks and a long sleeve t-shirt if its yet." he offered, and then bit her earlobe gently, whispering "Or you could just take it off altogether," as he pulled his singlet off, and wrapped his arms around her. He was such a bad influence.
Ashlyn's blue eyes flicked to the screen, and a smile tugged at her lips. She could remember watching it as a teenager. Why Demyx owned it was beyond her. Then he was in bed next to her, and she leaned against him, basking in his comfort. Maybe she could get used to this whole "engaged" thing. "I don't sleep very much," she explained. Just another thing Demyx had no clue about. "And when I do, I get nightmares. I've learned to adjust."

She snuggled under the blankets, and right up next to Demyx. Her hand stroked his bare chest lightly once his shirt was removed. "Here I was thinking you just invited me over for fun." She commented in an amused tone. "Plus I'd hate for your darling house elf to hear." Ashlyn snickered, and promptly hid her face against Demyx's chest. He'd probably hate her for the tease, but bring it on.
Demyx frowned at the new piece of information, but decided not to question it. She would tell him when she was ready, and he would wait for that to find out why she didnt sleep, and the nightmares seemed even more troubling. He played with her hair with his free hand, the other keeping his supported as he lay on his side. He smiled at her when she watched him, and kissed her gently on the lips. He was loving being engaged, and Ashlyn made it all the more special by just being here with him. "I was inviting you over for fun... But, i think your ready. We might leave that particular subject for another day." he said, chuckling as he kissed her forhead.
Ashlyn was conflicted. Obviously Demyx had a right to know what was going on in her head. It was what had kept her up all overs of the night the past couple of days, debating whether to tell him or not. To open up those wounds that had only just recently healed. "I.... umm....." She fumbled for a moment with her words, trying to get it out, but them simply shook her head and hid her face again. She didn't want to kill the mood.

Ashlyn accepted the kiss, but then let out another snicker. "Care to explain why you even own this movie? The curiosity is killing me." The teasing smirk had settled into place effortlessly on her lips once more. Before he could even say anything though, she leaned in and nipped at his bottom lip before pulling back, expression expectant.
Demyx looked at Ashlyn suspicously, but let it go when she tried to hide what she had been about to say. She was obviously having some inner struggle, and he didnt know what it was, but it worried it. When she suddenly changed the subject, he grinned at her. It was true, this was a stange movie for someone of his age to have, but it held a memory that was of value to him. "This is the same dvd me, you, chase, blaine and cedric watched way back when..." he explained with a small chuckle.
Ashlyn looked confused for a moment, then peeked out over the edge of the blanket at the screen. Ahh, so it was. The memory came back to her full force, and she was once against her thirteen year old self. She glanced back to Demyx and hit his stomach. "You guys teased the hell out of me for watching this, and now you OWN it?" She shook her head at the ludicrousness of it all. Things really did come full circle, apparently. "Have you talked to Cedric at all?" She asked, while they were on the topic.
Demyx couldnt help but laugh as he listened to her complain. It seemed so silly as they layed here, engaged and happy, while he remembered back when they were teenagers, watching this same movie and pretending they didnt like each other. "Yes, well technically ive owned it since we last watched it together, this being that same movie, so i dont see what the fuss is about." he said, and his smile fell a bit when she mentioned Cedric. He hadnt seen his childhood friend in years, and everytime he had gone to see him of late, had chickened out, not knowing what Ced's reaction would be to the recent events. "Uh, no... I havent seen him since that night..." he said, flashes of his parents bodies laying on the floor coming to his mind. He shook then away.
Ashlyn's smile turned uneasy and sympathetic. The flash was brief, but she had noticed the most subtle change in expression. It had been years since her brother had been in contact with Demyx. It didn't seem right that she was the first one to talk to him again. "He'd like to see you, yknow..." Ashlyn murmured, raking her fingers through Demyx's hair. "He's sent you many owls over the years, and searched for you so often. I think he misses his best friend. It'd do you both some good." Of course Cedric wouldn't react pleasantly to the news. There was a reason why Ashlyn hadn't yet told anyone about the engagement. Even when she caught them staring at the rock on her slender finger. She'd explain when she was good and ready, and that wasn't going to happen until Cedric knew.
Demyx had known about the owls. He had received all of them, most of them leaving him in tears, and almost all of them leading to sleepless nights. He sighed, knowing that he was obliged to go and see Ced. A part of him was overly scared about his friends reaction to the engagement, and another part of him was worried what the reaction from Ced would be for never returning any of his owls. "I know, i know..." he sighed, staring into her eyes. "I love you." he said, kissing her.
Ashlyn returned the kiss but averted her gaze as he stated that he loved her. Of course she loved him in return, but she wasn't sure he would feel the same once he knew what had happened in his absence. After struggling for a moment, she managed to sit up. "A lot happened while you were gone, yknow. A lot changed." That much was evident. Up until Demyx had disappeared, Ashlyn had been a wild child on the brink of self destruction. She hadn't always been the cool, composed, collected young woman she know was. Demyx needed to know the truth.
Demyx's face fell a little when she didnt say it back. He should have realised, of course, that she wouldnt be ready to say it, but it still made him feel a little down. When she looked away, his face became one of confusion, and he frowned to himself. What she said next scared him a little, and it took him a while to reply. "What happened then...?" he asked, voice barely a whisper.
Maybe Demyx wouldn't think it was such a big deal. Not when he had suffered the loss of his entire family. But with Ashlyn... it explained a lot. Her skepticism about love, her chronic insomnia and the violent nightmares that plagued her sleep when she did manage to get some. He had the right to know. "I'm sure you remember my friend Jerard." Or maybe he didn't. The boy had became Ashlyn's best friend when she was in the fourth year, and they had progressed their relationship during her fifth. For a while, he was the only person in the world that Ash felt understood her, heart and soul. Silly assumptions to make as a kid, really. "Shortly after you left, he was executed by death eaters. In front of me."
Demyx waited for her reply, wondering what could make her act this way. She looked somewhat scared to tell him, and it made his mind race with a number of thoughts, none of which made him feel good. Then she spoke, and his mind seemed to race even more. Jerard... He remembered him. "The kid that had that crush on you? He followed you around like a wet dog, and we always thought.... wait, what?" he said, hearing the second bit and instantly sitting up. He wasnt sure he had heard her right, but after waiting a few moments realised he must have. "They killed him.... INFRONT OF YOU?" he exclaimed, on his feet, pulling his jeans on. He buckled them up with lightning speed, and then had his wand in his hand as he looked for a shirt. "I'll kill them..." he said, his rage taking over, forgetting that this had happened years ago.
It felt like somewhat of a weight was lifted off her shoulders. She hadn't discussed Jerard's death with anyone, but had instead mentally tortured herself with thoughts of him that she kept to herself. As Demyx stated his recognition of Jerard, her expression clouded over with anger. There had been so much more to what she shared with the boy than a stupid crush. "Demyx...." Ashlyn sighed and got out of bed, crossing to the door. She locked it, then leaned against it, blocking his entrance. "My cousin took care of it. But if I seem.... different, or careful, or overly cautious about this entire ordeal.... that's why. You have a right to know."
Demyx calmed down somewhat when she said it had been taken care of, and when he thought about it, he had acted stupidly. He sighed, placing his want on the table. He watched her, smiling at the way she guarded the door. "Im sorry..." he said, crossing the distance between them and hugging her. He chuckled and lifted her over his shoulder, carrying her back to the bed, and laying her down. He climbed onto the bed next to her, and wrapped his arms around her. "You loved him..." he said, more as a comment then a question. He could tell by the look on her face.
Ashlyn was cautious, preparing to use force if necessary to stop Demyx from acting irrationally. She looked at him defiantly, her blue gaze steady. But then the seriousness had passed and she was tossed back onto the bed. Figures. Sometimes she could swear the guy was bipolar with his sudden switch in attitude. But hadn't he always been that way? "With everything I was." She whispered to him in confirmation. He had been the only one she allowed herself to feel that emotion for.... until now. "And it tore me apart," She confessed with a shrug, resting her head against his shoulder.
Demyx wasnt sure what to say to her comment, so he just sat there in silense, staring at her face and wondering what was to happen now that it was all in the open. Was she still not over Jerard? Had Demyx somewhat forced her into this marriage? Did she even love Demyx? These thoughts and more swirled around in his head, and he wasnt sure of what to make of them all, so he merely tried pushing them out of his mind. He didnt want to think bad thoughts, and he especially didnt want to voice his troubles while she was opening up to him. "Well... I love you, Ashlyn. Even if you cant say it back." he said, smiling as he played with her fingers.
Demyx's concerns were completely justified. What happened with Jerard had been an emotionally traumatizing experience. But it had been nearly four years ago. She had accepted it, even if her sub conscious continued to torture her with the images in her sleep. Given, she hadn't dated very much after Jerard's death. She had never been motivated too. It seemed so... superficial. But now she was here with Demyx, who loved her. Who needed her. Who would she be to deny him....? "I love you too, Demyx. I wouldn't have agreed to marry you otherwise. I'm sorry I've been guarded," She apologized in a whisper, leaning up to press her lips to his.
Demyx couldnt help but smiled as she kissed him, wrapping an arm around her body, and sliding the other up so his hand cupped her cheek. Those three little words had been the one thing he had ever wanted to hear her say, since they had been teenagers, and now, finally, she had said it. He layed there for minutes, blissfully kissing his fiance, with not a care in the world. Well, that was, until he heard the door bell. He pulled away from her, skipping down the stairs to open the door, pay the delivery boy and skipped back up the stairs, placing the chinese food on the desk and bouncing back over to Ashlyn. "No, where were we?" he grinned, kissing her again.
"There's a couple things you need to understand-" Ashlyn was cut off by an onslaught of kisses, but she, of course, welcomed them. She pressed into him, returning the kiss joyously, willing herself to let go of the worry that had plagued her since her encounter with Demyx. It was easy to let go now that she had confessed the reason why she was so reluctant. She kissed him enthusiastically, letting out a groan of protest when he pulled away at the doorbell. While he was gone, she readjusted her hair, waiting his return. And as he crawled back into bed beside her, Ashlyn immediately snuggled up to him, reclaiming his lips. "You tell me..." She murmured.

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